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How bad is it to eat chalav stam if you hold CY?
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Post Thu, Jun 08 2017, 11:56 am
amother wrote:
Here is a special Ice cream just for you, Dancing Queen

My DH once gave a shiur on Shavuot about how chalav stam was permitted and gave out Hersey kisses at the end
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Post Thu, Jun 08 2017, 12:12 pm
chanchy123 wrote:
My DH once gave a shiur on Shavuot about how chalav stam was permitted and gave out Hersey kisses at the end

Whilst I absolutely respect those who hold of CS, I find it very disturbing to give out food encouraging others to eat it if you might be causing them to lower their standards (Unless of course everyone there holds of CS).
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Post Thu, Jun 08 2017, 1:19 pm
chanchy123 wrote:
I mean absolutely no disrespect to you, but many chassidish posters here assume that being chassidish their form of practicing Judaism is more strict and halachicly valid than any other and they assume for some reason that people who are not chassidish accept this as universal truth.

That fact is that many non-Cassidish people are too polite (or have been burned by moderation on this site) to make remarks about chassidish practices that run counter to the way they perceive halacha and certainly practices that are considered more lenient than their own.

I think people are trying to say that while you may a certain Kashrut standard to be lax or invalid other people consider other aspects of your halachic observances lax or invalid. I think that it is vital to understand that almost everyone on this site is certain their derech is the best way to follow halacha and do what Hashem wants from us - almost everyone else feels the same way too about their path too. Of course I also think there is lot we all can learn from other people's practices.

It is wrong to wave the chassidish card and say - well because Chassidish rabbi so and so paskened a certain way it is universally OK. That may be true for your way of thought but many other Torah Jews have the opposite understanding.

My form of Judaism does not pasken according to kabala, a psak that follows kabalic considerations that stands in contradiction to halachic rules would not considered valid.

Where in my post did I slam a non-Chassidish psak? In fact, the purpose of my little tidbit was to clarify why it is widespread among chassidim even though our stance on this issue is seemingly illogical (see goodmorning's post). I'm sorry if my post (with its late-night brevity) was construed this way. In fact, I posted to bring a *different* perspective other than "those who are most makpid on CY are halachically superior." Whatever.
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Post Thu, Jun 08 2017, 2:43 pm
poelmamosh wrote:
Where in my post did I slam a non-Chassidish psak? In fact, the purpose of my little tidbit was to clarify why it is widespread among chassidim even though our stance on this issue is seemingly illogical (see goodmorning's post). I'm sorry if my post (with its late-night brevity) was construed this way. In fact, I posted to bring a *different* perspective other than "those who are most makpid on CY are halachically superior." Whatever.

My post was not directed specifically at you. It was in reference to many posts I've seen on this site and in this thread. I was triggered by your reference to psika according to kabala. I probably should have posted it independently.
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Post Thu, Jun 08 2017, 6:02 pm
Seas wrote:
I haven't yet studied the heter of chodosh well enough to give a point by point answer (or indeed accede). However there is a very major difference in the fact alone that R' Moshe himself refrained from consuming unsupervised milk and he wrote a baal nefesh should be machmir.

I think that all of those who gave heterim for chodosh would have said that one should be machmir if possible. It's just that the situation was that it wasn't really possible.

R' Moshe is clear that in his opinion, those who rely on his psak have a "ta'am gadol" to rely on and should not be thought of as "mizalzel bi'issurin" but one is permitted to be machmir and it should not be thought of as yuhara.
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Post Thu, Jun 08 2017, 6:19 pm
Seas wrote:
Seeing as Rav Moshe said a baal nefesh should be machmir, I don't see what was respected about that rav (unless he himself refrained and only his children ate it).

The fact that R' Moshe himself would disagree completely with your assertion ("uchimo shemeikilin bazeh harov bnei adam shomrei Torah vigam harbei rabbanim vichv"sh lomar she'osin shelo kadin") should serve as an indicator that he did not opine that one needs to be a "ba'al nefesh" in order to be a respected rav or shomer Torah umitzvos.

For example, the Mishna Berura (550:6) says that a ba'al nefesh should be machmir to keep all of the afflictions of Tisha B'Av (besides not wearing leather shoes) even on minor fast days. Can a person be a respected Rav or learn in kollel and yet take a shower on Asara b'Teves?

R' Moshe (YD 2 2:142) says that a ba'al nefesh should be machmir not to make or listen to songs whose lyrics are words from Tanach or tefillos (just for pleasure). Can a person be a respected Rav or learn in kollel and yet listen to (nice, refined) Jewish music?

And of course, the Shulchan Aruch HaRav (489:30) says that a ba'al nefesh should not rely on the heterim given for eating chodosh and should be machmir as much as is possible [to avoid chodosh] in accordance with the opinion of the majority of Rishonim and Acharonim that chodosh is assur min haTorah even in chul. Can a person be a respected Rav or learn in kollel and yet eat chodosh?
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Post Thu, Jun 08 2017, 6:41 pm
Goodmorning here is one for you
Ice cream
This thread is getting mighty interesting again
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