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Baby wont take bottle
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Post Sun, Nov 27 2005, 11:27 am
Ive tried pumping plenty of times and my son wont take it. Sometimes I need to get out and its impossible to leave him with a babysitter. I havent even tried getting a babysitter though b/c my husband tried giving hom the bottle and he only took a little bit. (He wont take any from me at all- smart baby!)
Anyone with a similar experience have suggestions?
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Post Sun, Nov 27 2005, 11:33 am
yes, my baby is the same way. I can only go out for 3 hours the most because I need to nurse my baby... if they wont take a bottle im not sure if theres anything you can do. unsless you want to force them, which I wouldnt....

Last edited by happymom on Sun, Nov 27 2005, 12:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Sun, Nov 27 2005, 11:43 am
happymom wrote:
yes, my baby is the same way. I can only go our for 3 hours the most because I need to nurse my baby... if they wont take a bottle im not sure if theres anything you can do. unsless youw ant to force them, which I wouldnt....

I wish it was 3 hours! Its unpredictable- sometimes he wants to nurse after an hour and a half, so I pretty much have to take him everywhere or I can only go out for a really short amount of time.
Also- when I take him out, it would be so much easier if he'd take a bottle sometimes. I dont like nursing in public and even if I wouldnt mind, a lot of times theres no privacy or even a place to sit.
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Post Sun, Nov 27 2005, 11:47 am
Once I had to leave for three hours. Although I fed the baby (2-3mos. at the time) right before I left, the babysitter said he started crying very soon after. She tried to give him the bottle that I left, but he was getting very frustrated. The poor baby screamed for three hours till I got back! When I checked the bottle, I realized the nipple hole wasn't good, nothing would come through!(I don't know why the babysitter didn't realize).

LOL. the joke was on me! That smart baby NEVER took any kind of bottle for the rest of his infancy or toddlerhood!
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Post Sun, Nov 27 2005, 11:53 am
I guess I'll have to just deal with it! And no, I would never force him to take it.
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Post Sun, Nov 27 2005, 12:03 pm
You might try another kind of bottle. Babies (from what I have heard) want the one that is most like your breast.

My little one was like this. Basically, I couldn't leave her for more than three hour until she started taking a sippy cup.
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Post Sun, Nov 27 2005, 12:06 pm
hey.. im in the same boat, my yomin wont take abottle.. but the truth is that I havent tried for months.. I just got used to shluping him eveyrywhere.. he also has an eeratic eating schedule and he is on no schedule at all.. the last three night he was up 5 times in a span of 8 hours.. hes SIX MONTHS

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Post Sun, Nov 27 2005, 12:12 pm
Shayna, does he sleep more during the day than at night?
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Post Sun, Nov 27 2005, 12:13 pm
frumom- how many weeks was ur baby the 1st time u gave bottle? they say one should start at 5 weeks- to give a bottle every other day I/o that baby accepts it.

good luck!!! my baby is 5 weeks... I'd better get moving with purchasing a pump!!!
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Post Sun, Nov 27 2005, 12:19 pm
he was 3 weeks when we tried the 1st time. He was eating a lot at that point with no problems BH, but maybe I shouldve waited til 5 weeks like you said.
I'll keep trying, but I guess if its not meant to be, o well!
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Post Sun, Nov 27 2005, 12:19 pm
frumom, I know its very touch... I also dont like nursing in public and dont... I usually find a dressing room or some private place... its really hard when they wont take a bottle... but I guess there isnt a solution Sad.
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Post Sun, Nov 27 2005, 3:07 pm
there is a solution. u give a bottle a day from day one.. that what I am planning to do withm y next kid.

in my daycare even the most stubborn kid I got to take a bottle . they really like avent bottles try that. and like my mother said if the baby is hungry they will eat any way ...

I got babies who where four and five months on bm before they even had a bottle. believe me after a few days they got used to the new way of life.. some only nurse at home but as I cant nurse for them I give them a bottle...
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Post Sun, Nov 27 2005, 3:26 pm
yes raizy, but I am talking about a baby who is already oler and will not take a bottle.
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Post Sun, Nov 27 2005, 3:29 pm
For some reason my son doesnt like the Avent bottle. I think the nipple is too open and the milk flows out too fast. When we tried, it got all messy and none into his mouth.
Maybe its because of this: ?
With the bottle is he supposed to put his mouth around the whole top, or just the nipple? (With nursing, they take in most of the areola as well)
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Post Sun, Nov 27 2005, 3:31 pm
happymom, if the baby is older why not try with a cup?
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Post Sun, Nov 27 2005, 3:32 pm
frumom- he sleeps during the day an average of 3 one hour naps, which is very little for his age, so you would think he would sleep alot at night, but no.. he has other agendas.. its not like hes difficult upon waking, he eats and goes back to sleep right away, bh... maybe im not burping him enough and he gets uncomfy thats why he wakes up?

im all out of tips..
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red sea


Post Sun, Nov 27 2005, 3:46 pm
My baby only likes the playtex silicone nipple that is called s/t like natural latch, and comes in different flows. Even if it s/t seems similar, he won't take anything else. I'd say keep trying diff. nipples.

Last edited by red sea on Mon, Nov 28 2005, 10:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Sun, Nov 27 2005, 10:48 pm
the avent bottle do flow fast . but doesnt the kid get lots of milk from a breast in one shot...
they are suppose to take only the nipple . that is the way this baby is drinking from it. and she drinks two bottles a day from it...
but every baby is different

I am talking about older babies. I had two parents who went back to work. and they forced the kid to take a bottle . day and night they practiced till the poor kid took the bottle. '

one of my rules in my daycare is that the kid must take a bottle of some sort.. I wont have any crying kids in my daycare. I cant stand it when some poor baby is hungry and doesnt want to take a bottle.. let those women stay near their babies 24/7 .
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Post Sun, Nov 27 2005, 11:22 pm
I totally agree with Raizy, that if you want your baby to take a bottle, the best way is to give a bottle from day one.
I gave my baby (now 4mths) a bottle from day one and he is the only one of my kids that can take a bottle even though I am nursing him.
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Post Mon, Nov 28 2005, 12:15 am
actually, tzivi, that can also backfire on you. I gave my daughter a bottle her very first week, and despite giving my very best effort, seeing a lactation consultant, crying because my baby consistently rejected me, dealing with a constantly hungry and howling newborn, etc, etc... it most definitely did not work out for me.

nipple confusion doesn't happen to every baby, but when it does, it can be devestating. I ended up having to stop nursing my baby after 3 months of driving myself nuts, and g-dwilling when I have another, I plan on waiting a while until introducing a bottle if need be. and if in the end that means the baby won't take a bottle, well I'd rather deal with that then incur the expense of $100/month of formula. BUT I absolutely agree that a parent should not send a child to daycare unless they take a bottle or cup. it doesn't even make sense that they would. I guess some people expect their daycare providers to do everything these days.
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