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Narcissistic Personality Disorder Forum?
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Post Wed, Dec 15 2010, 4:34 pm
Are narcissists allowed to be silly? Twisted Evil
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Post Wed, Dec 15 2010, 5:31 pm
bmw wrote:
Since this supposed to be all about Marina.....I've got a question for you, Whats the deal with your icon/picture. Who and what is this guy with the long white beard?

Well, thanks for getting back to the topic at hand. The avatar is a picture of my family's rav. He has special powers and is very open minded. If you want to know what I look like, check out Barbara's avatar. I even have the little hat thing.

As for the rest of you, I am shocked and horrified that you don't want to be in my forum and hear all about me and my problems. To be fair, maybe you don't know me that well. I will give you another chance. Ask me anything you want about me. Ask away to your heart's content. Ask and ye shall receive.
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Post Wed, Dec 15 2010, 5:32 pm
Well....a bunch of narcissists is not really that much fun. How would anyone get their needs met? You need to shake it up a bit and put all the personality disordered people together.

So the narcissist could get the mirroring and adulation it so craves from the borderline.

The borderline can manipulate the hell out of the narcissist so long as she mirrors and is ever so....elusive and alluring.

The antisocial can outsmart them all. She doesn't really give a darn....so you can't manipulate her...she aint vulnerable to the borderline....and she knows just how to pull the narcissists strings....especially the purse ones.

And the schizoid (rejected shlemezal personality) is an important component. It adds a good scapegoat for them to all chase and torment!

I'll stay out and watch.
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Post Wed, Dec 15 2010, 5:34 pm
Uh, sneakermom? Uh? We already have that. It's called The General Board.
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Post Wed, Dec 15 2010, 5:39 pm
marina wrote:
bmw wrote:
Since this supposed to be all about Marina.....I've got a question for you, Whats the deal with your icon/picture. Who and what is this guy with the long white beard?

Well, thanks for getting back to the topic at hand. The avatar is a picture of my family's rav. He has special powers and is very open minded. If you want to know what I look like, check out Barbara's avatar. I even have the little hat thing.

As for the rest of you, I am shocked and horrified that you don't want to be in my forum and hear all about me and my problems. To be fair, maybe you don't know me that well. I will give you another chance. Ask me anything you want about me. Ask away to your heart's content. Ask and ye shall receive.

Are the rumors that your Rav is gay true? Do you have any qualms about sending your kids to a school named after skin afflictions suffered by treyf animals, and run by a ho-mo-zexual?

And why are you making this about you? Its all about me. Me me me me me.
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Post Wed, Dec 15 2010, 5:44 pm
Uh, sneakermom? Uh? We already have that. It's called The General Board.
Rolling Laughter

Now I know why the private forums are boring! Too much of the same kind.

Now marina....are you really sure your a narcissist....is it really the mirroring and adulation you crave....or divide and conquer....that should clarify it a bit.

As for me....I'm not personality disordered, I'm just related to all of them! LOL
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Post Wed, Dec 15 2010, 5:47 pm
marina wrote:
Uh, sneakermom? Uh? We already have that. It's called The General Board.

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Post Wed, Dec 15 2010, 5:58 pm
Are the rumors that your Rav is gay true? Do you have any qualms about sending your kids to a school named after skin afflictions suffered by treyf animals, and run by a ho-mo-zexual?

So, just to make sure I understand this right, I give special permission for a once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity to ask any question about me... and you choose to ask about some dead rabbi? What's that all about, huh?
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Post Wed, Dec 15 2010, 6:07 pm
marina wrote:
Are the rumors that your Rav is gay true? Do you have any qualms about sending your kids to a school named after skin afflictions suffered by treyf animals, and run by a ho-mo-zexual?

So, just to make sure I understand this right, I give special permission for a once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity to ask any question about me... and you choose to ask about some dead rabbi? What's that all about, huh?

I want to ask questions, marina, but you are so endlessly fascinating that I don't know where to start.

Maybe you, in your wisdom, can choose a topic for me.

Really, what kind of narcissist are you anyway, if you need us to ask about you before you start talking about you?
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Post Wed, Dec 15 2010, 7:58 pm
ysmommy wrote:

its dumbledore. one of her alter egos

no way she would ever alter her egos because they are all perfect.
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Post Wed, Dec 15 2010, 8:07 pm
marina wrote:
Are the rumors that your Rav is gay true? Do you have any qualms about sending your kids to a school named after skin afflictions suffered by treyf animals, and run by a ho-mo-zexual?

So, just to make sure I understand this right, I give special permission for a once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity to ask any question about me... and you choose to ask about some dead rabbi? What's that all about, huh?

Its all about ME. ME ME ME ME ME. You seem to be missing that point.

Let's see. If the question has to be about you , ummm, ahhhh. I have it. Could you tell us all of the ways in which you are not nearly as wonderful as I am? Or how about, in your own words, describe how honored you are to know me. And for extra credit, describe all of the things you'd like to do for me, since I am so wonderful.

But enough about you. Let's talk about me now.
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 9:37 am
marina wrote:
Are the rumors that your Rav is gay true? Do you have any qualms about sending your kids to a school named after skin afflictions suffered by treyf animals, and run by a ho-mo-zexual?

So, just to make sure I understand this right, I give special permission for a once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity to ask any question about me... and you choose to ask about some dead rabbi? What's that all about, huh?

He's dead? You're one of the Toiter Chassidim?
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 9:48 am
chavamom wrote:
Wait - it's about to be taken out of the DSM as a disorder. Seriously. Apparently we are all so narcissistic as a society it's not considered a disorder anymore.
We're All Narcissistic Now

Actually this is not true. NPD is not being taken out of the DSM, they're just redefining its parameters.

Anyone here hear of Shmuel/Sam Vaknin author of Malignant Self Love-Narcissism Revisited? He's an Israeli guy who is a self-professed narcissist and pyschopath. He is quite prolific and has written extensively on the subject.
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 9:49 am
detroitmom wrote:

Anyone here hear of Shmuel/Sam Vaknin author of Malignant Self Love-Narcissism Revisited? He's an Israeli guy who is a self-professed narcissist and pyschopath. He is quite prolific and has written extensively on the subject.

I have absolutely no idea if you're joking or not.
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 11:29 am
detroitmom wrote:
chavamom wrote:
Wait - it's about to be taken out of the DSM as a disorder. Seriously. Apparently we are all so narcissistic as a society it's not considered a disorder anymore.
We're All Narcissistic Now

Actually this is not true. NPD is not being taken out of the DSM, they're just redefining its parameters.

I was only quoting NPR:
The American Psychiatric Association recently announced it's considering lifting narcissistic personality disorder — along with four other personality disorders — from its highly influential Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 11:34 am
WriterMom wrote:
detroitmom wrote:

Anyone here hear of Shmuel/Sam Vaknin author of Malignant Self Love-Narcissism Revisited? He's an Israeli guy who is a self-professed narcissist and pyschopath. He is quite prolific and has written extensively on the subject.

I have absolutely no idea if you're joking or not.


Unfortunately he is a real person.
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 11:37 am
detroitmom wrote:
WriterMom wrote:
detroitmom wrote:

Anyone here hear of Shmuel/Sam Vaknin author of Malignant Self Love-Narcissism Revisited? He's an Israeli guy who is a self-professed narcissist and pyschopath. He is quite prolific and has written extensively on the subject.

I have absolutely no idea if you're joking or not.


Unfortunately he is a real person.

Of course he would have to go ahead and write a book all about himself, and you actually read it? Alright, first topic for the new forum. "How to Write a Book All About Me".
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 11:48 am
ok marina: spill.....

tell us everything

o wait, I just walked by a mirror, and my am I soooo beautiful Twisted Evil I just cant stop staring... I think ill just stand here and stare at myself....

o wait I got confused.... back to you marina.... now back to me Twisted Evil ....I mean you.....
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 11:49 am
Merrymom wrote:
detroitmom wrote:
WriterMom wrote:
detroitmom wrote:

Anyone here hear of Shmuel/Sam Vaknin author of Malignant Self Love-Narcissism Revisited? He's an Israeli guy who is a self-professed narcissist and pyschopath. He is quite prolific and has written extensively on the subject.

I have absolutely no idea if you're joking or not.


Unfortunately he is a real person.

Of course he would have to go ahead and write a book all about himself, and you actually read it? Alright, first topic for the new forum. "How to Write a Book All About Me".

I haven't read his book because he's very long-winded but I have an interest in the subject because I personally know someone who definitely has it. There's more to it than just being conceited. These people are mean and manipulative as well.
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 11:51 am
detroitmom wrote:
WriterMom wrote:
detroitmom wrote:

Anyone here hear of Shmuel/Sam Vaknin author of Malignant Self Love-Narcissism Revisited? He's an Israeli guy who is a self-professed narcissist and pyschopath. He is quite prolific and has written extensively on the subject.

I have absolutely no idea if you're joking or not.


Unfortunately he is a real person.

I've heard him speak and he was very intelligent. He views narcissism as an incurable disorder. I would love to read his book someday and see what he has in more detail.
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