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Your cutest Mishloach Manot ideas
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Post Tue, Jan 27 2009, 2:16 pm
BlumaG wrote:
why is candy and cake the same minim?

If the candy is part of the cake it is just that - part of the cake, and the same food.

If you give a cake and a bag of candy they are two foods.
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Post Tue, Jan 27 2009, 4:12 pm
a couple more ideas:

for the doctor theme - you can also buy really cheap pens that look like a syringe, with colored liquid in them - probably on oriental trading or those kind of stores. (I know it's not a food but I like to sometimes add a little gift if it's super cheap!)

for uncle moishe theme - another idea for the container: buy empty video cases and photocopy an uncle moishy video cover to cover it - put the nosh inside! (really easy to carry around for delivering.)

for the baseball theme - you can sometimes find in supermarkets (or try online) containers of peanuts shaped like a baseball bat. I think they have an ou or ok hechsher. You could also buy cheap baseballs or a plastic version (like a baby toy) - cut them partially in half and stuff nosh inside. I've also seen hotdog shaped disgusting tasting candy things. If you could get hold of a ticket to a game and photocopy it, you could use that for the tag and write "happy purim!" etc. on the back!

edited for spelling!

Last edited by hmmmm? on Wed, Jan 28 2009, 1:01 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Tue, Jan 27 2009, 5:44 pm
Bluma, is it clear?

In order to be yotzei SM, you need to give 2 minim to 1 recipient. The 2 items can be the same bracha, as long as they are different minim.

Candy on a cake is one min. We learn this from hilchos brachos, where you would not make a separate bracha on the candy, and doing so would be a bracha l'vatala. (That's why I brought in hilchos brachos.)

This example may illustrate it more clearly. You have a plain cookie and chocolate chips. Two minim, two brachos. But a chocolate chip cookie is just one min and one bracha. The chocolate is tafel to the cookie. The candy on your cake is like the chocolate chips inside the cookie. BUT- if you give some candies separately in addition to your candy-studded cake, you will then be giving 2 minim.
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Post Tue, Jan 27 2009, 7:41 pm
When I was a dorm counselor my co and I wanted to do this for our dormies, but it was too expensive!

The theme is coffee or hot chocolate:

The holder is a mug and you put in a little packet of instant coffee/chocolate, maybe a container of creamer, a cinnamon stick, marshmallows...

If you want to get really fancy you can even get personalized mugs with a purim picture and/or message on it!
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Post Tue, Jan 27 2009, 8:46 pm
We once got a mishloach manos and the theme was "takanos".

It was in a plain brown bag with only two items in it.
Accompanying it was an adorable poem about takanos for mishloach manos!

Anyone ever hear of a paper plate with some hamentaschen, an orange, a couple of slices of cake and a few almonds and raisins? We are going through a terrible recession. Am Yisroel is crashing financially. Yeshivas are going broke as their donors have lost their money and have stopped giving, Yidden have just been cheated out of tremendous amounts of money with the Madoff crisis, people are losing their jobs right and left....maybe it's time to go back to old fashioned values, keeping the minimum of the mitzva and being able to give the money, not to speak of time and effort to Matonos LaEvyonim?????!!!!
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Post Tue, Jan 27 2009, 8:46 pm
Thank you so much for all the great ideas. I wanted to dress my boys in a baseball player outfit but my husband says its too non jewish. I was thinking to dress them up as mailmen/ ups deliverers. I wanted to place my mishloach manos in cardboard boxes...does anyone have nay good ideas on what I can put in them?
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Post Tue, Jan 27 2009, 9:09 pm
fantabulous wrote:
octopus wrote:
hadassa wrote:
octopus wrote:
hmmmm... and my dh didn't want me baking for other ppl because he didn't want me to "show off". I always keep it simple. Everybody has diff madregahs of "showing off" I suppose.

You must bake really delicous & pretty things! So when can we come taste if we aren't getting it on purim? Wink

nahhhh, nothing fancy like you're thinking. But always delicious. Although I really want to try the brownie filled hamantachen that cookielady posted in the past. If someone could bump that thread up I would be very grateful.


thanks, fantabulous!
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Post Tue, Jan 27 2009, 9:11 pm
LeoRafi wrote:
Thank you so much for all the great ideas. I wanted to dress my boys in a baseball player outfit but my husband says its too non jewish. I was thinking to dress them up as mailmen/ ups deliverers. I wanted to place my mishloach manos in cardboard boxes...does anyone have nay good ideas on what I can put in them?

How many you got? Dress one up as Sandy Koufax. Another can be Jose Bautista (just because its an ususual name for a Jew). Hank Greenberg. Shawn Green. Jason Marquis. Moe Berg (also a spy, of course). Lots of Jews in baseball.

Football, not so much. WAIT. I googled. Lyle Alzado was Jewish??????? In hockey, Bobby Nystrum was Jewish? Who knew?
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Post Tue, Jan 27 2009, 9:55 pm
for the mailmen idea - you can fill the box up with popcorn and put anything inside, the popcorn around the food looks cute (my friend did that one year).
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Post Tue, Jan 27 2009, 10:17 pm
you can get free boxes if you order them online from USPS.
But if you go into the store, you'll need to pay.
So take care of it now!
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Post Wed, Jan 28 2009, 1:19 am
YALT wrote:
you can get free boxes if you order them online from USPS.
But if you go into the store, you'll need to pay.
So take care of it now!
Ooooh, I can't believe you are advocating starting Purim prep so early. Did you lose sight of the real reason? Why must you spend so much...

Oh wait. Starting early will actually SAVE you money. Whoops.

(I'm actually on your side, just pointing out to the people who have a bone to pick with cute costume/MM ideas that starting early and being creative has nothing to do with putting all your money into your creativity as opposed to tzedakka. It saves you money instead!)

LeoRafi, you can use bubble envelopes!
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Post Wed, Jan 28 2009, 6:13 am
hey, I know how to spot a joke - atleast IRL. For some reason, on imamother someone can write something and I'll look at it the wrong way. Don't know why. Well, actually, I guess sometimes I see it here as well. I was laughing b4 I got up to your explanation.
I used to read all the posts and just laugh away. I especially loved certain posters. But then I got bashed in a way that made me see that one sentence can have 2 meanings.And now, I've become quite pessimistic. But lately I'm slowly getting back to my old ways.

Anyways, let's not let this throw us off topic. Just writing my thoughts.

Hey, maybe I can make a poem out of it for MM on imamother. And I can send some virtual foods thru to all of you. Anyone can think of a cute poem..... lol
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Post Wed, Jan 28 2009, 9:24 am
LeoRafi wrote:
Thank you so much for all the great ideas. I wanted to dress my boys in a baseball player outfit but my husband says its too non jewish. I was thinking to dress them up as mailmen/ ups deliverers. I wanted to place my mishloach manos in cardboard boxes...does anyone have nay good ideas on what I can put in them?

we once got such a theme- the pple actually shipped all/most of the mm by ups. it was obviously a ups box- we got it delivered ups on purim.

some of the things inside that I remember:
"post" cereal
envelope shaped chocolate (I'm assuming it was homemade)
actually it was a while ago - I don't remember the rest Sad
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Post Wed, Jan 28 2009, 9:39 am
shalhevet wrote:

I think you misunderstood me, and/or are missing the point.

Instead of knocking me and FS here, you should appreciate that someone from another place can have a different perspective, and maybe, just maybe there is some truth in it. Because you (presumably) grew up and/or live in a place where it is the norm to invest time, effort and money in themed MM (for example) you see it as a necessary part of enjoying Purim. Whereas I see all the families around me sending simple MMs - the ones with more time bake themselves, and the ones who don't have the time just put some Bamba and wafers and some candies and perhaps a tin of pineapple or tuna on a plate and send it to their friends and neighbours AND EVERYONE HAS A WONDERFUL, SIMCHADIK PURIM.

At least you should consider that those on the 'outside' may have a valid point.

No, I think YOU are totally missing the point. And you have no idea about me. It happens that I grew up not only "out of town," but not frum. My family did give shaloch manos and it was very simple. We were probably the only ones in my school who took a day off on Purim to go to shul. When I became frum I was exposed to Purim like I never knew it could be. Beautiful shaloch manos, an elegant seuda, people listening intently to the megilla without making a sound, a whole community involved in remembering how we were saved... true achdus, ahavas yisroel and simcha.
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Post Wed, Jan 28 2009, 10:48 am
hadassa wrote:
LeoRafi wrote:
Thank you so much for all the great ideas. I wanted to dress my boys in a baseball player outfit but my husband says its too non jewish. I was thinking to dress them up as mailmen/ ups deliverers. I wanted to place my mishloach manos in cardboard boxes...does anyone have nay good ideas on what I can put in them?

we once got such a theme- the pple actually shipped all/most of the mm by ups. it was obviously a ups box- we got it delivered ups on purim.

some of the things inside that I remember:
"post" cereal
envelope shaped chocolate (I'm assuming it was homemade)
actually it was a while ago - I don't remember the rest Sad

stamp candies can also go in.
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Post Sun, Feb 01 2009, 7:28 pm
Hi, I have 'bee' costumes for my 2 & 4 year dd. Any idea what I can make for mother in law matching theme??
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Post Sun, Feb 01 2009, 7:55 pm
0181 wrote:
Hi, I have 'bee' costumes for my 2 & 4 year dd. Any idea what I can make for mother in law matching theme??

Hi how about a breakfast a big box of "honey nut cheerios", a bottle of milk, a box of tea, a jar of honey,

or you could buy a nice cookie jar and fill it with home made honey cookies put it in a basket with a box of tea bags, jar of honey, and a little bottle of lemon juice. write a poem about how much she is always helping out and now it's time for her to relax with some cookies and tea.

instead of a cookie jar you could buy a round cake plate and bake a honey bunt cake.
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Post Sun, Feb 01 2009, 8:33 pm
Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone has an idea of a mm that is simple but has a connection to purim. Something to send to non-frum people, with something to learn from it. Thanks
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Post Sun, Feb 01 2009, 8:43 pm
simplest ever- fil the middle of a paper plate with a hamantash and s/t else, then fold the plate into a triangle like a hamantash. staple shut!
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Post Sun, Feb 01 2009, 11:17 pm
anyone know how I can get an authentic looking uncle moishy shirt for ds?
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