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Do you sit in the Sukkah?
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Do you sit in the Sukkah?
Nope, never.  
 0%  [ 0 ]
Only on Yom Tov and/or Shabbat  
 23%  [ 19 ]
Only when DH is home to eat with me in the Sukkah or for chinnuch of the DC  
 29%  [ 24 ]
Every meal possible except for inclemement weather  
 39%  [ 32 ]
Every meal, no exceptions  
 3%  [ 3 ]
Other, please explain  
 4%  [ 4 ]
Total Votes : 82



Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 10:06 am
I always wonder what women answer to this question and why.

FYI, I sit in the sukkah every meal I can. I don't if it raining or super cold (except for the first night), but other than something like that I do. When I worked in a non-Jewish place I tried to get to a sukkah for lunch by if it wasn't possible, I ate inside.

What about you and why?

G'mar hatimah tova,

Star Havah
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In the kitchen


Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 10:16 am
I sit in the sukkah for every meal, just because that is what makes it Sukkos for me. I enjoy it, even in inclement weather. I don't sleep out there though (which is my dh's minhag)...I'll leave that to him.
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Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 10:35 am
What about the option: I eat with my family in the sukkah except when I'm inside with a sleeping baby?
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Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 10:38 am
I dont have to eat in the sukkah and when im by certain ppl im not allowed to sit in the sukkah bc theres only room for men.
When we had our own sukkah I ate in it but if we had other gerrer men there id eat inside.
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red sea


Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 10:50 am
You left out a choice - until the stinging or biting insects arrive and then I move.
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Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 10:53 am
I voted for 'every meal if I can' but it should really be 'whenever I can, also outside of meals'. And why? Women aren't obligated to dwell in a sukkah, but it still is a mitzva.
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Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 11:00 am
manhattanmom wrote:
What about the option: I eat with my family in the sukkah except when I'm inside with a sleeping baby?

I think that counts as every meal you can.

Star Havah
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Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 11:04 am
In the kitchen wrote:
I sit in the sukkah for every meal, just because that is what makes it Sukkos for me. I enjoy it, even in inclement weather. I don't sleep out there though (which is my dh's minhag)...I'll leave that to him.

Your DH sleeps in the sukkah in Montreal?! Now that is a hearty person! My DH spends as little time as possible in the sukkah claiming that our generation is a generation of estanesisim (we are weaklings?).

DD and I enjoy spending time in the sukkah, but usually DH tries to avoid it.

Star Havah
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Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 11:07 am
Zus wrote:
I voted for 'every meal if I can' but it should really be 'whenever I can, also outside of meals'. And why? Women aren't obligated to dwell in a sukkah, but it still is a mitzva.

Oh I spend as much time as possible in the sukkah, but there are women who never even eat in the sukkah. Those were the women whose reasoning I wanted to hear from as well as the women who spend lots of time in the sukkah.

Star Havah
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Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 11:15 am
before we had a sukkah, I would only eat in a sukka on YT/shabbes and not on chol hamoed. It felt like regular weekdays, I couldn't feel the holiday at all. I wonder why anyone would do that willingly.
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Mrs. XYZ


Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 11:26 am
Starhavah wrote:
Zus wrote:
I voted for 'every meal if I can' but it should really be 'whenever I can, also outside of meals'. And why? Women aren't obligated to dwell in a sukkah, but it still is a mitzva.

Oh I spend as much time as possible in the sukkah, but there are women who never even eat in the sukkah. Those were the women whose reasoning I wanted to hear from as well as the women who spend lots of time in the sukkah.

Star Havah

The women who dont eat in the sukka, are either those who have large families with a bunch of boys and/or those that have tiny sukkas or share sukkas with neighbors. I cant imagine that a young woman with 2-3 kids who has her own private nice-size sukka and doesn't live on the 6th floor, would want to eat the meals alone in the house.
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Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 11:33 am
ah - the kool breeze of autumn ... the radiant smell of autumn leaves ... the pine the ivy ... the outdoor fire I light ... yes I do sit outside in the succoh man or manless ... just no rain (although I've done that too Wink )
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In the kitchen


Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 11:38 am
Yep, it's a vizhnitzer minhag (also Gerrer and others I believe) for the men to sleep in the Sukkah... I have to be sure to get him a nice warm blanket this year! I'll be inside with the floor heater .. Smile I don't know any women who sleep in the sukkah, but that might become a different thread.

If I am having a snack during sukkos I might not go into the Sukkah, but for all the meals I will be with Hashem's help. I also understand the people who just don't have any room for the women in the Sukkah, I hope that we will always be able to accomodate the women and men in our Sukkah, I wouldn't want to miss out! Smile
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Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 11:43 am
We used to have downstairs neighbors, an older couple with no kids living at home, who sat together in the sukkah all day during the day, and slept there at night. Both of them.
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In the kitchen


Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 11:55 am
awww... older couples are soo cute. Smile It's so heart warming so see old couple together after their kids have left the house and spending quality time together...we should all be so blessed.
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Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 12:29 pm
I eat in the sukkah with my family whenever there is a formal meal, I.e. Yom Tov, Shabbos and many times on Chol Hamoed; also sukkah parties/shiurim we host. But it gets noisy with everyone home all day B"H, so my reason for opting out for some meals like my own private brunch or snack is to grab some quiet time in the house while DH and the boys spend time loudly "resting" in the sukkah all day and night.
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Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 12:36 pm
Women are not mechiuv to eat in the succah. I eat the meals there with dh because there is room and the family should be together. If I go to mom and she has a lot of couples then only the men eat in the succah right off the room where the women eat.
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Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 12:41 pm
In the kitchen wrote:
Yep, it's a vizhnitzer minhag (also Gerrer and others I believe) for the men to sleep in the Sukkah...

I must be missing something here. Since when is sleeping in the sucah a chasidish minag? As far as I know its halachah...
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In the kitchen


Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 1:55 pm
I know that Lubavitch don't sleep in the Sukkah, so I assumed it was just our minhag to do so. Anyone have a source/answer to this?
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Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 2:01 pm
I'm sephardic and we have the same minhag.
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