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TODAY I am starting to diet-seriously!
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Post Mon, Mar 05 2007, 6:02 pm
CM- For you, maybe. I will not see a significant weight loss if I dont excercise.
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Post Mon, Mar 05 2007, 6:23 pm
I go to the gym at least 4 times a week. I can say that until I didn't get my eating habits in order, the weight losing (I should say, INCH LOSING) went very slow. Now that I've adjusted that, I am losing really fast. My instructor at the gym actually told me that 70% of weight loss is the food! It definately is. But working out helps ALOT. (Plus it makes u feel so good I dont like the days I dont go).

A secret: If u wanna lose FASTER, in a healthy way, try to subsitute any bread with fruit, especially apples. No bread during the week. It works!
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Post Mon, Mar 05 2007, 6:43 pm
Yes, working out won't help very much if you don't watch what you're eating as well.

When I first started at the gym, I went 4x a week, but only maintained my weight. The past couple of months I've stuck to a new diet, and I've been losing every week.
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chocolate moose


Post Mon, Mar 05 2007, 6:55 pm
It depends on the person. When I was first diagnosed with my thyroid problem, and put on medication, it was just pulling teeth to get the weight off. Took me five mos to get 20 lbs off.

I needed exercise for that jump start, but right now, I see if I don't eat right ANd exercise, one doesn't work very well by itself.
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Post Mon, Mar 05 2007, 8:19 pm
I didn't sayit didn't, I just think that exercise is over rated, that's all.

OVERRATED???? Exercise is NOT overrated at all. Besides for the fact that you lose weight faster with exercise when dieting , it has so many other health benefits. Cardio is great for your heart, weight training is great for building endurance and strength, and it's also great for preventing osteoporosis later in life. I feel like a fat slob now that I skipped the gym for a whole week, but when I go, I feel great after, even if I really didn't feel like working out before.
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Post Mon, Mar 05 2007, 10:49 pm
I love when I exercize for two years I wlked two mil;es everyday I joined a gym And struggle going but I feel gr8 whenever I work out.
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Post Tue, Mar 06 2007, 5:59 am
Let me join too! Even 10 pounds by pesach would be great!
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Post Tue, Mar 06 2007, 8:11 am
Thank g-d I didnt touch any cakes yesterday!
I am so happy I was able to be strong yesterday especially when the house is full of goodies...I am realy hoping to be strong and lose 10-15 pounds before Pesach.
I decided if I look the way I do now I am not buying myself anything new for Spring.nothing can look really good or feel confortable when I am so big!
Besides the look I also started feeling different kinds of pain :In my knee..back..everywhere!It is terrible to see how we can abuse our bodies!Whats good about reaching almost 200 pounds??????
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Post Tue, Mar 06 2007, 9:30 am
Okay, TenEleven, I'm in but we have to make this work. I NEED to lose weight by Pesach (bil wedding after shavous) just hadda baby, am incredibly overweight (for my standards anyways)
so here's what I suggest : the best part of Weightwatchers when I was there, I found, was the accountability. I wrote down everything I ate, and had to weigh in everyweek. If I put on wieght the WOMAN (the dreaded WOMAN AT THE SCALE) would tsk and ask me if I was good that week (like catholic school, only worse)
what we should do here, is start a new thread and everyday everyone wants has to type in exactly what they ate that day the good, the bad, the cheat eats, all of it.
we can all type in starting weight (or not if uncomfortable) and discuss how we're going, and every week (say tuesday a week from today) retype o ur wieght and discuss..

ten, w haddaya say?
anyone else? I'm too busy to go to wieght watchers but we can make one here...or sorta
we dont actually have to type in what we ate, but you have to admit to cheating...
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Post Tue, Mar 06 2007, 9:48 am
count me in too. I have to loose about 40 pounds and my willpower is ery loooooow.

but I will tell you that we got rid of our junk food by giving our leftover junk food to the chayalim at the tzomet between beitar and the gush. boy did they have big grins on their faces:)
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dr pepper


Post Tue, Mar 06 2007, 11:02 am
this week was the first week I haven't lost in months.

I keep taking a bit of chocolate there, a bite of hamentaschen there... please tell me it's ok just to toss it all in the garbage!

I would be happy just to lose another 5 by pesach. Of course I have 40 more beyond that to lose, but I don't mind taking baby steps.
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Post Tue, Mar 06 2007, 11:18 am
Dr. Pepper,

You are not a garbage can. (I tell myself t his all the time) You're not avoiding the aveira of bal tashchis (unnesscary waste) by shoving it in your mouth so it doesn't get wasted.


or send it with your kids to school, they can all get rid of together, the whole lot of them
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chocolate moose


Post Tue, Mar 06 2007, 11:57 am
Cindy, I only meant weight loss.
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Post Tue, Mar 06 2007, 2:22 pm
the purim seuda we went to had a hypnotist show. he sold cd's after which my kids wanted to buy. so I told them as long as we get the 'lose weight' one also we can get a few. now I just have to listen to it once a day for 21 days. 2 down, 19 to go. if it works-great, if not-well. I always wanted to try hypnosis anyway...........
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Post Tue, Mar 06 2007, 2:42 pm
Dr.Pepper - you will throw out the junk food - as soon as you stop reading - you will throw out the junk food (do I sound like a hypnotist)
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Post Tue, Mar 06 2007, 3:02 pm
Ok so start a topic called ‘What I’m eating now – food diary entries’ only mine will consists of ‘cinch shake, cinch shake, cinch shake…’
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Post Tue, Mar 06 2007, 4:04 pm
I'm new to the site, but I would love to join in. I've got a lot of weight to lose and have done too much procrastinating. Maybe this will be the push that I need to get started!
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Post Tue, Mar 06 2007, 4:09 pm
Ok here goes:

Today March 9 2007-03-06

Early morning:
1 coffee (lowfat milk, splenda)
Late morning: 1 cinch shake
chicken soup, 3 kreplach, 1 ounce croutons (that’s like 2 starches, wow!)
2 servings shlishka (someoen’s gotta eat it up, no?!)
About ½ ounce cucumber salad

I just noticed I didn’t drink enough, I’ll go do that. Thanks for listening!
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Post Tue, Mar 06 2007, 4:15 pm
I like food listing threads Smile

Tues, March 6th

string cheese (yes, I know that's not a proper breakfast, I needed something to eat quickly before going to the gym. I usually eat oatmeal)

Veggie burger with tomato, avocado, and mozarella on whole wheat bread. Side of zucchini, eggplant, and mushrooms with tomato sauce.
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chocolate moose


Post Tue, Mar 06 2007, 4:19 pm
Defy, do you really?

I eat the same thing every day - coffee and yogurt for breakfast, salad with protein for lunch.

Snack of apple.
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