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Looking for an "ayin hara lady" near brooklyn
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Post Wed, Nov 23 2016, 4:55 am
5mom wrote:
I'm sorry, but you don't know me or my life's story. Please don't make assumptions.

I'm very happy that these people saw their son cured. But there's no way to know what would have happened if they hadn't gone to the ayin hara lady. How do you know it wasn't one of the other crazy things they did? Or none of them?

What about the poster here who spent thousands of dollars and hasn't seen any good results?

If lead pouring were halachically acceptable and the practitioners didn't take money from desperate people, that would be a different matter. As things stand, though, the practice is hard to defend.

No one asked for your opinion.
They asked for a reference.
Have a little rachmanut.
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Post Wed, Nov 23 2016, 5:03 am
heidi wrote:
No one asked for your opinion.
They asked for a reference.
Have a little rachmanut.

Silly me, I thought this was a forum for discussion.

I wanted to save the poster from wasting money on a charlatan and possibly being over on an issur deoraisa. Some might call that rachmanut.

If I wasn't clear enough, I will be happy to daven and give tzedaka on behalf of the op in hopes that she sees good things.
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Post Wed, Nov 23 2016, 5:55 am
Would be cheaper to buy a Magic 8 Ball. And the answers would have the same probability of being correct.

I can't believe that in 2016 people still believe in this sort of nonsense.
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Post Wed, Nov 23 2016, 6:08 am
Recommended by some rabbanim like R feinstein. Lay down the avoda zara insults...
I've often been told religious people believe in all kinds of crazy things, like, a G-d? sigh. Can't believe the hate on Imamother. If it only helped through auto-suggestion/placebo, then it would still be cheaper than the ubiquitous American therapies and meds, no?
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Post Wed, Nov 23 2016, 6:17 am
You know what?


Seriously. Why do you think medications help some people and not others? Because the medications have no independent power. Hashem sets it up so that they work most of the time. But He is the true healer. The First Cause of everything. Same for everything - psychotherapy, medicine, chinuch systems, autism cures , whatever. (will probably get bashed for this paragraph but never mind).

The only question here is - is it mutar? And the answer as always is - it depends who you ask.
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Post Wed, Nov 23 2016, 6:19 am
Ruchel wrote:
Recommended by some rabbanim like R feinstein. Lay down the avoda zara insults...
I've often been told religious people believe in all kinds of crazy things, like, a G-d? sigh. Can't believe the hate on Imamother. If it only helped through auto-suggestion/placebo, then it would still be cheaper than the ubiquitous American therapies and meds, no?

Are you comparing belief in Hashem to lead pouring?!!?

There's nothing wrong with the placebo effect. There is something very wrong with taking money from vulnerable people to do something that is at best halachically questionable and has no proven success.
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Post Wed, Nov 23 2016, 8:14 am
When you give Tzedaka or another yid Parnasa it is a good thing, it's a Mitzvah. Some people feel doing it through such and such a way will help them. The main thing is to make a Kaily/vessel for a Brocho. There are many ways to make a Kaily. Davening, giving tzedaka, doing good deeds are all positive. Let not our sceptsism of methods of some, put a downer on those who do things in ways we personally don't go for. May Hashem bench us all .
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Post Wed, Nov 23 2016, 8:24 am
amother wrote:
When you give Tzedaka or another yid Parnasa it is a good thing, it's a Mitzvah. Some people feel doing it through such and such a way will help them. The main thing is to make a Kaily/vessel for a Brocho. There are many ways to make a Kaily. Davening, giving tzedaka, doing good deeds are all positive. Let not our sceptsism of methods of some, put a downer on those who do things in ways we personally don't go for. May Hashem bench us all .

A mitzvah is a mitzvah. No one thinks molybdomancy, lead pouring, is a mitzvah. It may even be the opposite.

Agreed that we should daven and give tzedaka, and indeed, may Hashem bentch us all.
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Post Wed, Nov 23 2016, 9:21 am
heidi wrote:
People who go to these type of people are desperate. Do you think they aren't davening? Do you think they haven't given tzedaka and made all kinds of desperate promises to Hashem?

Going amother because I know I am going to get flamed for sounding judgy. Hope people will understand that I'm not actually being judgmental, just that it is going to sound that way because I can't think of another way to share my viewpoint/advice.

Emuna and bitachon means that if you have done your hishtadlus, davened, given tzedakah, and increased your mitzvos (hoping that's what you mean by desperate promises) and you still don't get what you prayed for, you accept the fact that you are not in control and for whatever reason Hashem's answer was "no."

Moshe Rabbeinu prayed to enter Eretz Yisrael with all his heart and Hashem's answer was "no." Not "well maybe if you'd tried pouring lead."

Someone who refuses to take no for an answer, and I'm not negating the pain in doing so, and don't even try to start on how I must live a pampered life to say this because I have been through several levels of heck, but someone who refuses to take no for an answer should focus their energy on trying to accept Hashem's will in peace and let go of their need to control, instead of wasting that limited emotional energy on pursuing increasingly farfetched interventions.

You can argue whether or not farfetched interventions are effective at changing situations, but only releasing your control is effective at providing lasting peace of mind and all the ensuing benefits from that.
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Post Wed, Nov 23 2016, 9:58 am
I'm not saying lead pouring (never heard of this before) is a Mitzva. I'm saying to someone who has spent money on what they were hoping for and saw no results can know that they gave Parnasa. In other words, not a waste though if it's allowed I can't say I'm not a Rov.
What I'm also saying is that one hears all kind of ways to accomplish things and in the end it's all up to Hashem we just need to make the Keyli. Which Keyli we use is the question. That is where we need to think and choose. I like what the above poster wrote.
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Post Wed, Nov 23 2016, 10:17 am
No time to read the replies you got.
I just wanna input my opinion: please don't waste your money on these things. energy, hypnosis, ayin hora, holistic practice, palm reading......it's hocus-pocus. THEY PLAY WITH YOUR MIND. When you are desperate, you get caught up in it. I can't even tell you how many ppl. told me they learnt the hard way...(neighbors daughter had leukemia and energy lady told her it's vibes..etc...)
My own hub told me there's 'real' guy in shul -from EY- reading palms, reliable... Haskomos... I begged him not to go, he said only $25!!
The guy told him your wife has grudge against you- I certainly did not!!! Say tehillim...do this...you'll strike rich...bottom line, not one thing was true. He laughs about the incident today..
What they usually do is say one thing that's true. And when u believe and get caught up, they can add on or blame anything else............
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Post Wed, Nov 23 2016, 10:21 am
amother wrote:
Going amother because I know I am going to get flamed for sounding judgy. Hope people will understand that I'm not actually being judgmental, just that it is going to sound that way because I can't think of another way to share my viewpoint/advice.

Emuna and bitachon means that if you have done your hishtadlus, davened, given tzedakah, and increased your mitzvos (hoping that's what you mean by desperate promises) and you still don't get what you prayed for, you accept the fact that you are not in control and for whatever reason Hashem's answer was "no."

Moshe Rabbeinu prayed to enter Eretz Yisrael with all his heart and Hashem's answer was "no." Not "well maybe if you'd tried pouring lead."

Someone who refuses to take no for an answer, and I'm not negating the pain in doing so, and don't even try to start on how I must live a pampered life to say this because I have been through several levels of heck, but someone who refuses to take no for an answer should focus their energy on trying to accept Hashem's will in peace and let go of their need to control, instead of wasting that limited emotional energy on pursuing increasingly farfetched interventions.

You can argue whether or not farfetched interventions are effective at changing situations, but only releasing your control is effective at providing lasting peace of mind and all the ensuing benefits from that.

When someone is ill, we mortals are not in a place to decide that Hashem has said no, one is supposed to do all they can in order to get cured. If the person r''l is niftar then at that point we have to accept that Hashem has said no, until then we are supposed to daven and do whatever hishtadlus is possible.
Whether this lead pouring is called hishtadlus might be a question, but we definitely don't just decide that Hashem has said no before He actually has!
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Post Wed, Nov 23 2016, 10:25 am
amother wrote:
I'm not saying lead pouring (never heard of this before) is a Mitzva. I'm saying to someone who has spent money on what they were hoping for and saw no results can know that they gave Parnasa. In other words, not a waste though if it's allowed I can't say I'm not a Rov.
What I'm also saying is that one hears all kind of ways to accomplish things and in the end it's all up to Hashem we just need to make the Keyli. Which Keyli we use is the question. That is where we need to think and choose. I like what the above poster wrote.

I don't know if it's about parnassa when you pay for something like this.

If I sold immodest clothes and marketed them as a cure for shalom bayis problems, would we say that buying my clothes is creating parnassa for a Jew and should be considered as making a kli for bracha? I don't think so. Posters would - correctly, in my opinion - point out that there's no proof that skimpy clothes enhance marriages, and some kinds of clothes are forbidden to wear in public. Giving me a parnassa doesn't enter into the picture.

We are careful in so many areas of halacha. I don't know why people are so lax about this.
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Post Wed, Nov 23 2016, 11:52 am
One of the well known Brooklyn ayin hara ladies came to the mikvah where I work, off hours, no appointment, just rang the bell and hoped I would be home (I live about the mikvah). She was in town that day for a local client doing her ayin hara removing thing - and she decided that she HAD to go to the mikvah that very second because the ayin hara goes into her, or something like that. I told her that there is a fee for coming off hours, and she refused to pay it. Not only did she refuse to pay the fee for coming off hours/no appointment - she refused to pay the $18 mikvah fee as well!! She told me that she is doing holy work and I am not allowed to charge her.

The nerve! She was refusing to pay me my pwn parnassa that is also holy! And I let her dip anyways, because I'm not allowed to turn anyone away (apparently she was also not able to cross the bridge back to Brooklyn to dip in her own mikvah - or they already know her non paying shtick and dont let her in). She was telling me about how much she charges and I told her that I cant afford it (my nice way of declining someting that I think is poppycock anyways with out launching into a whole conversation) - she told me she doesnt offer a discount!

Double standard much? These people are charlatans.
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Post Wed, Nov 23 2016, 1:06 pm
Wouldnt life be nice if all our problems could be solved and no one had problems any more, only pleasure?

Just dreamin'.....

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Post Wed, Nov 23 2016, 1:06 pm
amother wrote:
I'm not saying lead pouring (never heard of this before) is a Mitzva. I'm saying to someone who has spent money on what they were hoping for and saw no results can know that they gave Parnasa . In other words, not a waste though if it's allowed I can't say I'm not a Rov.
What I'm also saying is that one hears all kind of ways to accomplish things and in the end it's all up to Hashem we just need to make the Keyli. Which Keyli we use is the question. That is where we need to think and choose. I like what the above poster wrote.

You call it giving parnassa, I call it rewarding a scam artist. And judging from the number of women on this site alone who believe in this stupidity, it's a profitable scam indeed. Wonder where I can buy some lead...
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Post Wed, Nov 23 2016, 1:40 pm
tweety1 wrote:
Theres a Mrs. Klein in williamsburg who does it over the phone. She collects $ for forgot what. She does it over the phone for $18 a name. 718-387-0498

If you message me, I will pour lead coffee into my cup for 17$ a name. I have had much success with this method. Please contact me right away for a yeshua.
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Post Wed, Nov 23 2016, 1:48 pm
marina wrote:
If you message me, I will pour lead coffee into my cup for 17$ a name. I have had much success with this method. Please contact me right away for a yeshua.

I've got some old lead sinkers in my tackle box, you sure you don't want to try the lead?

I mean seriously melting lead in the open and not containing the fumes? I have a feeling that the lead levels in these tricksters should be checked.
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Post Wed, Nov 23 2016, 1:53 pm
marina wrote:
If you message me, I will pour lead coffee into my cup for 17$ a name. I have had much success with this method. Please contact me right away for a yeshua.

Oh witchcraft practitioner, save me please! Do you have a money back guarantee though if I don't see the results of my purchase after 30 days?
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Post Wed, Nov 23 2016, 2:01 pm
amother wrote:
Oh witchcraft practitioner, save me please! Do you have a money back guarantee though if I don't see the results of my purchase after 30 days?

I have a feeling Marina is going to use the $$ to fund her presidential campaign in 2020.
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