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Forum -> Parenting our children -> Infants
Now mommy can't sleep at night :(

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Post Sun, Jan 22 2006, 7:23 am
Hi all,

This is my first post!

Ok, so my 4 month is old is bli ayin hara sleeping much better at night, getting up once or twice to nurse. Here is the problem - I still get very tense about her sleeping, and now I am having trouble sleeping! I can generally fall asleep easily at my own bedtime, although not always, but after her first waking it is sooo difficult to fall back asleep. So even though she is sleeping nicely, I am still not getting nearly enough sleep, and my husband is worried about my health.
Any suggestions? It is pretty urgent.

Thank you!!!!
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Post Sun, Jan 22 2006, 7:44 am
welcome Very Happy

I totally understand ur prob - I found that sleep patterns change once ur a mummy and I suspect its bcos u know ur the one responsible when she wakes up - the best sleeps I had when my kids were babies were the ones where SOMEONE else was responsible eg on shabbat afternoon, when dh was in charge!!!....so maybe make a deal w dh that hell get up the 1st time or sthing?...or nap in the day if hes home at all?...oh and DEFINITELY sleep on shabbat afternoon!!! hope this helps - I feel 4 u Sad
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Post Sun, Jan 22 2006, 8:36 am
Welcome, yep join mommy hood and try to sleep when they do Confused
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Post Sun, Jan 22 2006, 12:56 pm
Try nursing in your bed if possible have your husband get out of bed to bring the baby to you and have him return baby to crib.
If I get out of bed, I have difficulty falling back asleep, but I keep my baby in a co-sleeper so I just reach over to pick her up and feed and roll her back into her crib when I am done. I find it much easier to go back to sleep, as mostly I am doing it IN my sleep.
With previous babies (and no co-sleeper crib) my husband would bring the baby.
It may seem wierd to have him get up even though he is not feeding, but if he is truly concerned about you sleeping...and he doesnt find it difficult to fall back asleep, then it works.
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Post Sun, Jan 22 2006, 1:00 pm
ok, here's an easy remedy. chances are this is somewhat psycological, and if you take something that you know relaxes you and helps you fall asleep, it will work.

there is an herb called sculcap (available kosher by Quest). If you can get ahold of it, take a dropperful in a small amount of liquid after your baby gets back to sleep in middle of the night. this herb is harmless, no side effects, no worries. also, you can try sleepy tea. also, valerian root and passion flower are good for sleep.

good luck
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Post Sun, Jan 22 2006, 7:23 pm
is it anxiety that's preventing you from sleeping???
mention it to your obgyn.... would he prescribe something to relax you?
I'm not one to go for medication but as you say you're concerned about your health it sounds like it's more serious than mundane.

I was feeding my baby literally in my sleep but had to stop as I found she wasn't getting proper feedings... and just ended up snacking right through the night. I now try to sit up (in bed) for evening feedings and then put her back in her cradel once she's asleep again.
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Post Sun, Jan 22 2006, 7:25 pm
queen, I dont think babies need 'proper feedings' at night. and nursing in bed lying down, sleeping is usually helpful for prolonged 'nursing clean' (not that this thread is dealing with this issue, I just thought I'd mention it).
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Post Sun, Jan 22 2006, 7:30 pm
goldrose- I just can't find a comfortable position for nursing lying down unfortunately Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation my baby is on the petite side, so I'm careful that each feeding is a proper feeding in order to help her gain weight.
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Post Sun, Jan 22 2006, 7:35 pm
ok queen, good luck
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Post Mon, Jan 23 2006, 2:23 pm
Thanks for all the advice - I was thinking about herbal remedies, I will try those. It most definitely IS anxiety, but I am worried about medication while am nursing.
My wonderful husband would definitely help me by getting the baby, but I feel like I would end up with the same issue as I would still sit up in my bed and be awake during the feeding. And once I am up I always end up having to use the bathroom and get a drink...maybe this is making the problem worse, but that's what's happening.
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Post Mon, Jan 23 2006, 3:17 pm
p.s. I just saw this advertised from zahlers nutrition in boro park: PAS
It appears to be a natural remedy for stress/anxiety. I know nothing about it, but call zahlers and ask them.

natural usually means no side effects.
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Post Mon, Jan 23 2006, 5:43 pm
herbal and "natural" do not mean safe or no side effects. in fact, since there have been few studies done with nursing or pregnant women, the risks could be great. talk to your doctor before taking anything. some herbal remedies such as eccinacea have been shown to interact with other drugs. I'm not knocking other approaches I use some of them but check it out with your pediatrician and pharmacist.
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