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Forum -> Household Management -> Finances
How much do I charge to drive a carpool?
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Post Mon, Sep 04 2023, 11:48 am
I live in Baltimore and $15 for all 3 kids wouldn't be worth it to me. The going rate to BY middle per kid one way for the month is about $65, to TI which is further and has more school days is about $85. So someone driving 3 kids to BY is making $195 per month each way. It seems you are making about $180 per month (assuming this is just for one way?) which is a little less than the going rate. And the $195 is a monthly fee, not per drive. So in yuntif seasons they are still getting paid the same per month as in a month when there are no vacation days. But it seems you would only be getting paid for actual school days so it may net less than $180 per month, you'd have to do the math. But, all the drivers I know who charge for driving are going anyway either because they work at the school or they drive their kids every day anyway because it's on the way to work. So it's really just extra pocket money since they are going anyway. The only extra time they are putting in is the time it takes them to pick up/drop off the kids, not the time it takes them to drive to school.

Also, think about Baltimore winters, the hilly streets, the ones that don't get plowed, clearing off your car. It's been mild winters the past few years so people forget what the bad ones are like. And if school starts late or dismisses early due to snow you would have to possibly cancel work and appointments last minute. Is it worth it if you arent' going anyway? Your friend can always send by bus if she has to.
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Post Mon, Sep 04 2023, 6:03 pm
Not less then $60, Your vehicle, gas and time.. My question is why was her offer so low and why are you willing to do it at that cost. I hope people dont take advantage of you
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Post Mon, Sep 04 2023, 7:02 pm
DrMom wrote:
How much would an Uber driver charge? Use that to get some feel for how much you can charge.

An über driver decides when and where they want to take on a customer. This is a fixed schedule which means Op's day will have to revolve around that commitment. Plus she's bringing her kids along. Not worth the agmas nefesh.
Don't do it. Or do it for $100 per ride. But don't do it.
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Post Mon, Sep 04 2023, 7:54 pm
amother OP wrote:
thanks. But it doesn't make sense to me. My little kids are done playgroup, nursery and kindergarten then. They were away from me for a lot of the day already. I wouldn't make them be away from me for any money or job at that time of day!

Op! Op! Look at what you wrote. Read your own words.

Driving is not being with your kids. This does not sound love the right job/chessed for you.

I get your friend is "stuck" and needs help. But why does chessed for her come before your family? Chessed begins at home.

You're giving up precious time with your children at a critical time of day for a not worthwhile amount of compensation.

The only reason to consider this is if this is your carpool and your driving her turn, and if you don't your carpool falls apart
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Post Mon, Sep 04 2023, 8:05 pm
I also live in an OOT community (Cherry Hill, NJ) for reference, I pay $300 per month for carpool for my daughter. The drivers are both teachers at her school. The commute is about 30 min each way. I am more than happy with this arrangement.
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Post Mon, Sep 04 2023, 8:17 pm
Someone pointed this out but I'll just highlight it: one of your kids will likely fall asleep on the car. That can throw off your entire schedule. How can this possibly be worth it for you?
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Post Mon, Sep 04 2023, 9:46 pm
amother Yellow wrote:
Sometime but not usually. In Baltimore, everyone carpools. I am neither a teacher or student, but as I drive my son home every day (I’ve been burned with carpools so I do this), I take paying kids also. Tons of people do the same.

To those who are not in Baltimore, if you don’t live in Baltimore you wouldn’t get it.

Yellow, you are going to the school.amyway for your son and picking up some nice change ok the side.

Op is making a special trip.
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Post Mon, Sep 04 2023, 9:57 pm
amother Yellow wrote:
This. I’m also in Baltimore and I do a paid carpool and I’ve paid carpool drivers in the past. It’s $60/65 per kid per way a month. This includes months where there is very little school due to chaggim, school break, etc.

As a parent who paid a driver, one of the drivers was absent quite a lot, like twice a month and it stunk but thats how it goes.

Last year as a paid driver, I had a planned trip to Israel and the mom had to pay someone else, so we agreed to a lower payment that month.

OP, charging the going rate in town could add up to a nice amount of pocket money for you. If I was free then, I’d do it for sure.

Also, you can post questions like this on the nshei Baltimore whatsapp group, in the baltimommies fb group, and in the nshei pickwick email group. If you do not belong to any of those, you should.

Worth it even with 3 little kids? This sounds crazy to me. I would sooner babysit one more kid in my home. Let someone have their kid come to my house for aftercare etc. carpooling with little kids in the car for dollars per ride? No.
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Post Mon, Sep 04 2023, 10:03 pm
amother OP wrote:
thanks. But it doesn't make sense to me. My little kids are done playgroup, nursery and kindergarten then. They were away from me for a lot of the day already. I wouldn't make them be away from me for any money or job at that time of day!

Poor children. They are coming home and want to be home- make supper/ play/ use the bathroom when the urge hits. Why would you take them for a 40 minute car ride?

I honestly think your friend is either clueless or assumes you are.
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Post Mon, Sep 04 2023, 10:06 pm
I wldnt do it. In Brooklyn one offer is 50$ per run - 100$ a day for carpool- I still wldnt do it for that cuz after toddler being in playgroup all day I shd put her in a car every day and drive around for upto an hour in traffic? No thank you. And with 3 little kids? They’ll be hungry crying and kvetching. Your friend is stuck but it’s not on you to solve her problem.
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Post Mon, Sep 04 2023, 10:26 pm
OP, why aren't you listening?
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Post Mon, Sep 04 2023, 10:26 pm
amother OP wrote:
wow thanks so much for all these responses, I really appreciate so many of you weighing in.
Really food for thought. My friend is very stuck, maybe I will try it on a trial basis for the first month until yomtov and see how it goes. I think I'm going to ask her for $20 or $25 a day. Thank you all !

Your friend can figure it out
Your poor little kids starting off the school year, sitting unnecessarily in the car after their own long days

My kids are on the bus and I literally walk out of my way to pick them up from a different stop so they should get off sooner. No way I'm taking a 3 year old and sticking them back in the car

When I lived out of town and had to drive my 2 year old back and forth, it was always a nightmare praying he wouldn't fall asleep in the car. Having snacks. Hoping he wouldn't poop.

You're not a car service, you are a mother to young children and they need you more right now. Unless you're so strapped for some cash and even then, that's not enough compensation for gas, time, car, oh and snacks for your own kids in the car.
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Post Tue, Sep 05 2023, 12:49 am
I doubt that OP will end up doing this carpool for more than a few days. As someone said if she needs the money so badly she could probably find a job picking up a child or 2 from one of her own children's schools and babysit that child for a few hours. Many parents need aftercare and would be happy to pay $100 a week for good aftercare.
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Post Tue, Sep 05 2023, 12:49 am
amother Green wrote:
OP, why aren't you listening?

why do you think I'm not listening? I'm reading every post and thinking about it. I already posted that I might try it on a trial basis. Maybe I'm too nice...
thanks to all the posters. I appreciate your comments very much.
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Post Tue, Sep 05 2023, 1:04 am
This would be putting your friend’s needs above your kids. They are so young!

And you can count on them falling asleep in the car and good luck with bedtime…
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Post Tue, Sep 05 2023, 1:17 am
I charge ~$250/month for 30-40min drive/way.
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Post Tue, Sep 05 2023, 2:21 am
Charge what it's worth it for you to do it. But, think carefully because you don't want to come to resent it.
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Post Tue, Sep 05 2023, 7:37 am
amother OP wrote:
why do you think I'm not listening? I'm reading every post and thinking about it. I already posted that I might try it on a trial basis. Maybe I'm too nice...
thanks to all the posters. I appreciate your comments very much.

You're not nice. You're being unrealistic and a pushover to your friend. And your kids are the korban.

Sorry but I grew up OOT driving to/from school every day. 30 minutes before traffic. I know what it's like as a kid.
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