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My [gentile woman] threw out my cholent and washed out my pot.
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Post Fri, Mar 14 2008, 4:05 pm
I think you should just pack up and go to Gamzu's shabbos kallah - you'll probably get better food over there...especially if you like pineapple Very Happy
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Post Fri, Mar 14 2008, 4:07 pm

Last edited by Hannah! on Sun, May 04 2008, 10:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Fri, Mar 14 2008, 4:19 pm
I am not the crying type at all but I am so worn out, at this time that I need to strangle someone. Any martyrs?
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Post Fri, Mar 14 2008, 4:20 pm
Hannah! wrote:
MahPitom wrote:
Hannah, maybe he would like my lightweight version of chicken wings and rice? Tastes like the real thing but is so light on the stomach, and gluten free! What part of the cholent doesn’t he like?

P.S. you can come visit me, hugs can help. Just make sure you cover head with three layers of silk and go to the mikvah first.

He hates mushy food -- there is no hope. Crying I do appreciate the offer, though.

And for the record I do not hug women, or even meet with women in yichud, as it may lead to an inappropriate relationship. And I don't wear silk as it is a sign of royalty and there is no mesorah that my family is descended from Dovid haMelech.

Oh Hanna banana may you live until 120.
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Post Fri, Mar 14 2008, 4:22 pm

Last edited by Hannah! on Sun, May 04 2008, 10:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Fri, Mar 14 2008, 4:23 pm
So then you don’t want to know how crabby I’ve been feeling all week. I haven’t slept in over a week. dh has a nasty cough that keeps me awake and him snoring like a chainsaw.
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Post Fri, Mar 14 2008, 4:32 pm

Last edited by Hannah! on Sun, May 04 2008, 10:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Fri, Mar 14 2008, 4:37 pm
oy, what a bummer. just another reason not to let the cleaning lady in the kitchen!
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chocolate moose


Post Fri, Mar 14 2008, 4:40 pm
bsamother wrote:
isn't cheek meat the best, so salty. everytime my husband brings it home I dont have to put a drop of salt in the chulent and it's still very salty. he works for his father who exports meats.

I never add salt t any meat or chicken dish. kashering leaves SO much in it already!
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Post Fri, Mar 14 2008, 7:00 pm
hey you can choke me ... but I fight back Banging head
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Post Sat, Mar 15 2008, 1:57 pm
[quote="MahPitom"]Hannah, maybe he would like my lightweight version of chicken wings and rice? Tastes like the real thing but is so light on the stomach, and gluten free! What part of the cholent doesn’t he like?

My husband wont eat cholent either but he loves chicken wings so maybe he would go for your version...how do you make it?
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Post Sat, Mar 15 2008, 3:54 pm
THIS is one funny thread. Thanks for the laughs. Sorry to have had them at Mahpitom's expense though.

Sorry to hear about your misfortune. Here's mine:
I made my cholent in a pressure cooker for the first time ever. That's because when I made goulash in the pressure cooker this week it came out great. So we figured that the cholent would also be great. WRONG.

My cholent came out positively awful Crying

I guess your situation is harder because you, at least, had a good cholent! May next week be a better one!
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Post Sat, Mar 15 2008, 4:36 pm
Mahpitom, please please post your exact cholent recipe. Cheek meat might be a problem though. I only make it when we have guests, dh is perfectly happy with challa and cold food, and it never comes out good. I use a slow cooker on low.

I actually have huge package of cheek meat in the freezer, about 5-10 lbs, and I'm waiting for an oppurtunity to use it, but it is way too much to use for one cholent.
I have lots of guests fri night - could I make it into a goulash for then?

If you want to hear some really bad c.l mishaps, here you go:

My sister put all her expensive, dry cleaner only clothes in a seperate laundry basket. Her new au pair thought it was regular laundry and washed them in the machine. ALL were ruined.

My cleaner decided all the hama beads one of my kids had spilled on the flloor was rubbish, and threw them out.

This is really bad - the windows in my house are in 2 parts, both of which open. I never open the bottom halves, since they are big enough for a kid to climb through, and keep them locked.

C.L comes one friday, decides to open the windows.

I am in the kitchen, and my kids are in the garden and I see them pointing at the roof. At some point a few minutes later I realise my 3 year old son has climbed out of the open bedroom window onto the sloping kitchen roof (which the window overlooks) and is blithely prancing around there.

When I rushed upstairs he was just climbing back in, bh.
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Post Sat, Mar 15 2008, 10:00 pm
Cholent Update: I make the regular pure cholesterol version every week. but on occasion, I will treat myself to the gluten free one. Just do it the same way except skip the beans, and add rice instead. Also, skip all the high fat meat and put wings and turkey necks instead. Cook the same way, just keep checking the water. Incredibly lightweight and tastes the same!

Shabbos Update: Dh bought me the most awesome flowers for Shabbos. Yellow Lilies, fresh pink roses, and burnt orange daisies… picture later. It still smells and cheered me up!
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Post Sun, Mar 16 2008, 12:54 am
Just to add to the cholent woes...

I had a load of guests this shabbos and I made the most delicious cholent with 2 packs of stew beef and a roll of kishke. I tasted it erev shabbos and it really was good. Well....my dh put it on the hot plate warmer but it must have blown or something b/c on shabbos morning it was cold!!!!!!!!

I was sooooooooooo disappointed esp. b/c we had a load of guests coming. Sad

BH I had cold cuts and kugels etc which I warmed up but the cholent was soooooo good. What a waste! I dumped the whole lot on Motzi Shabbos! Exploding anger Sad
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Post Sun, Mar 16 2008, 1:18 am
My cholent came out great this Shabbos. But the fire under the soup went out, and I moved it over to the other side of the blech.... I hope I was allowed to do that. the blech where the fire went out was not too hot, but the pot was very hot. Confused
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mom of girls


Post Sun, Mar 16 2008, 1:22 am
MahPitom, what a nice gesture of your dh. I can just smell those flowers...
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Post Sun, Mar 16 2008, 1:26 am
TzenaRena, I think if it is Yad Soledes Bo you can move it over. I just hope you turned off the gas!

This is one reason I like to use an electric blech- it is all evenly heated and no issues of moving from cooler to hotter spot.
But these blechs come with other issues of their own... LOL
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Post Sun, Mar 16 2008, 3:37 am
ruthanne wrote:
Just to add to the cholent woes...

I had a load of guests this shabbos and I made the most delicious cholent with 2 packs of stew beef and a roll of kishke. I tasted it erev shabbos and it really was good. Well....my dh put it on the hot plate warmer but it must have blown or something b/c on shabbos morning it was cold!!!!!!!!
What a waste! I dumped the whole lot on Motzi Shabbos! Exploding anger Sad

Chaval. You should have put it in the fridge, then frozen the whole thing after Shabbat and used it next week (boil then simmer for serving on Shabbat).
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Post Sun, Mar 16 2008, 6:24 am
Hannah! wrote:
MahPitom wrote:
Hannah, maybe he would like my lightweight version of chicken wings and rice? Tastes like the real thing but is so light on the stomach, and gluten free! What part of the cholent doesn’t he like?

P.S. you can come visit me, hugs can help. Just make sure you cover head with three layers of silk and go to the mikvah first.

He hates mushy food -- there is no hope. Crying I do appreciate the offer, though.

And for the record I do not hug women, or even meet with women in yichud, as it may lead to an inappropriate relationship. And I don't wear silk as it is a sign of royalty and there is no mesorah that my family is descended from Dovid haMelech.

There is hope! There is! We make our chulent (the best chulent ever made, by the way, all other chulents blush when they see ours) with wheat instead of barley--and it doesn't go mushy like the barley chulent! Try it!
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