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Forum -> Yom Tov / Holidays -> Succos
Do you sit in the Sukkah?
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Do you sit in the Sukkah?
Nope, never.  
 0%  [ 0 ]
Only on Yom Tov and/or Shabbat  
 23%  [ 19 ]
Only when DH is home to eat with me in the Sukkah or for chinnuch of the DC  
 29%  [ 24 ]
Every meal possible except for inclemement weather  
 39%  [ 32 ]
Every meal, no exceptions  
 3%  [ 3 ]
Other, please explain  
 4%  [ 4 ]
Total Votes : 82

Mrs. XYZ


Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 5:08 pm
In the kitchen wrote:
I know that Lubavitch don't sleep in the Sukkah, so I assumed it was just our minhag to do so. Anyone have a source/answer to this?

Lubavichers b'shita dont sleep. All other chassidim and litvishe generally hold that you should if possible. In America I think chassidim are generally more makpid than litvishe. Def. not only viznitz and Ger.

And its not a minhag, its a mitzva, which some hold that in certain circumstances you are patur from.
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Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 5:09 pm
Yes it is a halacha not a minhag
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In the kitchen


Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 5:09 pm
Thank you for clarifying that Mrs. XYZ Smile
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Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 5:21 pm
We don't have a sukkah, so we eat in the shul sukkah. Last year I ate there on shabbos, but this year I have a baby that doesn't walk, so I'm only going to go on y"t.
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Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 5:25 pm
I'll usually sit in the sukkah with my DH but this year we don't have a sukkah big enough for the two of us so when we're home I stay inside.
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Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 7:04 pm
I eat all meals and mezonos in the sukkah. I realize women are not mechuyev, but I love it so much that I've taken on myself (with DH's support/encouragement) to be makpid. I used to enjoy sleeping out there, too (the weather here is beautiful). Now that the kids have taken over the sukkah, I let them enjoy their "campout" with Tatty, and I enjoy a peaceful night's sleep in the house.

As far as sleeping in the sukkah, I know that Chabad does not, but otherwise I agree with someone else that it is halacha for everyone (men). In my observation it seems that Litvish are more makpid then Chasidish, but maybe that's just my observation. Again, as I said, the weather here is so nice that pretty much everyone sleeps out there--there's no excuse not to.
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Post Thu, Oct 02 2008, 8:58 pm
dh sleeps ou there too - we're yekkish - although he's a little nervous about this year seeing how cold it already it - B"H we have a thermal winter sleeping bag for him! as for eating dh encourages me to eat anything ha eitz, mezonos or hamotzi in the succah - he is makpid about it - so he only takes shehakol to work where there is no succah.
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Post Fri, Oct 03 2008, 9:42 am
I try to eat a little something every day if the weather permits...

My dh's minhag is that men don't sleep there unless they want to (weather good, etc), and that (I think, I may forget a detail or two) they need to make kiddush there once but don't have to eat there every day as long as they don't do a seuda. A seuda must be there.

I'll ask when he's back.

I say BH his minhag doesn't make him eat there for regular meals! LOL
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Post Fri, Oct 03 2008, 10:47 am
Zus wrote:
before we had a sukkah, I would only eat in a sukka on YT/shabbes and not on chol hamoed. It felt like regular weekdays, I couldn't feel the holiday at all. I wonder why anyone would do that willingly.

Yes I agree with you. This is the first y ear we will be able to build a sukkah (we just moved) and I am so happy! Before that we went to dh's parents for YT, and the rest of the meals we got ourselves invited out. Plus dh works Sukkot so it's even more non YT like for me Sad

I am so looking forward to having a beautiful sukka this year. We just went out and bought the s'chach and the heavy fabric to make the wall today Smile
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Post Sat, Oct 04 2008, 1:51 pm
Dh won't eat anything outside the sukkah. I'm quite happy to not be limited by that. I eat in the sukkah when we both can eat there together. I don't run down anytime I want to eat something. The sukkah is outside the front of our building (and we live up on a high floor).
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Post Sat, Oct 04 2008, 9:02 pm
I enjoy eating in the succa. Since I got married and we live 3 flights up from a "communcal" succa, its not the same. I feel funny eating in front of other pp, but in decent weather I will join my DH for his meals down there.
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Post Sun, Oct 05 2008, 3:04 am
While we lived in chu''l we couldn't always have a sukke at home.so this year we'rre so happy not to have to use the comm.sukke,that I really hated,there I only went for the main seudos on shabbes and y''t.I'm really getting exited abt having the sukke right added to th e dining room.(its not built yet).I dont go out for every snack.
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Post Sun, Oct 05 2008, 3:31 am
We eat all our meals other than if it's raining in the sukkah, we have a garden apartment so it's really no effort to bring the food and dishes out. I've grown up always having a sukkah at home and can't imagine not having one.
In the apartment we were renting before this we were on the 2nd floor without a sukkah balcony so we built one downstairs in the carpark and it was really nice as only one other family built a sukkah so all the families/couples in the building would use these two sukkahs otherwise they wouldn't have eaten in a sukkah at all.
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