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Whats the biggest monetary damage your kids have cost you..
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Post Wed, Feb 23 2011, 10:15 pm
Lol Mama Bear, I thought I was the only one! My 4 yo was watching something on our laptop and suddenly threw up on the keyboard. We didn't replace the whole laptop, just got a new keyboard to attach to it - not very convenient. As a side point I have found the desk top computer to be much sturdier and kid-proof than laptops.

Over the years, I've had plenty of damages...
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Post Wed, Feb 23 2011, 10:20 pm
I just remembered another one - only it's not so costly because I don't buy expensive things. My then 3 yo dd took a scissor and cut slits in the Shabbos table cloth while it was on the table. I laughed, but I don't think it would have been so funny if it was a very expensive one.
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Post Wed, Feb 23 2011, 10:33 pm
So far two cell phones that ds loves to eat. He's still to young to do serious damage I think. Ds also broke one of the buttons of our then brand new laptop.
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Post Wed, Feb 23 2011, 10:40 pm
Clogged the bathroom sink 2x. Once with a water balloon and once with tissues. Both times needed a plumber

A few years ago 18 month old found cell phone and made a phone call, reached voice mail, which lasted a whole shabbos. We were billed around $150. We called up to complain as we should not be charged if someone did not answer or its is voicemail. B"h we did not have to pay but they said if it happened again we will have to pay.
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Post Thu, Feb 24 2011, 12:22 am
Little kids - little damages...

Big kids....

The call we got while in the US, having left my dd the car "now ima dont worry - I am fine...."
She had backed the car over a wall. That was a few thousand shekels damage, moistly from insurance, but lost our no-claims discount, and had to pay the several hundred self-pay.

Son - just took his friend home and managed to make a dent in the back of the car - exactly on the locking mechanism for the boot(trunk) and cost about 3000sh to get that repaired.
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Post Thu, Feb 24 2011, 12:46 am
When DS was little, in an attempt to help clean, he sprayed my candlesticks and kiddush cup with something and I had to have them re-silvered - several hundred dollars.

Now that he's a teen, he stole our car (he had not even learned to drive) caused severe damage to it and 2 other cars. Insurance would not pay as he was driving illegaly. Cost us about $15,000 plus a lot of agmas nefesh.
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Post Thu, Feb 24 2011, 12:56 am
I can't say they did any serious damage but they keep on damaging little things. Good thing I see this thread because I thout only my kids are capable of this.
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Post Thu, Feb 24 2011, 1:00 am
Wow. So it's not just our kids.

Forgrt mine - I'll write about other people's kids.

I know a kid who burned down his parents' home by lighting a menorah on a mattress early one morning. B"H everyone escaped.
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Post Thu, Feb 24 2011, 1:08 am
On a cuter note, when my oldest son was 2 , DH went to America and bought a toaster oven and a cordless telephone. These were pretty much novelties in Israel. Our son placed the cordless phone in the toaster oven and turned it on, strating a fire and destroying both appliances. Again, B"H we all escaped, and our apartment did not burn down.

The cute part was how my son went into the room where I was reading to the other kids and informed me, "Me cooking. Very tot."

All the bachurim in my DH's yeshiva exclaimed, "What a cool kid!" and I was so mad at them.

My neighbors wanted to see the "cool kid" who did that, and when I pointed to the angelic baby in his stroller, they didn't believe that that was the perpetrator.

Then when my son went to learn in that yeshiva when he was 17, people remembered that he was that kid who cooked the phone.
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Post Thu, Feb 24 2011, 1:19 am
I think so far the worst has been the sheer number of pairs of glasses DS#1 has gone through. (Though if anyone recalls my complaints of something otherwise, please feel free to correct me!)
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Post Thu, Feb 24 2011, 1:29 am
Marion wrote:
I think so far the worst has been the sheer number of pairs of glasses DS#1 has gone through. (Though if anyone recalls my complaints of something otherwise, please feel free to correct me!)

Another vote for glasses, and since Optica Halpren has stopped their insurance policy I don't know what we are going to do. Last time DD broke her glasses we explained to her that we were going to buy her new shabbat shoes (she really does need a new pair) but instead we are using the money to buy new glasses. B"H, bli ayin Hara, she's been fine since. But I only dread when DD II will get her glasses what is going to happen (we really need to get her to the opthalmologist ASAP).
Has anyone head experience with a 16 month old baby in glasses?
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Post Thu, Feb 24 2011, 2:28 am
17 month old DS started a fire - I had left an oven glove in the oven before Shabbos, and on Sunday he turned the oven on, and it caught flame. We had to move out for 3 weeks, have a cleaning crew come and it took 3 women 5 days 8-4pm to clean every inch of the house and every single item in it, plus a laundry company came and took every scrap of fabric, clothing, shoes, bags etc to clean. TG we had contents insurance, so didn't end up out of pocket for anything, but it was a royal pain.
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ray family


Post Thu, Feb 24 2011, 3:19 am
my daughter's brain surgery
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Post Thu, Feb 24 2011, 5:26 am
Had to replace a glass window, couple of hundred dollars I think. Ds 3 was running around, playing in the living room, he fell over and bumped his head into the window. B'H he got up and walked away without a bump or scratch, but the window was all cracked, and his parents were VERY shaken. if chas vesholom he had fallen with just a tiny bit more force, who knows what could have happened, at times like these you can almost see the Malach they say is watching over each child!
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Post Thu, Feb 24 2011, 7:58 am
DS hasn't damaged much (we are very careful abt keeping expensive stuff out of reach) but if we're just talking money - his day care costs a ton!
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Post Thu, Feb 24 2011, 8:08 am
ray family wrote:
my daughter's brain surgery

My mother says the same thing, all these years later. We should talk...PS Hope everything turned out OK.
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Post Thu, Feb 24 2011, 8:18 am
No one here pays/paid tuition for a Jewish education for any of their children? Or is that not considered monetary damage. For us, it was definitely a damaging period in our lives!
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Post Thu, Feb 24 2011, 8:29 am
Flying my one-year-old son to Israel in a private plane when he was sick with acute bacterial laryngo-tracheitis. Ezer Mitziyon provided the paramedics who flew out to accompany us, but we had to borrow money for the plane, $14,000.
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Post Thu, Feb 24 2011, 8:32 am
We were in a suite room in a hotel and Mati devastated the living room. She's a rock star LOL
Let me check if I have pics...
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Post Thu, Feb 24 2011, 8:40 am
my dvd player,
pearl necklace (2 times)
and almost every other necklace I own. I haven't fixed them yet
broke a bunch of cellphones
my bose ipod base speakers
left my freezer open a couple times

it's interesting how these are all electronic things.
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