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Cleaning for pesach
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2009, 8:51 am
And by me its food ONLY in the kitchen, though I did find some cherios in the bedroom - perhaps the kid had not been as careful as she should be
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2009, 4:58 pm
After Purim, I usually buy snacks/cookies which is kosher for pesach to reduce the chances of chometz in our rooms and basement. it works well for me.. Have to get cleaning started soon!
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2009, 5:27 pm
Tamiri wrote:
I clean all those things every week. Am I abnormal? embarrassed

I didn't mean to imply that anyone who cleans more than I do is abnormal. More power to you!!!

I'm just saying that for Pesach I have to go above my usual routine, thus requiring more time than usual. I guess I were more like you, I'd be ahead of the game:-)
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2009, 6:30 pm
my apartment is 2 floors. I had a cleaning lady over 3 weeks ago and the whole place was cleaned spotless. since then, there's no food allowed upstairs.

my downstairs has an open floor plan and it's hard to quarantine chometz to certain areas so we just go about as usual and the sunday before pesach clean the whole place thoroughly. then we kasher monday night and cover the stove, counters, and shelves, and we're good to go.

so I guess two days and one evening. and my place is big!
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2009, 7:06 pm
marina wrote:
The title of this thread scared me and now I'm going to have nightmares. Anyone else not happy to see the pesach threads starting so early? Maybe we should have warnings. Like : PESACH THREAD, NOT FOR THE ORGANIZATIONALLY-CHALLENGED.

I you think this is bad shalhevet started a thread the day after yk that she had started getting ready for pesach. shock now that is punishable by merrily throwing cheerios all over her house erev bedikas chometz.
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2009, 7:08 pm
if I don't have time my pesach cleaning is basically going through drawers and cupboards and looking behind them checking there is no visible chamets. if I can spriing clean a little at the same time all the better.
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2009, 7:14 pm
Getting ready for Pesach became much easier for me once I stopped talking to anyone about what they are up to. No pressure that way. I know what needs to get done and hope my kids will be home with enough to to alot of it.
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2009, 7:30 pm
marina wrote:
Maybe those ladies want to come over and help me clean up the menoros from chanukah.
my then 4 year old son was in my sil's kindergarten class. Morah asked the children: What did you do to help your Mommy for Pesach? My son's reply: I helped Mommy clean the chanukah menorahs LOL

My SIL had a good laugh, and of course it got back to me Wink
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2009, 7:54 pm
Raisin wrote:
marina wrote:
The title of this thread scared me and now I'm going to have nightmares. Anyone else not happy to see the pesach threads starting so early? Maybe we should have warnings. Like : PESACH THREAD, NOT FOR THE ORGANIZATIONALLY-CHALLENGED.

I you think this is bad shalhevet started a thread the day after yk that she had started getting ready for pesach. shock now that is punishable by merrily throwing cheerios all over her house erev bedikas chometz.

Ha, ha, we don't eat cheerios in this house. Tongue Out
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2009, 8:25 pm
I start early because I sometimes get sick and can be laid up unexpectedly for a week or two. I never know when it's going to hit me. So I try to stick to a schedule where I turn my kitchen over two weeks before Pesach so I can cook and freeze for all of Yom Tov and Chol Hamoed. As I have learnt from past years, if I leave too much for the days right before Pesach, I get too sick to enjoy the Seders.

It is usually lovely outside this time of year, so I have a little set up outside. The kids can still have cereal and milk, sandwiches, pizza warmed in the microwave. I brush them off well before I let them back inside. I also keep their backpacks in the car, they take out their homework folders to bring in, leftover lunch gets dumped in the outdoor bins.
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Post Sun, Mar 08 2009, 10:44 pm
marina nananna I cleaned my menerah the day after chankah and I also cleaned the cups etc... last yr I did it the day of pesach so I said this yr no procastinating..

I dont also know when I will get sick and land in the hospital last yr I was 3 weeks before peasach in the hos for one week... boy was I rushed when I came home and preg and have to clean cook and buy yom tov outfits in 3 weeks...

this yr I am doing everything slowly... I did my room the babys room and the 2 boys room. I also did the dineing room. and we eat in the kitchen shabbos and purim.. I dont care if pple think I am crazy...

try having a day care and 2 toddlers and a baby who all walk around making a royal mess. last time I checked bread was chamatzh... ooh the places that I found it .... ooh vey!!!
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Post Thu, Mar 12 2009, 10:30 pm
shalhevet wrote:
What do you mean, so early? What do all those organized women who had their mishloach manos wrapped up complete with flashing lights and themed poem ready the week after Chanuka have to do with their time?

They're going to be on here next week asking if it's okay to sell their freezers with chometz in, because their four different (cherry topped, sour cream, cholesterol free, and parev) cheese cakes for Shavuos are already in there.

Shalhevet, this cracked me up.

My 2 cents -- yesterday, I finished a kid room. On the top of the 8 foot high bookcase was one of those soda-bottle torahs that kids make in preschool for simchas torah. Mind you, I have always been one to say that chometz doesn't fly, but darned if we didn't find the cap off one of those bottles, and some cereal inside.

And ftr, I am cleaning early because we have a simcha, and in order for me not to be nuts, I need my kitchen done by rosh chodesh.
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Post Thu, Mar 12 2009, 10:41 pm
We started upstairs on Shushan Purim and I was really psyched about it. One of the good thing about my littlest child having celiac disease is that none of the things she might be carrying around is actual chametz. However, my younger ds advised that all of his clothes, coats, bags, drawers have to be checked for bissli this year Question Question Question Banging head Banging head Banging head

He's 8, so I told him that he better start looking for bissli now!
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Post Thu, Mar 12 2009, 10:50 pm
shalhevet wrote:
What do you mean, so early? What do all those organized women who had their mishloach manos wrapped up complete with flashing lights and themed poem ready the week after Chanuka have to do with their time?

They're going to be on here next week asking if it's okay to sell their freezers with chometz in, because their four different (cherry topped, sour cream, cholesterol free, and parev) cheese cakes for Shavuos are already in there.

Rolling Laughter
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