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Forum -> Interesting Discussions -> Inspirational
Let's inspire each other!positive/bitachon financial stories

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Post Mon, Apr 08 2024, 3:42 am
Pesach is a stressful time for all financially!!
I am sure I am not the only one struggling to believe that Hashem will provide us with everything we need so I thought maybe ppl can share their stories when they had bitachon and saw a yeshua!(particularly financial related)
I would start but I unfortunately am too quick to forget all the positive stories... Sad
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Post Mon, Apr 08 2024, 5:02 am
I have so many... when you're looking out for the nissim, they're all over!
Here's one of the big and very obvious ones.
When I had my oldest, my company had recently become Israeli (meaning, until then everything was on 'American books' and then they switched to being on the 'Israeli books'). It wasn't enough time legally for me to get maternity leave from Bituach Leumi. (You have to work in a company for a certain amount of time in order to get the coverage, but since we were newly on the Israeli books, I didn't qualify.) It was very frustrating but I obviously needed to take some time off after birth so we just davened and hoped for the best. Within the first few weeks, we got a Bituach Leumi transfer of thousands and thousands of shekel into our account. It was much more than the typical. I was nervous because it was obviously a mistake and I didn't want to be accused of anything. So I called bituach leumi and they told me that it was a mistake but they already gave it to us so we could keep it! It was enough to give us the 'salary' I needed for 2 months until I was able to start working again. Hashem is incredible!
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Post Mon, Apr 08 2024, 5:42 am
Here's another, for pesach:
One year, we were making pesach, and we really didn't have the funds for it. Actually, our accounts were practically empty even before Pesach. Out of nowhere, my fil called me and told me he had some extra money and he put $2500 into our account! My in laws are wonderful but they aren't well off so they don't usually give us any financial support. This was so unexpected and really helped tide us over. TYH!
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Post Mon, Apr 08 2024, 5:48 am
Once we needed to pay for a medical expense over 10,000 NIS. The following month a check came in the mail for exactly that amount (something tax / grant related).

A few years ago before pesach we didn't know how we're going to manage the necessary expenses, and a family member gifted us exactly what we needed (we didn't ask or share the situation with anyone).

This Pesach we also have lots of expenses and there was an issue with payments that needed to get to us, we thought we would just have to be in minus for a while until the issue was resolved and we were paid. Last week we got a grant that covered our minus that same day it happened, and then some more. We were also gifted nice amounts from 2 different family members so we have a lot more than we expected. And a week ago we really didn't know how we were going to pull through... Hashem took care of us Smile

Just saying, we're pretty responsible when handling our finances and don't rely on miracles, but sometimes our income just doesn't cover it and we see amazing things happen.
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Post Mon, Apr 08 2024, 6:53 am
These are lovely to read but just realize that these things do not happen for everyone.
We live month to month and have been in debt in the past.
Never had a financial yeshua ever.
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Post Mon, Apr 08 2024, 7:50 am
Of course these stories don't happen on such large scales always but there is no doubt that if you open your eyes to see Hashem is always taking care of us. I do also believe it depends on the level of trust you put in him.
from what you wrote it sounds like you are in a hard place and it must be very difficult to feel trust in Hashem but maybe try to start small you might be surprised.
either way I really wanted to keep this a positive thread only as opposed to the many other financial woe threads please.
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Post Mon, Apr 08 2024, 7:59 am
I remember many times my father would come home and tell us these kind of stories that happened to him.

my parents are both very very honest and hardworking people. they give it their all and live extremely responsibly and budgeted... but sometimes I guess, the money just did not match up.

he told us that he sat in his car and realized that there was nothing left on this earth for him to do so he davened and said Hashem - these are your children too.. please I did all my hishtadlus and now its in your hands...
anyhow that day he came home and found in the mail a signifigant amount of money in the mail from some kind of old insurance payment!

this was a theme throughout our childhood and he constantly reinforced the idea that you try your best and work hard and then ultimately Hashem gives.
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Post Tue, Apr 09 2024, 11:52 pm
now I have one!
last week I needed to do a shopping for shabbos but I had no money so I decided to use a debit card that had money in the account but not for that purpose, I figured its shabbos expenses and Hashem will pay back.
this week I was in touch with amazon about a product that had an issue and they gave me a 14$ refund. as I went to place an order from amazon with that debit card and part of the credit towards that oder(someone had transferred into that account money for shoes I was going to order from amazon)
I noticed that the credit was 63 and not 14 - turns out that they had refunded me for the total amount of the order instead of just one item! (and yes I found out that it is ok to keep the money)
basically I did not need to use my debit card in the end and the money stayed there towards the shabbos shopping which was just about the same amount!

now realizing that this whole shpeil might not be understandable to all but hope you get the point!
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Post Wed, Apr 10 2024, 12:13 am
One year before Shavuos, we were paying for out yeshivas and high school and my 12th grader got into sem. The sem wanted half payment before shavuos. So now we were paying the outrageous sem cost together with a few kids out of town yeshivas and high school and payments for summer camps too. So things were tight and I didn't go shopping for yom tov until the night before as I was trying to save as much as I could for yom tov. I came to check out by kollel store and one of the managers came to me and gave me kollel money to help for yom tov. It was the amount I needed for yom tov and to tide us over until grant money came through. I was crying this money from kollel was mamash min hashamayim. I don't think the manager realized what a big help it really was.
I've also had times when we gave tzedokah and then that sale day it was given back to me in a refund or present.
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Post Wed, Apr 10 2024, 7:26 am
My husband was out of work for a few months. He had been job hunting and getting very few interviews. He basically said "Hashem I did my histadlus and everything else is in your hands". Very shortly after a company reached out and interviewed him and bh he's been working for them for just about 3/4 of a year now.
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Post Wed, Apr 10 2024, 12:40 pm
DH had major surgery and was disabled. I worked small jobs that were not regular or steady. Somehow our Bill's were paid. I said to hashem, "I know you are paying our bills, but for my piece of mind I need to know how they will be paid". A week later I was called and offered a job. I had not applied to any jobs. Almost 12 years later and I'm still in that job.
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