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Lubavitchers are lousy dresses and wear ugly shaitels
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Post Fri, Jan 23 2009, 2:06 pm
I sent in a comment , too. Disgusting.

If she had just made fun, OK...but she just had to comment to Joy Behar " Have you ever seen what some of those women look like??" Was that part of the "Shtick" , too? Don't think so.

To Joy's credit, she did look a bit uncomfortable after that comment, and try to "save" by saying how some look really good, but some...not.
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Post Fri, Jan 23 2009, 2:34 pm
shlomitsmum wrote:
Maybe I need to hunt her down wearing my shabbos shaitel and kick her tush with my manolos or at least step on her baby toe Twisted Evil ....and maybe hit her on the head with my big LV purse to dust off some off those self hating cowwebs ....evil fantasy , I'm very gentle actually LOL

She better watch out for Shlomit's Mum...lol. Don't break a heel kicking her tushie.
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Post Fri, Jan 23 2009, 3:03 pm
shlomitsmum wrote:

And Halitzah is unheard off these days...at east to me. Exploding anger

I have a friend who had to do chalitzah, so its not unheard of these days.

I think I'm more upset about the movie theme than I am about the comments she made. they were plainly ignorant and obnoxious.
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Post Fri, Jan 23 2009, 3:06 pm
If anyone else wants to try calling, then good luck. The interns around this guy must be antisemitic or something. She was very condescending, and refused to let me talk to him. She didn't want to take my name. Then when I called back a little while later, I got another intern. He hung up when he heard what it was about.

For any brave souls ... Brian Frons, 212-456-7777.
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Post Fri, Jan 23 2009, 3:12 pm
Essman said she hung out with some Lubavitcher women. I wonder what THEY would say if they heard what she said.

I'm sure they'd be horrified.
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Post Fri, Jan 23 2009, 3:30 pm
mugsisme wrote:
If anyone else wants to try calling, then good luck. The interns around this guy must be antisemitic or something. She was very condescending, and refused to let me talk to him. She didn't want to take my name. Then when I called back a little while later, I got another intern. He hung up when he heard what it was about.

For any brave souls ... Brian Frons, 212-456-7777.

I highly doubt it's anti-Semitism. More likely, it's bad customer service. IME, many companies will not take complaints. It's obnoxious, really.
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Post Sat, Jan 24 2009, 1:37 pm
avigailmiriam wrote:
mugsisme wrote:
If anyone else wants to try calling, then good luck. The interns around this guy must be antisemitic or something. She was very condescending, and refused to let me talk to him. She didn't want to take my name. Then when I called back a little while later, I got another intern. He hung up when he heard what it was about.

For any brave souls ... Brian Frons, 212-456-7777.

I highly doubt it's anti-Semitism. More likely, it's bad customer service. IME, many companies will not take complaints. It's obnoxious, really.

Something tells me the intern would fear for his job if he hung up upon hearing a black woman complain about a racist comment. Maybe the intern was another self-hating Jew...
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Post Sat, Jan 24 2009, 1:39 pm
chocolate moose wrote:
Right now I AM wearing an ugly sheital.

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Post Sat, Jan 24 2009, 1:53 pm
The thing a few of you don't seem to understand is that although Susie Essman is a comedienne, not only was she not on the View in the capacity of a comedienne (the movie she is promoting is a drama not a comedy), but her comments were not jokes. I think it's clear from the clip. Maybe the hyena crew at the View were laughing, but I think they were just uncomfortable, all thinking the same thing, "Are we allowed to laugh at the Jews? Maybe the really weird Hassidic ones?"

JRKmommy, I like your idea about having Lubavitchers on the show... I never saw the show before this clip, but something tells me the subject matter wouldn't be superficial enough for these ladies.
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Post Sat, Jan 24 2009, 4:37 pm
I think she must have met only one or two lubavitch women. Pretty typical, spend five minutes with someone and you are an expert. Just the whole plot of the movie is completely ridiculous and would never happen. notice how she and her daughter in the movie are dressed really badly. true, she looks not unlike a badly dressed lubavitch woman, but the daughter doesn't at all. (That bow!)

I didn't mind the comment about her daughter marrying a republican...that made sense, but she jsut sounded really stupid with the next comment about the dressing badly.

I still can't believe people are allowed to get away with making whole movies based on such blatent lies. They do it with history too.
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Post Sat, Jan 24 2009, 4:52 pm
Yeah, pretty stupid and self-hating of her...
Badly dressed? Her look was definitely cheap, and so was her behavior...whatever...I am happy that I don't own a tv so I don't run into such garbage.. Puke
By the way, I am Lubavitch and I can say that most of the sheitels that I see are so beautiful that you can barely tell that it's not real hair growing from the scalp...maybe she should get one? Twisted Evil
And the comparison with muslims...there are very different reasons to hijab...whatever...ignorance and prejudice...
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First Lady


Post Sat, Jan 24 2009, 7:02 pm
OH my goodness!! Lubavitch women have the nicest shaitels!! So much so that I stopped a few of them at a wedding to get the numbers of where they got their sheitels cut and done. She's really picked the wrong community to comment on like this. To me that shows blatant anti-frum'ness.
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Post Sat, Jan 24 2009, 7:24 pm
Sometimes people use 'Lubavitch' to describe all frum Jews, because they may be the only ones they've heard about and then they associate everyone else with them. Just putting it out there.
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Post Sat, Jan 24 2009, 7:26 pm
This is ridiculous. I watched the film and while the women was mildly distasteful, it's not anti-semitism, it's comedy that fell flat. Sorry guys.

This has nothing to do with being a "liberal" or a "conservative", it has to do with context and understanding what a strange and foreign lifestyle chassidus was to her, and that she was trying to crack a joke about it.
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Post Sat, Jan 24 2009, 8:04 pm
Raisin wrote:
TheBeinoni wrote:
Time for my quick 2 cents before this thing gets locked...

Perhaps we as frum Jews are not doing our job. If outsiders can't seem to look past the "ugly wigs and bad outfits" then what kind of Or Lagoyim are we???

Quick! lets all go shopping and buy new nicer sheitals!!!!!!!!!!! yey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tb, I highly doubt this women actually met any lubavitch women. maybe one.

That was not my point. At all. I am sure that she did not do proper research because if she did she would have not said the things she did..or maybe should would anyways. But that was not my point.

My point goes beyond what ppl are discussing here - I wanted to bring in another issue. People in the world look at us like we are foreigners - and we are! But we are not respected for our ways, and we should be. All I am trying to say is that we have more work to do in this world that we are so despised and stereotyped in.
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Post Sat, Jan 24 2009, 8:24 pm
and just for the record ... my sonny boy says quite the opposite - lubavitchers are the trendiest dressed group ...

so maybe you all need to regroup yourselves and stop worrying about what others think one way or the other ... because mentschlichkeit are way more beautiful than any garb or sheitel ...
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Post Sat, Jan 24 2009, 8:45 pm
This guy "frumsatire" whose blog I don't recommend but happen to know strongly feels the Lubavitch women are the best dressed. Be warned he is being funny by being sort of extreme, needs many grains of salt. His words.

Lets face the facts Lubavitchers are the coolest Chasidim: My list of the reasons why they rock

Lubavitch girls are the hot

Lubavitch girls don’t dress so frummie

Lubavitch girls have cool hobbies and they are extremely active

They are the only large Chasidic sect that communicates in English

They don’t speak in yeshivish lingo

They don’t only make brown foods for shabbos

770 is like one big frat party

Free places to stay around the globe

Great kiddushes, not just kichel and herring

The erev shabbos kugel and cholent store in Crown Heights

The girls are allowed to learn gemara

The girls are smart and witty


Diverse yarmulke styles black, brown, navy and red velvet and cloth as well

The Rebbe had the wickedest thumb dip of all the Rebbe’s

Meshichists are hilarious and bring life to any party

The inner Lubavitcher politics is way cooler then the whole Satmar and Bobov situation

Messianic Jews who would’ve thought

Did I mention that Lubavitch girls are the hottest of them all

The messiest and shlumpiest of men can be rest assured they will get a hot wife

The women don’t have to wear those stupid turbans

They also don’t have to shave their heads

They don’t deny their pasts like many BT’s

Sukkah mobiles can pimp out the worst of cars

Lubavitchers have hobbies and interests other then banning things

They don’t feel the need to ban something every week

Can you pass the Mashka

Chabad houses have good reading material

Campus chabad houses have hot chicks and free food

Making fun of meshichists provides one with hours of entertainment

Turf wars between Aish and Chabad are rather interesting

Lubavitchers let women speak to men and even have mixed seating at events

Lubavitch girls don’t wear bulletproof stockings

Shachris at 11:00 may seem early to some (yes I know all Chasidim rock the late minyanim)

Lubavitchers have not banned post high school education for girls

They haven’t banned denim skirts either and they all wear the black leather hooker boots

Jewish geography with Lubbies is hilarious

Calling out Mendy or Mushkie to a crowd of children is awesome

They are all inbred and married to each other

Some of them even use veggies like spinach and collards

They have invented something called a cholent bar

Organized is a bad word

They have human hair sheitles

The men don’t have to rock the long peyos

Lubavitchers that shave their beards off are not automatically discharged as heretics

Non-religious or modern Jews are not considered apikorsim

They always have secular magazines and newspapers lying around

All Lubavitch shulls have English translated books

Baal Shemtov stories are rockin’

They don’t force you to take useless books when you give them tzedaka

They don’t send you Chanukah wicks and charoset year after year to try and schnor off of you

Last edited by gonewiththewind on Sat, Jan 24 2009, 8:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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