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Emunas yisroel boro park
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Post Sun, Dec 13 2015, 10:32 pm
amother wrote:
The restrictions I'm referring to above are gerrer restrictions. I don't know the specifics on the emunas yisroel restrictions, but know that they are similar to that of ger and that they hold from this same kotzker shita. It is newer in the emunas yisroel community and not as wide spread among the congregants than in the gerrer community. The couples do not act as restricted in public. But R Wolfson holds from prishut.
How do you know this?
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Post Sun, Dec 13 2015, 10:34 pm
amother wrote:
How does the leadership there deal with families who daven there who are found to have internet at home for reasons other than a business? Is it on honesty/trust basis, or are people asked to get rid of internet or leave?

The mindset is very different. You come and daven, become part of the chaburah, and together strive for growth.

No one would ever ask anyone about their internet usage, never mind ask someone to leave.
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Post Sun, Dec 13 2015, 10:35 pm
yogabird wrote:
How do you know this?

From shidduch research.
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Post Sun, Dec 13 2015, 10:37 pm
amother wrote:
The restrictions I'm referring to above are gerrer restrictions. I don't know the specifics on the emunas yisroel restrictions, but know that they are similar to that of ger and that they hold from this same kotzker shita. It is newer in the emunas yisroel community and not as wide spread among the congregants than in the gerrer community. The couples do not act as restricted in public. But R Wolfson holds from prishut.

Where are you getting your information from, because this is all news to me.

Wife of an Emunas Yisroel member
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Post Sun, Dec 13 2015, 10:38 pm
amother wrote:
From shidduch research.

Im truly sorry, but you have been misled. They might have been talking about a specific boy or maybe family.
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Post Sun, Dec 13 2015, 10:38 pm
whoever I know from emunas yisrael community are lovely, warm, simple people. as posteres mentioned before, they all seem to be striving upward in their avodas hashem. they dress very simple, but no specific standard- ex. you'll see uncovered shaitels a bit past shoulders, uncovered short, some covered.... Most wear shtreimlech- the young ones for sure. it's a regular chassidish crowd but without the shvitzers.
I think that whoever is there, is there by choice and not because their parents raised them to be "emunas yisrael" chassidim.

about the intimacy stuff- I have a hard time believing that. but I can't say anything cuz I never asked anyone about it in real life.

about internet- my neighbor sends to their cheder- mevakshei hashem, and they require parents to filter their internet and they ask you which dayan gave you a heter. you gotta sign the form. that's about it.
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Post Sun, Dec 13 2015, 10:41 pm
amother wrote:
Im truly sorry, but you have been misled. They might have been talking about a specific boy or maybe family.

This has been discussed on imamother before and there were a number of posters here who have brought this up when ger practices were discussed. And those posters were not me. For the record the boy in question did not follow these practices.
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Post Sun, Dec 13 2015, 10:42 pm
amother wrote:
From shidduch research.
I have a very hard time believing this.
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Post Sun, Dec 13 2015, 10:42 pm
I was once in the shul Shabbos for an aufruf and I was very impressed.
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Post Sun, Dec 13 2015, 10:53 pm
I think Emunas Yisroel has a branch in Lakewood too, that will probably sprout like dynamite as time goes on, because thats the place young couples who arent followers of any specific Chassidish group, want to live, especially if they dont have enough for a down payment for a house that costs a million plus.
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Post Sun, Dec 13 2015, 11:15 pm
amother wrote:
This has been discussed on imamother before and there were a number of posters here who have brought this up when ger practices were discussed. And those posters were not me. For the record the boy in question did not follow these practices.

Can you link to those threads?
I've seen the gerrer practices mentioned numerous times here, but never in regards to Emunas Yisroel.
I know many people in Emunas Yisroel and I'd be quite surprised if this is true. (Although anything is possible, as I'm not exactly going to ask them....)
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Post Sun, Dec 13 2015, 11:21 pm
amother wrote:
I think Emunas Yisroel has a branch in Lakewood too, that will probably sprout like dynamite as time goes on, because thats the place young couples who arent followers of any specific Chassidish group, want to live, especially if they dont have enough for a down payment for a house that costs a million plus.

So interesting! I never knew about EY in Lakewood. I know there is Emunas Yisroel in Monsey too.
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Post Sun, Dec 13 2015, 11:23 pm
amother wrote:
So interesting! I never knew about EY in Lakewood. I know there is Emunas Yisroel in Monsey too.

I thought I heard about a branch in Lakewood. Anyone from Lakewood know?
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Post Sun, Dec 13 2015, 11:23 pm
cnc wrote:
Can you link to those threads?
I've seen the gerrer practices mentioned numerous times here, but never in regards to Emunas Yisroel.
I know many people in Emunas Yisroel and I'd be quite surprised if this is true. (Although anything is possible, as I'm not exactly going to ask them....)

Until about two years ago, maybe less, ger threads were removed whenever they were discussed here.
I did a search to try to find some that mention emunas yisroel but they are not here. Maybe yael has a record of them.
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Post Mon, Dec 14 2015, 4:59 pm
amother wrote:
I thought I heard about a branch in Lakewood. Anyone from Lakewood know?

I dont know about Lakewood but there is one in beitar and one in yerushalayim...
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Post Mon, Dec 14 2015, 6:45 pm
my husband davens in emunas yisroel. in his generation (we are in our twenties) there are very few yungeleit that are bt/ come from a more modern family. most of the yungeleit are children of rav wolfson's students. many of the people are meshadech with each other so much of the shul is related to each other. it is a very warm place but an out of towner may feel like an outsider because the yungeleit are born and bred boro park and have been through the chassidishe system.
the davenning is beautiful and the people are very ehrlich and yirei shomayim.
my husband learned with an emunas yisroel chosson madrich. they emphasize being intimate on certain set nights of the week, and only hugging and kissing when actually doing the mitzvah. but rabbi wolfson also acknowledges that expressing desire to be intimate on a night different than the set time is an important thing. the whole "do the mitzvah on a set schedule" thing did not work for us, so we do not do that!
emunas yisroel is not a chassidus that you have to follow their takanos like internet and other things.
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Post Mon, Dec 14 2015, 9:13 pm
rlm wrote:
I dont know about Lakewood but there is one in beitar and one in yerushalayim...

Theres a small branch of Emunas Yisroel in Lakewood on 8th and Princeton.
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Post Mon, Dec 14 2015, 9:23 pm
I have previously written about this Gerer practice because a relative of mine suffered from it. In fact I wrote a letter to Rav Wolfson explaining our background and telling him I would have totally done my best to stop the shidduch had I known, and I hope he will cut my relative some slack.

(I have not asked if the letter helped but I kind of doubt it.)

Possibly there are some 'chassidim' of Rav Wolfson who ask him for some easing up on his shitah. I don't think my relative is the type to do this, they are too temimusdik or full of emunas chachomim or whatever....

Bekitzur, OP, if your DH is the type to fall for a mashpia hook line and sinker, and you aren't comfortable with such restrictions, I would advise you to keep far away.
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Post Mon, Dec 14 2015, 9:46 pm
amother wrote:
I have previously written about this Gerer practice because a relative of mine suffered from it.

Im sure there must be a lot more not to your relative's liking. A typically Tmimusdik Emunas Yisroel woman would much prefer saying Tehillim than spending time and energy hugging her husband or being hugged, and the like, etc. Most of the people there are cut of the same cloth.
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Post Mon, Dec 14 2015, 9:48 pm
amother wrote:
Im sure there must be a lot more not to your relative's liking. A typically Tmimusdik Emunas Yisroel woman would much prefer saying Tehillim than spending time and energy hugging her husband or being hugged, and the like, etc. Most of the people there are cut of the same cloth.

Talk about stereotypes.
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