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Aliyah for young yeshivish family

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Post Wed, Mar 13 2024, 11:51 am
I'm curious to hear recommendations about where we would look into in Israel.

We are young, OOT, yeshivish family. My kids are not school age yet, so they'd integrate pretty easily wherever we go. No movies, no smartphones, only internet for work etc.

I have A LOT of family in israel. They are yerushalmi, chassidish, and chareidi. In areas like yerushalayim, beit shemesh (B), etc. When I was in Israel I was extremely close to all these cousins and spent most shabbosim with them. I also made a lot of mainstream chareidi friends at the time (girls in yashan, snif etc. in yerushalayim).

My husband does not speak hebrew and I don't think new languages comes easily to him. He has been learning in kollel for a number of years and gives a lot of kiruv oriented shiurim (to non frum jews) as well as working with bochurim. He ideally would want a position where he can work in a high school or beis medrash with English speaking boys.

We are not city people. We love our space, enjoy the slower pace of out of town.

I work in hi tech so finding a job would either mean working remotely for an American company, or having access to the right opportunity. Tel Aviv/Haifa/Rehovot?

With the current climate we feel like we are at the right stage to make the move. Additionally, I really miss EY, the simplicity, and living with purpose that we don't have in America to the same level.
Obviously would consult with daas torah but curious to hear thoughts on communities.
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Post Wed, Mar 13 2024, 11:54 am
Look into Neve Yaakov
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Post Wed, Mar 13 2024, 3:09 pm
I think you'll find RBS a bit to the left of where u are, but there is your crowd there in some parts of ג and ד

Givaat Zeev Hachadasha, Beitar, or Neve Yaakov, French Hill, and Ramat Shlomo in Jerusalem all sound like good fits, but they are expensive. Further out places won't have opportunities for your husband in english. Personally, Givaat Zeev sound like the best fit,

Though if you go into tech, plus a chinuch salary eventually you guys will be ok. There are more chances for a job in one of the plethora of post hs programs in english that there are, but the salaries are really not great.

You may also have trouble putting together a down payment in those high cost areas (you need 30%)

If you can get a remote job from the states I would recommend that route if you can. The Israeli salaries are equal or better, but they rarely offer remote work, and the good salaries are primarily in Tel Aviv. If you come with a remote american job you will reduce a LOT of the aliya stress.
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Post Wed, Mar 13 2024, 3:15 pm
I was also going to suggest Givat Zeev
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Post Wed, Mar 13 2024, 3:24 pm
amother Cyclamen wrote:
I was also going to suggest Givat Zeev

Pm me if you want to hear about GZ.
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Post Wed, Mar 13 2024, 3:27 pm
Beitar might be a good choice also
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Post Wed, Mar 13 2024, 3:50 pm
I'm confused about where you want to live. You mentioned TA/Haifa/Rehovot, but said you want open space. Does that mean you'd be okay living in a low-key community within commuting distance of those cities?

Also, I wanted to mention that many Israeli hi-tech workers have hybrid jobs, working from home a couple of days each week. That might expand your job options.
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Post Wed, Mar 13 2024, 4:43 pm
amother Bellflower wrote:
I think you'll find RBS a bit to the left of where u are, but there is your crowd there in some parts of ג and ד

Givaat Zeev Hachadasha, Beitar, or Neve Yaakov, French Hill, and Ramat Shlomo in Jerusalem all sound like good fits, but they are expensive. Further out places won't have opportunities for your husband in english. Personally, Givaat Zeev sound like the best fit,

Though if you go into tech, plus a chinuch salary eventually you guys will be ok. There are more chances for a job in one of the plethora of post hs programs in english that there are, but the salaries are really not great.

You may also have trouble putting together a down payment in those high cost areas (you need 30%)

If you can get a remote job from the states I would recommend that route if you can. The Israeli salaries are equal or better, but they rarely offer remote work, and the good salaries are primarily in Tel Aviv. If you come with a remote american job you will reduce a LOT of the aliya stress.

I am already in tech and can possibly work remote for my current company. We would definitely want to rent to see how things go before buying. Which areas in Givaat Zeev have young families?
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Post Wed, Mar 13 2024, 4:46 pm
Does GZ have an English crowd?
Neve Yaakov has and also that American Yeshiva I think called Beis? maybe her husband can get a job there. it also a lot easier and closer travel wise to other yeshivas in Sanhedria/RE/Romema if he gets a position there.
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Post Wed, Mar 13 2024, 4:47 pm
DrMom wrote:
I'm confused about where you want to live. You mentioned TA/Haifa/Rehovot, but said you want open space. Does that mean you'd be okay living in a low-key community within commuting distance of those cities?

Also, I wanted to mention that many Israeli hi-tech workers have hybrid jobs, working from home a couple of days each week. That might expand your job options.

Hybrid work is ideal to be honest.
I only mentioned those because I've heard there are hi-tech opportunities there.
Not for any other reason.
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Post Wed, Mar 13 2024, 5:04 pm
You should inquire first where your husband can get a job and then choose where to live based on that. You certainly seem Yeshivish enough to fit anywhere and not have a problem with the system. But all the neighborhoods mentioned on this thread are quite different and you'd need to do a small pilot trip to just get a feel for each one.
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Post Wed, Mar 13 2024, 6:16 pm
amother Purple wrote:
Does GZ have an English crowd?
Neve Yaakov has and also that American Yeshiva I think called Beis? maybe her husband can get a job there. it also a lot easier and closer travel wise to other yeshivas in Sanhedria/RE/Romema if he gets a position there.

Agan Haayalot in GZ has a lot of young yeshvish Americans.

I disagree that neve yaakov is easier to travel to other american yeshivos. Maybe to Sanhedria, but not Romema or the Old city or any of the other areas. My SIL lives in Neve Yaakov and it takes her an hour to get to work in givaat shaul during rush hour.

My cousin lives in GZ and works in Givaat Shaul and it takes her the same amount of time.

Also Neve Yaakov doesn't have so many young american families - more Israelis and american israelis. And its an ugly area and very urban. I think Ramat Shlomo is a better fit if they want to be closer to the center of jerusalem, and its a much nicer area aesthetically.
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Post Wed, Apr 10 2024, 6:16 pm
There are so many places for you. Your children are still young so you can still run around. check places on Shabbat. Look at the shuls. Do people come up to you? Take your time and check out.
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