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Post Tue, Dec 06 2005, 2:22 pm
ok so we had a mice issue that we felt was only one or 2, well we got traps and I cleaned behind everything, I did this sun night so here's the thing I never checked in my fleishic under counter sun night cause motzi shabbos I put my dishes away, well guess what it's full in pots and all.

I'm soooooooooooo discusted call me japy and all but yuk! gross!
so what do I do? I thought the traps worked we got this sound solar things.
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Post Tue, Dec 06 2005, 2:25 pm
its not japy to not like mice!!!!! Mice are DISGUSTING!!! I got my holes closed and there is a three year guarantee that there will be NO mice! If you see one (most people don't with the guy who closed my holes for at least three years) then you call and he comes and finds the problem and fixes it! Its also for bugs. since we got the holes closed ( a year ago) we haven't seen more then one bug and NO mice. PM me for more info.... if you live in my are I can give you his number!
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Post Tue, Dec 06 2005, 2:34 pm
could u tell me where u live only cause my landlords would like to keep it quiet.
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Post Tue, Dec 06 2005, 2:36 pm
LOL. My grandmother a few years ago saw a mouse in her appartment. So of course she jumped on the kitchen table, grabbed the phone, and called her BIL, my 90 year old great uncle, to come and deal with the mouse! Just imagine it.

Of course years ago my mother went down to our basement to get some dog food, and suddenly there was a terrifying yell. My father and I both ran downstairs thinking she must have tripped and broken her leg or something like that. Turns out she found a mouse in the dog food bin.

Just to prove that it runs in the family, a few years ago we had a mouse in the house, and when she saw it run across the living room my daughter jumped in one motion right on top of the sofa arm, screaming, "The mouse! The mouse!"

And my daughter, mom and grandmother really are not jappy at all.
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Post Tue, Dec 06 2005, 2:57 pm
We used to live in an older duplex that we purchased and moved into during the summer. I was shocked, horrified and disgusted when the cold weather came around and I discovered that we had inherited a mouse problem decades old. We started out using glue pad traps and caught over a dozen in the first day!
At the time my oldest was an infant and just starting to wiggle around on the floor. I was afraid for her safety, and all jappiness aside, non-domestic rodents are known to carry harmful bacterias and diseases.
We spent the first year of the problem using the glue pads and prefilled d-con traps wherever I knew the baby couldn't get it (behind the fridge, attic, basement, inside fireplace behind couch, etc.). After a lot of research, I found an exterminator that specialized in rodents who showed me all the holes in the brick on the outside of our house, in foundation, etc. Those repairs were out of our budget, but he was also able to drop poison in the holes all over the house. I had the house reexterminated once a year and the only time after that that we saw another mouse was when our basement flooded and washed away a lot of the poison.

Don't worry about being a jap. For your family's health and safety, get rid of the problem as quickly and completely as you can, even if it is at your own expense. It's worth it.

Also, mice can constrict themselves small enough to fit through a hole the size of a pencil tip! With that ability, how can anyone be totally immune to the problem?
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Post Tue, Dec 06 2005, 2:58 pm
No, you're not being JAPy: mice are vermin that carry disease, contaminate food, aggravate allergies and in general destroy quality of life. Civilized people really cannot coexist peacefully with house mice.

Interesting psychological note: I only scream when I see a mouse if someone else is home and awake. Guess some part of the brain says "no one is home to hear, don't waste energy screaming."
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Post Tue, Dec 06 2005, 3:19 pm
I live in NY. If you do to I can post the name and number...
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Post Tue, Dec 06 2005, 10:29 pm
in the summer there were a lot of instances of mice in my neighbourhood - I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and saw one running! I screamed sooooooooo loudly - meanwhile dh ran so fast (I was in my 9th month!).
even with the traps, it kills the mice but since the holes were closed they can't escape so you may see dead mice in your house.
the worst part are their droppings - I cried and cried cleaning them... I kept a vaccuum cleaner in my kitchen! in the end I paid a cleaning lady just to clean my kitchen cabinets - she took forever and didn't do a good job and it cost me $60.
don't feel it is a reflection on you and you don't know how to keep a clean house - that's what I freaked out about! everyone told me that practically every house has them in the walls and usually they don't bother you.
one final note, be happy you don't have rats! when the exterminator came, he told me that some ppl in my neighbourhood have rats - that's really scary. they are bigger, can bite and aren't scared of people. mice are actually quite small.
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Post Tue, Dec 06 2005, 11:48 pm
Your landlord wants to keep it quiet? Hmmm, you are the one living with the rodents. I say get help anyway you can. We had one we caught in our garage a few months ago. It was little but gross. So my husband took my son out to practice baseball last Sunday and in his batbag that has been closed up for a while, yup, a dead mouse. In his batting helmet. Oh how disgusting. Glad I wasn't there! I screamed when I heard about it hours later.
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Post Wed, Dec 07 2005, 9:09 am
don't forget to also get a picture of the "mouse rebbe". ask for it in any seforim store. dont know why, but it works. I also keep poison under my kitchen sink as a backup Wink .
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Pickle Lady


Post Wed, Dec 07 2005, 9:53 am
I have the mouse rebbe on the kitchen wall. It didn't work for me. The only thing that worked for me was stuffing all the holes and keep checking. They aren't totally gone but got much better. Also I now keep all my food in plstic containers so that no unwanted visitors eat some. EEEWWW!!! But its not like my kids don't leave out snacks for them. Stuffing all the holes is the only way to go to get rid of them. OR get a cat!!!!
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Post Wed, Dec 07 2005, 11:43 am
shanie5 wrote:
. I also keep poison under my kitchen sink .

which you keep securely locked, right?
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Post Thu, Dec 08 2005, 11:36 am
sorry chen, but my baby is 4 1/2 and the poison is in back of everything under there. its the most inconvenient place for a kid to explore. any other place I'd be more careful w/, but this is one spot that I dont worry about due its location and accesability in the way my kitchen is laid out.

now im putting on my armor for all the horror stories and bashing I will probably receive!!
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Post Thu, Dec 08 2005, 11:44 am
shanie5 wrote:
now im putting on my armor for all the horror stories and bashing I will probably receive!!

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Post Wed, Feb 15 2006, 5:36 pm
As I was reading this a mouse just ran right by my foot. Everyone's been warning me mice are a health risk, but I'm wondering how. What'll they do to us... other than freak me out and make me afraid to walk barefoot!
Does the "Mouse Rebbe" really work? Who is he and why is he called that?
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Post Wed, Feb 15 2006, 6:16 pm
Rodent droppings carry disease. I have a bad habit of putting things away in the plastic grocery bags rather than the proper thing which is to put the item on the shelf and store the bag. Any messy area is a good nesting place for mice. Traps alone are worthless. Poison is needed. By the time that the mice are chutzpadik enough to run over your foot, there are more than the food supply is providing. They may be getting into your garbage cans so those may need to be covered.
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chocolate moose


Post Wed, Feb 15 2006, 6:32 pm
Big deal. I had a rat in my basement. Thankfully I got married!
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Post Wed, Feb 15 2006, 6:42 pm
your landlord wants it quiet??? Why not buy several mice in the local pet shop, and drop it at HIS doorstep. I wonder how quiet HE would be?????
I would mouseproof the apt. ( they run about 500-700 dollars and deduct it off the rent.
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Post Wed, Feb 15 2006, 7:32 pm
SaraG wrote:
Big deal. I had a rat in my basement. Thankfully I got married!

My sil had a rat in her office. UNfortunately, she married him.
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Post Wed, Feb 15 2006, 8:08 pm
Ewww!! I had never seen a mouse in a house (couldn't resist) until I moved up north. I must've leapt 20 feet the first time I saw one run across the floor. (Then called the exterminator right away and compulsively scrubbed out all cabinets for HOURS. Yech!!

When I was in law school my roommate and I rented a guest house - really a very nice little house. We had two cats. Well, these two cats somehow kept getting into the laundry closet where the washer and dryer were (with bifold louvred doors) and getting into the tupperware container that had the cat food in it... One night my roommate screamed, and I came running. She said "I heard one of the cats getting into the catfood and so I came to get after him but LOOK - " Here she pointed at the window seat where our two felines were lounging - all at the same time that there were assorted scratches and snuffles coming from the laundry closet. Grabbing a broom, I hooked the handle in the door and opened it a little bit, whereupon the biggest possum in the western world hissed at me from his perch on top of the washing machine. We both screamed, slammed the door shut, and then I called my dad (lol - since he was 3 hours away). My dad had business in Nashville the next day anyhow, so when he came the next day he figured out that the varmint was getting into the house through the hole in the wall where the dryer vent was (which vented into a cellar with an outside entrance beneath the house). A little chicken wire and duct tape and we were all set!
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