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Girls school monsey
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2018, 4:16 pm
Maya wrote:
If the OP is willing to consider sending to a school out of Monsey but accessible from there, she'll have more options as well.

Like what?
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2018, 4:19 pm
amother wrote:
Like what?

The schools in Bergen County may be too modern for the OP, but there should be good options in the Passaic / Clifton area. I'm not entirely familiar with girls schools, but the OP can do research if she'd like.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2018, 5:28 pm
Passaic / Clifton have two schools -- the bais yaakov which is like YSV or the Hillel which is like Ashar. Why travel out of town when you can have those two options without commuting your child. Monsey has enough options within its borders that you shouldn't need to commute a 5 year old.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2018, 5:41 pm
amother wrote:
Passaic / Clifton have two schools -- the bais yaakov which is like YSV or the Hillel which is like Ashar. Why travel out of town when you can have those two options without commuting your child. Monsey has enough options within its borders that you shouldn't need to commute a 5 year old.

I disagree, but that's just my opinion.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2018, 5:45 pm
amother wrote:
Passaic / Clifton have two schools -- the bais yaakov which is like YSV or the Hillel which is like Ashar. Why travel out of town when you can have those two options without commuting your child. Monsey has enough options within its borders that you shouldn't need to commute a 5 year old.

If I had a five year old girl, I would sooner commute her than pick either of those two options. If you care about the quality of her education, then investigate further.

Ashar provides a superior education to YSV by far. And yet, I would choose not to send there.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2018, 5:50 pm
amother wrote:
What school was that?
BY Chofetz chaim. Although the clientele has changed somewhat. In general, it sounds like Bais Rochel is most your type. I think what’s nice about Monsey is that really, you’d fit into any school. And there’s something nice about that in my opinion.
BYCC has the best academics in my opinion , both limidei kodesh and secular. They also teitch Chumash in Yiddish (in addition to ivris and English) although not sure about these days. It’s a very small school with a lot of individual attention.
YSV is a community school, and they do a very good job at it in my opinion (especially when you compare with other community schools). That said, you need to be ok with classmates and a parent body that may be substantially more modern than you. It’s also a very big school.
Bas mikrah has the lowest academics, but a very nice parent body, mostly yeshivish with some diversity. It’s been around for years and has great staff.
In my opinion all the schools stress midos and have very nice girls and families. They feed into mostly the same high schools, and the girls are together in day camp. In general, I don’t see a discernible difference between the girls form different schools.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2018, 7:56 pm
I would think very hard about commuting a 5 year old anywhere. In addition to spending 40 minutes in the car each way, to and from school rain, shine or snow, your daughter will have no after school play dates, will have to commute to every birthday party or Sunday play date and will not be in the same day camp as the girls in her school. You are going to make her feel different and left out. In addition, you yourself will have to run to Passaic for every play, presentation, sick kid during the day, etc. And, the Passaic schools are not that much different than the Monsey schools - I know from experience -- to make it worth this. Neither YSV nor Ashar are horrible schools for the average person. If you or your child have many issues, they may not be for you, but neither would either of the Passaic schools.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2018, 8:03 pm
I don't know..I know someone who sends to Passaic bais yaakov and is so happy! And I heard next yr they might even have a bus going there.(so far abt 20 families doing it now)but I don't know if they're that much better than Monsey's options.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2018, 9:02 pm
I am not bussing her out anywhere. Not this year or any year. I think I am going to need to ask around and get more info. Thank you.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2018, 9:18 pm
Oh please. Monsey has thousands of families living there. If majority weren't happy, they'd live elsewhere. No need to bus children to another state (!). Chances are the people unhappy, wouldn't be happier elsewhere.
There should be enough options for you to find your place. Most schools expect some conforming to their guidelines. Most responsible parents can conform for the sake of their children's chinuch if that's the decision they make as to what road they want their child to travel. Jmho
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2018, 9:44 pm
happyone wrote:
Oh please. Monsey has thousands of families living there. If majority weren't happy, they'd live elsewhere. No need to bus children to another state (!). Chances are the people unhappy, wouldn't be happier elsewhere.
There should be enough options for you to find your place. Most schools expect some conforming to their guidelines. Most responsible parents can conform for the sake of their children's chinuch if that's the decision they make as to what road they want their child to travel. Jmho

The schools are mediocre at best. If your daughter is exceptionally bright, she will thrive anywhere. Average and below need their education supplemented.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2018, 9:48 pm
Squishy wrote:
The schools are mediocre at best. If your daughter is exceptionally bright, she will thrive anywhere. Average and below need their education supplemented.
average does not need their education supplemented. Perhaps below average does, I don’t know. But for the standard student the schools are more than adequate. Bais Yakov of Monsey is a school with a high level of education, and most schools feed into it. I’d say that means the level is just fine. (They also have the resources and programs to help those students that are below average.)
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2018, 9:57 pm
amother wrote:
average does not need their education supplemented. Perhaps below average does, I don’t know. But for the standard student the schools are more than adequate. Bais Yakov of Monsey is a school with a high level of education, and most schools feed into it. I’d say that means the level is just fine. (They also have the resources and programs to help those students that are below average.)

Your idea and my idea of adequate are different. BY of Monsey does not have a good level of math education. IMO it is less than satisfactory for the girls. Reading seems to be adequate. But my children deserve more than adequate.

The classrooms are overcrowded. Perhaps in a few years there would be more room.

The fact they had school without water shows me a certain lack of caring.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2018, 10:07 pm
momX4 wrote:
really. the OP mentioned midos. Bais Rochel is known to encourage parents to say Loshen Hora about each other.

Pot calling kettle black?
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2018, 10:12 pm
amother wrote:
Pot calling kettle black?

Lashon Hara is any derogatory or damaging statement against an individual.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2018, 10:17 pm
amother wrote:
Lashon Hara is any derogatory or damaging statement against an individual.

Really? L"H is only on individuals? Not a whole school?
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2018, 10:22 pm
amother wrote:
Really? L"H is only on individuals? Not a whole school?

Yup. Arguably - 'the school' is short hand for the main administrator of 'the school'... but a statement like - Bnos Shifra serves terrible food, is not lashon harah. Its probably something else, but its not lashon harah.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2018, 10:25 pm
Squishy wrote:
Your idea and my idea of adequate are different. BY of Monsey does not have a good level of math education. IMO it is less than satisfactory for the girls. Reading seems to be adequate. But my children deserve more than adequate.

The classrooms are overcrowded. Perhaps in a few years there would be more room.

The fact they had school without water shows me a certain lack of caring.
unless things changed drastically in the few years I’m gone, the math is more than fine. And English. I got a great scholarship To a great college, got great SAT score, had no problem getting high grades on placement tests, and took precalculus and calculus at RCC in the summer. What more do I need?? Or do most parents need? Obviously the MO schools are better, but that’s a different ballgame entirely. There are not many schools that have such high standards in secular AND Judaic subjects. Many schools only excel in one of those areas.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2018, 10:25 pm
Oh man. This thread....

Try Bais Rochel and Bas Mikroh for starters. Go down for an interview at both and feel each school out. If you're family is a crossover chassidish/litvish type, then I think those two schools are the best fit for you.
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Post Wed, Jan 17 2018, 10:31 pm
Squishy wrote:
Your idea and my idea of adequate are different. BY of Monsey does not have a good level of math education. IMO it is less than satisfactory for the girls. Reading seems to be adequate. But my children deserve more than adequate.

The classrooms are overcrowded. Perhaps in a few years there would be more room.

The fact they had school without water shows me a certain lack of caring.

The education in BYM has a good reputation, it's actually too intense in my opinion, too much focus on grade performance, not a healthy balance. Anyway, it's solid enough to prepare the girls for the SATs and for good colleges. That's good enough in my book.

I myself did not attend BYM. I attended a high school elsewhere. The education level in my school was average, nothing special, but I felt prepared for college- except for lab. (No lab experience at all in the high school I attended, didn't even know how to work a microscope.) BYM offers a better education than what I received.
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