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Do you know an 'un'vaccinated child with autism?
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Post Tue, Feb 07 2017, 12:51 pm
amother wrote:
I really prefer to stay out of this debate, but it's getting difficult when I read some of your comments.
Almost everyone who doesn't vaccinate DID at one point vaccinate. There are many many anecdotal instances of regressive autism starting after a specific vaccine. There has not been a SIINGLE double blind study comparing vaccines to nothing. Every study compares new vaccines to current ones, and that is not proof that vaccines are safe or effective. There is not a single medication on the planet without side effects. Why should vaccines be any different? Anyone who says that a certain medication is indicated for use in every non immune compromised person in the planet is wrong. And telling parents that they should blindly trust pharmaceutical companies who literally cannot be sued is wrong.
Vaccines and their adjuvants ( thimerasol, aluminum) have been shown to cause encephalitis, which has been shown to cause autism.
Most if not all the diseases we vaccinate for today were on the decline long before the use of vaccines became popular or mandatory. Measles, mumps, and rubella were all "normal" and not typically feared by our grandparents generation. Google " measles on the Brady bunch" for an example. Many of our generation got chickenpox, and it was normal. Now that women can no longer pass immunity on to their under 1 year old kids ( vaccine antibodies do not pass through breast milk), and now that vaccine induced immunity wanes in adulthood when these diseases are more deadly, getting sick with measles, mumps, rubella, or chickenpox IS more dangerous. However, that is our doing, and it is not the way HaShem set up nature.

Children under 1 have immune systems with poor memories. Any shots given before 1 are pretty much useless, and are meant to "train" parents to bring their children to the dr and to vaccinate.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=noMHeb3fXhI. While I don't normally use YouTube as proof for something, actually hearing the virologists voices is important here.
I have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours reading studies. No, I am not a dr, but I am in the medical field, I know how to read articles. There is definitely something fishy going on with vaccines.

Bold #1: Are you kidding? You devalued your entire argument (what there was of one) with that statement.

Bold #2: Clearly. Oh, right, "reading articles" replaces medical school in your mind.

Whatever, I'm out. "Talking" to anti-vaxxers is speaking to mentally deficient criminals.
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Post Tue, Feb 07 2017, 12:52 pm
amother wrote:
I really prefer to stay out of this debate, but it's getting difficult when I read some of your comments.
Almost everyone who doesn't vaccinate DID at one point vaccinate. There are many many anecdotal instances of regressive autism starting after a specific vaccine. There has not been a SIINGLE double blind study comparing vaccines to nothing. Every study compares new vaccines to current ones, and that is not proof that vaccines are safe or effective. There is not a single medication on the planet without side effects. Why should vaccines be any different? Anyone who says that a certain medication is indicated for use in every non immune compromised person in the planet is wrong. And telling parents that they should blindly trust pharmaceutical companies who literally cannot be sued is wrong.
Vaccines and their adjuvants ( thimerasol, aluminum) have been shown to cause encephalitis, which has been shown to cause autism.
Most if not all the diseases we vaccinate for today were on the decline long before the use of vaccines became popular or mandatory. Measles, mumps, and rubella were all "normal" and not typically feared by our grandparents generation. Google " measles on the Brady bunch" for an example. Many of our generation got chickenpox, and it was normal. Now that women can no longer pass immunity on to their under 1 year old kids ( vaccine antibodies do not pass through breast milk), and now that vaccine induced immunity wanes in adulthood when these diseases are more deadly, getting sick with measles, mumps, rubella, or chickenpox IS more dangerous. However, that is our doing, and it is not the way HaShem set up nature.

Children under 1 have immune systems with poor memories. Any shots given before 1 are pretty much useless, and are meant to "train" parents to bring their children to the dr and to vaccinate.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=noMHeb3fXhI. While I don't normally use YouTube as proof for something, actually hearing the virologists voices is important here.
I have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours reading studies. No, I am not a dr, but I am in the medical field, I know how to read articles. There is definitely something fishy going on with vaccines.

I just want to point out that some of the vaccines infants receive are necessary, even if on a short term basis, because infants are at bigger risk of suffering severe side effects from those diseases, like whooping cough. It's not just a conspiracy to train parents to drug their children so that we are all mindless cogs in a machine to benefit corporate America.
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Post Tue, Feb 07 2017, 12:53 pm
amother wrote:

Children under 1 have immune systems with poor memories. Any shots given before 1 are pretty much useless, and are meant to "train" parents to bring their children to the dr and to vaccinate.

Useless, my foot. You are aware, of course, that children under the age of 1 are still subject to vaccine preventable diseases, even if they may require future boosters to have lasting immunity.
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Post Tue, Feb 07 2017, 12:53 pm
amother wrote:

Children under 1 have immune systems with poor memories. Any shots given before 1 are pretty much useless, and are meant to "train" parents to bring their children to the dr and to vaccinate.

sorry I can't add to the autism debate, but I got my hep. shot as a baby and an still b"h immune 20 years later. (I had to check the antibodies before I could draw blood)

Last edited by WitchKitty on Tue, Feb 07 2017, 2:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Tue, Feb 07 2017, 12:55 pm
amother wrote:
One more thing- most parents who don't vaccinate are not just "scared of autism." Vaccines affect the immune system in an unnatural way, and the way they bring toxins into the body bypasses many of the mechanisms HaShem put in place to prevent infection. Personally, I am more worried about autoimmune disorders than autism, and I say this as the mother of a hold who is most likely on the spectrum ( yes, he was vaccinated). I love my children very very much. I have several autoimmune disorders, and if I could prevent my children from getting them, I would do anything in my power. Believe me when I say that. When your body attacks your organs, there is nothing you can do to stop it. If my kids get chicken pox, or measles, even polio (asymptomatic in 95% of cases Btw) their discomfort lasts for a week. I have studied every disease vaccinated against, and would love to write up a book about home treatment for them. Of course I believe drs and hospitals can help when needed, but if parents knew simple rules about most of these diseases they could even prevent hospitalizations. For example, vit a for measles, never give ibuprofen for chickenpox. Things like that. These are things even drs don't know, because they are no longer taught in medical school!

Oh my god! Imagine if they had your amazing medical knowledge 100 years ago. How many lives would have been saved! No more children in iron lungs from polio. No more children with brain damage from measles. All it takes is vitamins! Gosh, how dumb they were. Too bad you don't have a time machine, huh?

You'd think that since so many kids were only in discomfort for about a week, they wouldn't even bother making vaccines against these mediocre diseases. Big Pharma and their money-making machines, aamirite?
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Post Tue, Feb 07 2017, 1:07 pm
amother wrote:
from the video

Q. So the science seems fairly clear that for the first year of life, probably, that the immunization is not stimulating the kind of response we expect it to stimulate.
A. True.

Please supply links to 'the science' that seems fairly clear.

One example: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/524225_3
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Post Tue, Feb 07 2017, 1:21 pm
Greeneyes26, a combative attitude toward non-vaxxers has been proven to further cement their beliefs, even if those beliefs are fantasy-based. Human instinct is to hold on tighter when someone pushes you, whether the thing you are clinging to is a log in a rushing river or an unconventional idea in a conventional society. When the water calms, the person releases the death grip on the log.
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Post Tue, Feb 07 2017, 1:52 pm
amother wrote:
I really prefer to stay out of this debate, but it's getting difficult when I read some of your comments.
Almost everyone who doesn't vaccinate DID at one point vaccinate. There are many many anecdotal instances of regressive autism starting after a specific vaccine. There has not been a SIINGLE double blind study comparing vaccines to nothing. Every study compares new vaccines to current ones, and that is not proof that vaccines are safe or effective. There is not a single medication on the planet without side effects. Why should vaccines be any different? Anyone who says that a certain medication is indicated for use in every non immune compromised person in the planet is wrong. And telling parents that they should blindly trust pharmaceutical companies who literally cannot be sued is wrong.
Vaccines and their adjuvants ( thimerasol, aluminum) have been shown to cause encephalitis, which has been shown to cause autism.
Most if not all the diseases we vaccinate for today were on the decline long before the use of vaccines became popular or mandatory. Measles, mumps, and rubella were all "normal" and not typically feared by our grandparents generation. Google " measles on the Brady bunch" for an example. Many of our generation got chickenpox, and it was normal. Now that women can no longer pass immunity on to their under 1 year old kids ( vaccine antibodies do not pass through breast milk), and now that vaccine induced immunity wanes in adulthood when these diseases are more deadly, getting sick with measles, mumps, rubella, or chickenpox IS more dangerous. However, that is our doing, and it is not the way HaShem set up nature.

Children under 1 have immune systems with poor memories. Any shots given before 1 are pretty much useless, and are meant to "train" parents to bring their children to the dr and to vaccinate.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=noMHeb3fXhI. While I don't normally use YouTube as proof for something, actually hearing the virologists voices is important here.
I have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours reading studies. No, I am not a dr, but I am in the medical field, I know how to read articles. There is definitely something fishy going on with vaccines.

I can tell you from my firsthand experience that babies breastfed by mothers who naturally had chicken pox are NOT immune. I had chicken pox (no vaccine around when I was small) and my son caught chicken pox when he was 7 months old and nursing. Its possible the immunity wore off once I started solids.

The good news? He can still catch chicken pox again. Chicken pox before you are one does NOT make you immune. (according to my dr)

bh none of my kids had bad cases of chicken pox.

(the vaccine is not given routinely where I live)
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Post Tue, Feb 07 2017, 1:56 pm
gp2.0 wrote:
Greeneyes26, a combative attitude toward non-vaxxers has been proven to further cement their beliefs, even if those beliefs are fantasy-based. Human instinct is to hold on tighter when someone pushes you, whether the thing you are clinging to is a log in a rushing river or an unconventional idea in a conventional society. When the water calms, the person releases the death grip on the log.

I hear that, but I have nothing left in my anti-vaccine fighting arsenal. Science and reason doesn't work. The only option left is to ridicule so at least anyone ELSE seeing this nonsense won't listen. The person posting is a lost cause.
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Post Tue, Feb 07 2017, 2:00 pm
GreenEyes26 wrote:
I hear that, but I have nothing left in my anti-vaccine fighting arsenal. Science and reason doesn't work. The only option left is to ridicule so at least anyone ELSE seeing this nonsense won't listen. The person posting is a lost cause.

Science and reason will work for the other people who are reading and haven't yet chosen a belief to cling to. That's the only reason why I bother posting in vaccine threads anymore.
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Post Tue, Feb 07 2017, 2:01 pm
Just because the word Autism hadn't been coined 150 years ago, doesn't mean that it never existed before vaccines.

150 years ago, there were no reliable vaccines to speak of. Most food was organic and locally grown. There were no hormones in meat or milk. There were very few household chemicals. People tended to clean with cheap things like salt and baking soda.

The infant mortality rate was around 35%. Autistic children rarely got the nutrition and care that healthy children got, so they were often the first to succumb to disease. Autistic children also often "disappeared" from society, or had "unfortunate accidents." Those who managed to live to adulthood became known as "village idiots", and if they were lucky, ended up in a mental institution. They did not have the social support needed to hold down a job, meet a partner, and have children, therefore passing on Autistic genes. THAT is why there were fewer children on the spectrum a century ago.

Now, children are surviving to adulthood. Many people on the spectrum are living productive lives, with appropriate support. People with Aspergers are working in high tech jobs, where they can meet other Aspies and have children with Aspergers. Diagnosis and early intervention are at an all time high. Supervised care homes are B'H replacing institutions.

There is NO correlation to vaccines and Autism! (DH is 67 years old. He has Aspergers, and never received any vaccinations at all, until he became a shochet as an adult. His unvaxxed half brother also has Aspergers. His nephew is severely Autistic and non verbal, and also never vaccinated.)

DD has Fragile X Syndrome, which is genetically provable. My ex believes that our divorce caused her to be this way, because her first symptoms started showing up around the same time that we separated. He insists that if we had stayed together, DD would be neurotypical. Children's Hospital genetics department thinks otherwise, be he won't hear of it. According to him, it's all my fault.
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Post Tue, Feb 07 2017, 3:08 pm
amother wrote:
I really prefer to stay out of this debate, but it's getting difficult when I read some of your comments.
Almost everyone who doesn't vaccinate DID at one point vaccinate. There are many many anecdotal instances of regressive autism starting after a specific vaccine. There has not been a SIINGLE double blind study comparing vaccines to nothing. Every study compares new vaccines to current ones, and that is not proof that vaccines are safe or effective. There is not a single medication on the planet without side effects. Why should vaccines be any different? Anyone who says that a certain medication is indicated for use in every non immune compromised person in the planet is wrong. And telling parents that they should blindly trust pharmaceutical companies who literally cannot be sued is wrong.
Vaccines and their adjuvants ( thimerasol, aluminum) have been shown to cause encephalitis, which has been shown to cause autism.
Most if not all the diseases we vaccinate for today were on the decline long before the use of vaccines became popular or mandatory. Measles, mumps, and rubella were all "normal" and not typically feared by our grandparents generation. Google " measles on the Brady bunch" for an example. Many of our generation got chickenpox, and it was normal. Now that women can no longer pass immunity on to their under 1 year old kids ( vaccine antibodies do not pass through breast milk), and now that vaccine induced immunity wanes in adulthood when these diseases are more deadly, getting sick with measles, mumps, rubella, or chickenpox IS more dangerous. However, that is our doing, and it is not the way HaShem set up nature.

Children under 1 have immune systems with poor memories. Any shots given before 1 are pretty much useless, and are meant to "train" parents to bring their children to the dr and to vaccinate.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=noMHeb3fXhI. While I don't normally use YouTube as proof for something, actually hearing the virologists voices is important here.
I have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours reading studies. No, I am not a dr, but I am in the medical field, I know how to read articles. There is definitely something fishy going on with vaccines.

And the way we were created was such that infants often died before age 1 and it wasn't rare for them to not survive until adulthood. I know people who said they came from large families just to hope that a few survived...
In the USA:
10% died before age 1. Some cities it was as great as 30% died. 1997- only 7.2 died before age 1.
This is only from 1900. Imagine before...
HKBH gave us brains to circumvent that.

Oh, and your anecdotal evidence? The plural of anecdote is NOT DATA!! Correlation doesn't equal causation and if you are in the science field you should understand as much.
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Post Tue, Feb 07 2017, 3:21 pm
amother wrote:
One more thing- most parents who don't vaccinate are not just "scared of autism." Vaccines affect the immune system in an unnatural way, and the way they bring toxins into the body bypasses many of the mechanisms HaShem put in place to prevent infection. Personally, I am more worried about autoimmune disorders than autism, and I say this as the mother of a hold who is most likely on the spectrum ( yes, he was vaccinated). I love my children very very much. I have several autoimmune disorders, and if I could prevent my children from getting them, I would do anything in my power. Believe me when I say that. When your body attacks your organs, there is nothing you can do to stop it. If my kids get chicken pox, or measles, even polio (asymptomatic in 95% of cases Btw) their discomfort lasts for a week. I have studied every disease vaccinated against, and would love to write up a book about home treatment for them. Of course I believe drs and hospitals can help when needed, but if parents knew simple rules about most of these diseases they could even prevent hospitalizations. For example, vit a for measles, never give ibuprofen for chickenpox. Things like that. These are things even drs don't know, because they are no longer taught in medical school!

So Long as they don't get one of the numerous complications from these diseases or pass it on to someone else who gets it...
Mumps- infertility, inflamed ovaries or testicles, encephalitis, deafness, meningitis...
Measles- encephalitis, pneumonia, death
Rubella- if your kids passed it to a pregnant woman, she may lose her child, prematurity, or major birth defects. YOUR fault.
Chickenpox- infection, bleeding disorders, encephalitis, pneumonia
Hib- epiglottitis, meningitis, intellectual disabilities, pneumonia, death

I could go on. These are not just "uncomfortable" diseases. But can be life threatening!
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Post Tue, Feb 07 2017, 3:22 pm
GreenEyes26 wrote:
I hear that, but I have nothing left in my anti-vaccine fighting arsenal. Science and reason doesn't work. The only option left is to ridicule so at least anyone ELSE seeing this nonsense won't listen. The person posting is a lost cause.

I am one of those people who follows these kinds of threads to figure things out. I gain a lot from them.
However, I don't gain much from the ridicule.
Thank you for debating the topic on open forum
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Post Tue, Feb 07 2017, 4:01 pm
amother wrote:
I really prefer to stay out of this debate, but it's getting difficult when I read some of your comments.
Almost everyone who doesn't vaccinate DID at one point vaccinate. There are many many anecdotal instances of regressive autism starting after a specific vaccine. There has not been a SIINGLE double blind study comparing vaccines to nothing. Every study compares new vaccines to current ones, and that is not proof that vaccines are safe or effective. There is not a single medication on the planet without side effects. Why should vaccines be any different? Anyone who says that a certain medication is indicated for use in every non immune compromised person in the planet is wrong. And telling parents that they should blindly trust pharmaceutical companies who literally cannot be sued is wrong.
Vaccines and their adjuvants ( thimerasol, aluminum) have been shown to cause encephalitis, which has been shown to cause autism.
Most if not all the diseases we vaccinate for today were on the decline long before the use of vaccines became popular or mandatory. Measles, mumps, and rubella were all "normal" and not typically feared by our grandparents generation. Google " measles on the Brady bunch" for an example. Many of our generation got chickenpox, and it was normal. Now that women can no longer pass immunity on to their under 1 year old kids ( vaccine antibodies do not pass through breast milk), and now that vaccine induced immunity wanes in adulthood when these diseases are more deadly, getting sick with measles, mumps, rubella, or chickenpox IS more dangerous. However, that is our doing, and it is not the way HaShem set up nature.

Children under 1 have immune systems with poor memories. Any shots given before 1 are pretty much useless, and are meant to "train" parents to bring their children to the dr and to vaccinate.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=noMHeb3fXhI. While I don't normally use YouTube as proof for something, actually hearing the virologists voices is important here.
I have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours reading studies. No, I am not a dr, but I am in the medical field, I know how to read articles. There is definitely something fishy going on with vaccines.

Thimerosal has been removed from childhood vaccines. Yet the autism rate continues to rise. As it did in every country where thimerosal was removed.

Aluminum is in vaccines. Its been studied and found to be safe.

the FDA conducted an updated analysis of many studies regarding the safety of aluminum adjuvants and found that the maximum amount of aluminum an infant could be exposed to over the first year of life via vaccines would be 4.225 milligrams (mg). They found that the body burden of aluminum from vaccines AND diet throughout an infant’s first year of life is significantly less than the corresponding safe body burden of aluminum, based on the minimal risk levels established by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.

The idea of diseases being in decline before vaccines is pure BS. As is the idea that people were not frightened of these diseases. In the late 1940s to the early 1950s, polio outbreaks in the United States increased in frequency and size; polio crippled an average of more than 35,000 people in the United States each year. There were nearly 29,000 cases of polio the year that the vaccine was introduced. By 1958, there were about 5000.

But hey, feel free. Hashem intended you to get polio. Infect yourself. Let us know how that works out for you.
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Post Tue, Feb 07 2017, 4:07 pm
I didn't read the whole thread. But I know someone with two autistic children. No vaccines at all, including during pregnancy or as newborns.
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Post Tue, Feb 07 2017, 4:10 pm
amother wrote:
One example: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/524225_3

are you referring to the following passage in that article?

In general, antibody responses to active immunization in the first few months of life are suppressed by passively acquired maternal antibody, but priming is nevertheless adequate for induction of memory B cells and development of memory responses to vaccine boosts[35,62] (Fig. 1).

Here is the abstract from citation "35" Siegrist CA. Neonatal and early life vaccinology. Vaccine 2001; 19:33313346.

Preclinical and human vaccine studies indicate that, although neonatal immunisation does not generally lead to rapid and strong antibody responses, it may result in an efficient immunological priming, which can serve as an excellent basis for future responses. The apparent impairment of CD4 and CD8 T-cell function in early life seems to result from suboptimal antigen-presenting cells–T cell interactions, which can be overcome by use of specific adjuvants or delivery systems. Although persistence of maternal antibodies may limit infant antibody responses, induction of T-cell responses largely remain unaffected by these passively transferred antibodies. Thus, neonatal priming and early boosting with vaccine formulations optimised for sufficient early life immunogenicity and maximal safety profiles, could allow better control of the huge infectious disease burden in early life.

I'm not reading clear science indicating that vaccines are useless from 0-12 mo.
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Post Tue, Feb 07 2017, 4:52 pm
oh and my father has polio (got it five months before the vaccine came out) and besides having a difficult life from it, he also has post polio syndrome, which makes everything so much worse. Do you want that for your family???
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Post Tue, Feb 07 2017, 5:14 pm
And my great uncle had polio as a bachur still crippled in a wheelchair to this day living in an old age home in Europe never got married or set up a family due to the disability
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Post Tue, Feb 07 2017, 11:36 pm
Apricot- where are you? We're waiting for counter argument. I want to seriously hear what you have to answer. Not looking to mock. Just want some education.

Look in my opinion the government should be involved in this and be mandated that every person (except those with medical issues) get shots. And those who refuse she have their kids taken and receive shots and returned afterwards. This is the only area I think the government should control as I'm against the government telling me what to do.

Because if parents like apricot cannot see the issue for what it is and weight the pros and cons and do what's right for their child then they don't get to choose this. They are spilling blood from an innocent child. And countless others. I would be happy to vote in this type of president that comes up with this.
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