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Post Sat, May 23 2009, 10:05 pm
Hello dear fellow amothers,
If you are still looking for work or want to change jobs or need to learn to do something from home that makes good money well read on!

I have been doing some research and found out that there is a very very great need for court reporters.
Who are court reporters? A court reporter is a person who sits in court and puts into words everything that is said using a steno machine. This machine works by sound not spelling allowing the person to type up to 250 words a minute. Right now in USA and Canada there is a major shortage of people who are certified in this profession. A person who is a certified court reporter gets paid at least 50K for starting salary! Also a certified court reporter can work as many other things like
Broadcast Captioning
People who are deaf or hard-of-hearing can read words that are spoken through a combination of technology and reporting, a skill known as "Realtime translation". Specially trained reporters use this technology to provide captions for live television programs, such as news, emergency broadcasts, sports events, the Oscars, the Emmys, and other live programs. Captions allow people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing (a community numbering in the 28 million range in the U.S.A. alone) to understand and enjoy TV broadcasts. This comprehension is especially critical in times of weather disasters or national emergencies. Rules issued by the Federal Communications Commission require that all new television programming be captioned and as a result, captioners are becoming increasingly more in demand. Captioners generally work at home as freelance professionals, and are paid an hourly wage, usually of more than $90 per hour. Captioning work is ideal for stay at home moms and anyone looking to make a lucrative wage from the comfort of their own home.
# CART Service Provider
A reporter's ability to instantaneously transfer spoken words to readable text enables them to provide specialized services to the deaf and hard-of-hearing community. Some Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) reporters work with deaf or hard-of-hearing students in high schools and colleges. They attend classes, and translate lectures and classroom discussions into readable text, allowing students with hearing problems to follow and participate. These services are covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the demand for CART services exceeds the capacity to provide them. CART reporters also provide services for deaf and hard-of-hearing people in churches, at weddings, in business settings, in doctors' offices - just about everywhere.
# Medical Transcription
Machine shorthand dictation is a highly transferable skill that is also extensively used in the always-burgeoning field of medicine. Medical transcription is all about keeping detailed patient files and medical records. Medical transcription experts convert old paper files to searchable digital files. They also participate in the deciphering of hand written medical notes.
# Webcasting
With the accelerated advancement in technology and the growth and popularity of online conferences, reporters have lately found their services to be in great demand on the Internet. Webcasting reporters deliver Realtime reporting for sales meetings, press conferences, product introductions, and technical training seminars, providing instant transmission to all parties involved. As participants speak into telephones or microphones, the court reporter translates their words in Realtime. The words appear on everyone's computers, accompanied by any relevant documents or graphics. Webcastersing is a lucrative career, and participating reporters can make between $100-$200 per hour.
Courses in USA are offered in local colleges. I do not suggest taking a course online as there are many schools who's curriculum is not approved by The National Court Reporting Association. ncra.com. It is a 2 year program about. In Canada there are only 2 schools one is in Alberta and one is in Toronto.
So if you are good at typing, want to make good money and can keep confidential information to yourself this maybe the job for you!

I hope this is helpful as I know many mothers here are looking for something to do from home.
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Post Sun, May 24 2009, 8:13 am
IBR wrote:
I do not suggest taking a course online as there are many schools who's curriculum is not approved by The National Court Reporting Association. ncra.com.

I'm currently studying this in an online college that is approved by the NCRA. Each school is different and should be checked.
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Mama Bear


Post Sun, May 24 2009, 8:45 am
dont you have to go down to the court to report? how is this workig at home?
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chocolate moose


Post Sun, May 24 2009, 8:49 am
IBR wrote:
I have been doing some research and found out that there is a very very great need for court reporters.

You need expensive equipment, though. And a lot of the jobs require you to do the work on site, not at home.
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Post Sun, May 24 2009, 10:49 am
While court reporting is in demand *now* I do not think that it is a good long-term career choice. The field is likely to die out in 10-20 years, when computerized voice recognition gets a bit more advanced. (I think that computerized voice recognition is right now 30-50 words per minute slower than the average certified court reporter, but the gap is narrowing rapidly.) I seriously considered the field and decided against it because I want to pursue something with greater long-term potential.

Something to keep in mind when making your choice!
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Post Sun, May 24 2009, 1:37 pm
amother wrote:
While court reporting is in demand *now* I do not think that it is a good long-term career choice. The field is likely to die out in 10-20 years, when computerized voice recognition gets a bit more advanced.

exactly my thoughts.
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Post Sun, May 24 2009, 2:22 pm
Yes voice recognition is something that is out there but in my research I have found and have spoken to lawyers who all said "A machine can not ask the person at the stand to repeat themselves if it missed something so no this profession has been around for many years and is not going to die fast. Yes you do need equipment which is expensive. The from home part is the other jobs you can do like close captioning. I didn't say this is for everyone. I just see so many people struggling and thought this would help if its not for you ok.
Yes there are schools that are approved by the ncra one of it is here in Toronto it is called the Canadian Centre for verbatim studies and they offer a online course.
This profession is not for everyone and from what I understood it is not going to die that fast no machine will replace a person who can be there and be asked later. Understand one thing Lawyers need accuracy and time is money so they will pay a sitting fee and a per hour fee to have the trial instantly on their computer in words so they can put their notes or whatever else. So to the one who didn't get into it beacuse it will die in 10 years maybe than its not for you. The money is very good the demand is so high that the Canadian government is willing to pay for it! so I don't know how can anyone say its not worth it. Also 10 -20 years is quiet a bit of time and if your salary will be at least 50K a year hmmm I think tuition and other debts could be taken care for that amount of time?
Again I just though it would be useful thats all.
The AMOTHER who wrote that she is currently doing it online can you please pm me cause I m considering it very much and would love to talk to someone who is taking it I would GREATLY APPRECIATE IT.
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Post Sun, May 24 2009, 4:37 pm
im a court reporter and I can tell you that there isnt a lot of work esp within the last two, three years....I dont necessarily make 50k a year....its not as demanding as you think it is....(im in ny, not canada)
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Post Sun, May 24 2009, 5:43 pm
I'm a court reporter and I can tell you that the money is great and it is so worth it. At least once a month I do a great one day job and make between $2,000 - $3,000 for one day. My dh always says if I only work one day a month it's worth it. Yes, there are slow times like January and July there is very little work but the other months totally make up for it. All my friends who work in the field make tons of money the money is so great. If someone doesn't get jobs then obviously they are not good and lawyers just don't want to use them again.

Another point, machines are not taking people over. When I did this ten years ago I was told the same thing that it's so pointless to do this because in ten years a machine will take over the job but you know what it's ten years down the line and machines are no closer than it was ten years ago. Also even if it ever becomes good a machine will be so expensive to have that not every lawyer will be able to afford one and I do depositions I don't work for court so if the courts gets them it won't affect me. Besides for the fact that a machine will not be able to take down ten people's different voices.

Whoever goes for this field it is sooooooooo worth it. Another point machinery is only $7,000 the whole thing that's not so expensive. Any other job is way more than that to start up.
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Post Sun, May 24 2009, 7:50 pm
2,000-3,000 in one day??? thats a bit much to believe...being that ive been a court reporter for quite a few years now, I dont know anyone making nearly that much in one day...I have made up to 1500, but not 2000-3000 (unless ur not doing court reporting for law offices and ur doing something more sophisticated...)
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Post Sun, May 24 2009, 8:04 pm
wow it is so interesting to hear from different court reporters. Like I said to the amother who wrote that she doesn't make 50k a year because its slow well its slow now everywhere and a court reporter can do other jobs like close captioning, medical transcription and others. I can't believe that you live in ny and you don't have work sorry but there are tons of jobs out there they may not be in Jewish Press.
To the amother who wrote that she has made 1500 a day Is it possible for me to talk to you. as I am seriously considering going into this and there is a very high demand in CAnada. I would like to know what did it take to get the license and your recomendation as to what machine to buy. The school that I m considering here in Toronto advices the students to buy a Elan Cybra Student. Also I wold love to hear from all 3 of amothers who are court reporters for whom do you think this job is NOT. Also is it possible for me to contact all of you I really need some advice and being that all three of you have different experiences it would be very helpful. Can you please pm me.
Thank you.
I hope this discussion is beneficial for mothers who are in it or thinking about it or who need a good job.
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Post Sun, Aug 29 2010, 9:36 pm
Hi, I was in school for court reporting, and being that I couldn't afford school anymore. I dropped out. I was up to like 120 words per minute. I am trying to get a job as a scopist (transcriptionist). If anyone knows of any leads, please let me know. Thanks.
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chocolate moose


Post Mon, Aug 30 2010, 8:26 am
It's not a great job. The equipment is costly. And it's like any other trade school - if you don't finish, you don't have anything. But debt.
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