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Perek Shira
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Post Tue, Jul 08 2008, 10:35 am
I said perek shira in the zuches for my brother to find his basherta. I said it a few times but never finished - I mean 40 days in a row. Last summer I said it again and finished 40 days. My brother got engaged either right after I finished or one of the last days of the 40 days (can remember exactly when it was)!!! BH Very Happy
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Purple Hug Bunny


Post Fri, Jul 11 2008, 4:31 pm
hmmm. so maybe if I say perek shira for 40 days (although I doubt Ill ever finish it, or if I can even commit to it) do you think money will suddenly grow into my bank account??
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Post Mon, Jul 14 2008, 10:16 pm
is perek shira a segua for children also?
because here it seems that a lot of people have been helpt with shidduichim and parnassah,
havent heard anyone being blessed with a child after...
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Post Mon, Jul 14 2008, 11:05 pm
There was an article in Binah magazine last Elul about Perek Shirah. It said that"chazal say after completing sefer Tehillim, Dovid was quite proud. "have You created any creature in Your world that says songs and praises more than I?" he asked Hashem. At that moment, along came a frog which answered him, "Dovid, do not feel pride, because I say songs and praises more than you." With ruach hakodesh, Dovid recorded the song of the frog as well as the other creations (Beis Elokim)." Other people attribute Perek Shirah to Shlomo Hamelech or sages of the Mishna such as Rabi Yishmael, Rabi Akiva, Rabi Nechunia ben Hakanah, and Rabi Eliezer ben Hyrkanus.
"Rabi Yehuda Hanasi, also known as Rebi, codifier of the Mishnah, was one of the first to articulate the power of Perek Shirah. The following is traditionally said before the recital of Perek Shirah: "Rebi said: Whoever is involved in Perek Shirah in Olam Hazeh will merit to learn and to teach, to guard and to perform and to uphold, and his learning will remain with him. He will be saved from the yetzer hara, from misfortune, from the torments of the grave, from the judgment of Gehinnom and from chevlei Moshiach. His days will be lengthened, and he will merit the days of Moshiach and the life of Olam Haba.""
"The mefarshim offer several explanations for the power of Perek Shirah. The Arizal and Harav Chaim of Volozhin, among others, describe the existence of a heavenly sar (ministering angel), which is appointed over each and every creation. All the bounty of each creation is drawn through its sar, yet its sar is powerless to convey its influence until the creation sings shirah. When man recites Perek Shirah, he empowers the sarim to sing their shirah and thereby channel their bounty to their designated creations."
"Interestingly, the only song which is missing from Perek Shirah is that of man. The Mabit explains that Perek Shirah itself is man's "song." As the Zohar teaches, Hashem took traits from all the other creations and put them into His creation of man. When man says Perek Shirah, he empowers all the forces of creation that are within him to sing their song and thereby receive their bounty....
"This increased closeness to Hashem may explain why Perek Shirah is such a powerful segulah. The Baal Haleshem (Harav Shlomo Elyashiv, zt"l, gradfather of yibadel l'chaim tovim aruchim Hagaon Harav Yosef Shalom Eliyashiv, shlita) says that Hashem makes Himself known in a way that can be interpreted by people through two venues- the Torah and the world. Perek Shirah is an example of how one can truly know Hashem through the world. In the songs of each creation, we perceive Hashem operating in the world, which builds our emunah. This opens up as vessels to receive all the blessings that Hashem has to give (Hakdamas Hashe'arim)."
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Post Wed, Jul 16 2008, 8:25 pm
do you have to say it everyday the exact same time? or just make sure its during the day?
and do you hve to sya the introduction?
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Post Wed, Jul 16 2008, 8:26 pm
I just started it today.. im soo excited to see results
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Post Wed, Jul 16 2008, 8:27 pm
It's best to say in the morning because that's when the animals sing shira. You should buy the one with the english translation from artscroll. It's amazing what it says there. You can say the yom or the whole thing. Some say the yom and on shabbos say the whole thing. You can say the into if you want, in the back theres something you say too with a space to ask for things in your own language.
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Post Wed, Sep 10 2008, 10:37 am
Ok some questions with regards to saying Perek Shira:

1) not one person mentioned having said it for better shalom bayis or to ask for help in ones life which is beyond difficult or is this just for things such as parnassa, and shiduchim?
2) Do you say the bit that says " The frog says" or "the dove says" etc etc do you say that line or not?
3) Im assuming during the day means before sunset?
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Post Wed, Sep 10 2008, 10:41 am
1-you can ask for anything. I try to say it right after shachris and ask for a successful day in every way.

2- you say the line that says the animal says...

3-you can say it at anytime but until sunset is best
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Post Mon, Jan 19 2009, 8:12 am
Can it be said to ask for a Refuah?

If so, can you ask for a Refuah for only one person at a time, or for more than one person at a time?

Thank you.
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Post Mon, Jan 19 2009, 11:35 am
Has anyone tried saying it for someone else who is looking for the same segula as them?
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