Sharing this info : My friend just borrowed pack n plays for her simcha from this Gemach. The person who runs it cleans the pack n plays and sheets in between people using them. My friend found it a help for her Shabbos simcha. Gemach Zichron Hadassah pack n play (Monsey). She texted to reserve 845-216-4885.
Anyone have other Monsey Gemachs to share to help at simcha times ?
Sharing this info : My friend just borrowed pack n plays for her simcha from this Gemach. The person who runs it cleans the pack n plays and sheets in between people using them. My friend found it a help for her Shabbos simcha. Gemach Zichron Hadassah pack n play (Monsey). She texted to reserve 845-216-4885.
Anyone have other Monsey Gemachs to share to help at simcha times ?