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Trump’s Wiretapping Claim
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Post Mon, Mar 06 2017, 1:43 pm
I missed the subtle sarcasm. 😱

Perhaps it's because we have a President who relies on insane unsubstantiated sources like the far right nut job radio host who first broadcast the story without any substantiation and then it was tweeted out by Trump without any proof.

Trump doesn't seem to eunderstand how a constitutional democracy works. In his universe he thinks the President can unilaterally order a wire tap and therefore he projects his behavior onto others.

If anyone read the Woodward book on Nixon's last days in office before he resigned, the out of control behavior as evidenced by insane tweets is eerily familiar.

And we are only 45 days in.
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Post Mon, Mar 06 2017, 1:51 pm
WhatFor wrote:
Umm hello? The Twitter feed of the best, most brilliant, most popular and healthiest President in US history isn't good enough for you? Trust him. He knows what he's talking about. He has spoken to some people in really high up places who know what they're talking about and can't tell you any more but there is going to be an investigation. There are some really bad guys, including the Kenyan born Muslim Obama who tried to hack Trump's election and you're asking where Trump got this information from??
You should be asking Obama why he violated ever single constitutional amendment by tapping Trump!! Typical liberal sheep, questioning Trump.

You should be careful about asking such things and showing your treasonous support to the terrorist- supporting Obama. I'm sure you know treason is a crime.


Obama denied it? Lock him up?

The FBI requested that the Justice Department issue an official denial? Fake news.

James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that no such surveillance had been carried out during the campaign against Trump or his aides? Fake news. How can anyone read or watch this kind of drivel spouted by people who actually have information.

Thank goodness Trump keeps going to Mar-a-Lago. I mean, sure, he's spent more on vacations in less than two months than Obama did in a year, and sure, Trump was a loud critic of how much Obama spent, but its great that he picked up information there. And played some more golf.

And thank goodness Trump tweets us about all of these things that there's no evidence of. Certainly mainstream newspapers -- which have spent months trying to confirm that a FISA warrant was actually issued for certain computer servers -- would never print baseless accusations. And the source that Trump cites denies making the accusation, saying that the only source was Breitbart. But that's why we need the president.
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Post Mon, Mar 06 2017, 1:57 pm
This Wapo article walks back the phone tap bs to Breitbart and Mark Levin.
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Post Mon, Mar 06 2017, 6:21 pm
Amarante wrote:
Is this a joke?

It is so out there in terms of being part of the lunatic fringe that I can't tell if someone is just being a troll.

If someone believes this nonsense, I can only weep.

Poe's law.
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Post Mon, Mar 06 2017, 6:40 pm
Does anyone else find his utter hypocrisy maddening. It is as if he projects his own worst qualities on other people. What an absolutely loathesome narcissistic personality he is.

Donald Trump is that guy—the guy who treats the company credit card like it’s his personal mint and who buys the most expensive item on the menu because he knows someone else is picking up the bill. And who is paying for Trump’s extravagance? You are.

Over the last five weekends, the president has visited his luxury resort four times – each trip costs American taxpayers about $3 million – and as of last night, Trump had spent 31% of his presidency at Mar-a-Lago. He’s now played golf eight times since taking office six weeks ago.
Despite being president on 9/11 and starting the two longest-running wars in American history, George W. Bush found time to break the record for the amount of vacation time taken by a president. Even so, Republican mythology insists that President Obama was a golf-obsessed loafer whose jaunts around the world cost taxpayers a fortune. In truth, Obama was never close to matching the lazy days of W and both of them were nose-to-the-grindstone compared to Trump.

Told that Donald Trump is actually spending more on travel and enjoying more downtime, conservatives were incredulous. The facts “can’t possibly be right,” one said. “That absolutely can’t be right.”
Oh, it’s right. And it’s one of the clearest signs of just how blatantly Donald Trump is willing to lie not just to America, but specifically to the people who supported him.

Here’s Trump during the campaign.

In October 2014, Trump whined via Twitter, “We pay for Obama’s travel so he can fundraise millions so Democrats can run on lies. Then we pay for his golf.” A year later, as a presidential candidate, Trump declared that if he were in office, he’d dispense with breaks. “I’d want to stay in the White House and work my *** off,” he told voters.
It was four months from the time he took office until Barack Obama played his first weekend game of golf. Four months, in fact, before he took his first day of vacation. Donald Trump didn’t make it even two weeks before he left town and violated his promise.

Why would Republicans be so convinced that Obama was constantly playing golf? Well …

At the current rate, while Trump is spending your money to cover his amazing laziness, he’ll easily set a record. George W. Bush finished off with 65 vacation trips totaling 407 days off. That’s three times as much as Barack Obama, but Bush still only spent 14 percent of his presidency snoozing, brush clearing, and learning to paint feet. Trump is set to easily eclipse Bush’s eight year total in his first term—assuming he completes a term.
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Post Mon, Mar 06 2017, 6:55 pm
And that's not even adding up the costs for Melanie staying in Trump Tower.

Can you imagine the outrage if Michele stayed in Chicago rather than move to the White House and she had two young daughters who changed schools.

Huge expense and inconvenience for NewHourers because evidently Melanie prefers to be a few hundred miles away fro Trump. 😎🤔
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Post Mon, Mar 06 2017, 7:04 pm
Amarante wrote:
And that's not even adding up the costs for Melanie staying in Trump Tower.

Can you imagine the outrage if Michele stayed in Chicago rather than move to the White House and she had two young daughters who changed schools.

Huge expense and inconvenience for NewHourers because evidently Melanie prefers to be a few hundred miles away fro Trump. 😎🤔

I know it costs the city of NY a cool $1mil a day for their coverage. I've no idea what the feds are costing or how much the hotel is making off them.
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Post Mon, Mar 06 2017, 7:12 pm
MagentaYenta wrote:
I know it costs the city of NY a cool $1mil a day for their coverage. I've no idea what the feds are costing or how much the hotel is making off them.

The numbers actually aren't readily available. One estimate is $150,000 a day.

The numbers are still infuriating from a President who ran on a platform of criticizing overspending on vacations and getaways by the prior administration.

Don't get me started in Mar-a-Lago and golf.
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Post Mon, Mar 06 2017, 7:18 pm
Not to mention the profit he makes since he rents space to the government for the security and governmental personnel.

He has als doubled the entry fee for Mar ALago to $200,000 since the inauguration.

Who is really benefiting from pay for play? 🤔
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Post Mon, Mar 06 2017, 8:37 pm
You're right PF, and I need to cut back embarrassed

Last edited by Laiya on Mon, Mar 06 2017, 10:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Mon, Mar 06 2017, 9:00 pm
You know what's so bracing about politics? Just how far people will go to be dlkz (on both sides of the fence). There is a lot we can learn from this.
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Post Mon, Mar 06 2017, 9:13 pm
PinkFridge wrote:
You know what's so bracing about politics? Just how far people will go to be dlkz (on both sides of the fence). There is a lot we can learn from this.


But... to quote Christopher Hitchens... "don't be a fan."
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Post Tue, Mar 07 2017, 12:43 am
PinkFridge wrote:
You know what's so bracing about politics? Just how far people will go to be dlkz (on both sides of the fence). There is a lot we can learn from this.

It's not an example of DLKZ, just extreme self interest. If people voted for Trump they feel they have to defend that choice. Now if they're willing to extend the identical DLKZ to people they didn't vote for then kol hakavod.
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Post Tue, Mar 07 2017, 1:13 am
Jeanette wrote:
It's not an example of DLKZ, just extreme self interest. If people voted for Trump they feel they have to defend that choice.

OP here. Not so, I dont have to say that something thats not normal, is. I voted for Trump mainly because I thought because of the people Trump surrounded himself with and was/is close to (son in law, David Friedman, Greenblatt), his close inner circle, hed be better for Israel. Not because I thought he was perfect. Far from. Fast forward, frankly I find this wiretapping claim way stranger than some of the other strange things he has said and done in the past. This wiretapping claim is another level of strange. Dunno.
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Post Tue, Mar 07 2017, 2:28 am
Mevater wrote:
OP here. Not so, I dont have to say that something thats not normal, is. I voted for Trump mainly because I thought because of the people Trump surrounded himself with and was/is close to (son in law, David Friedman, Greenblatt), his close inner circle, hed be better for Israel. Not because I thought he was perfect. Far from. Fast forward, frankly I find this wiretapping claim way stranger than some of the other strange things he has said and done in the past. This wiretapping claim is another level of strange. Dunno.

As far as I understand, the NY Times reported back in January that Trump aids were being wiretapped, so I don't see why this is a matter of dispute by that same publicaton.

(The print version of the story ran under the headline Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.)

Does anybody understand this?
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Post Tue, Mar 07 2017, 3:10 am
DrMom wrote:
As far as I understand, the NY Times reported back in January that Trump aids were being wiretapped, so I don't see why this is a matter of dispute by that same publicaton.

(The print version of the story ran under the headline Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.)

Does anybody understand this?

This articles does not say that the phone lines of Trumpnaides were wiretapped.

The key here is whose lines were subject to wiretaps - just Russians? (we know for sure the Russian ambassador and other key Russian intelligence assets are subject to wiretaps. No one seems to contest that) or Trump and his associates?

We know that some Trump associates were recorded on wiretaps when they were talking to Russians on the Russians' wiretapped phone lines (Michael Flynn and the Ambassador Kislyak).

We also know that there are ongoing "investigations" into the Russian election interference and also Russian connections to Teumps campaign.

However, the only sources that I know of that assert that Trump or his close associates had wiretaps places on their own lines are: Donald Trump. And perhaps Mr Levin and Breitbart - though I haven't heard Mr Levin read Breitbart articles on the topic myself. As far as I know, no major news outlet has reported wiretaps on Trump or his non-Russian associates.
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Post Tue, Mar 07 2017, 8:35 am
sequoia wrote:

But... to quote Christopher Hitchens... "don't be a fan."

I put my coffee down just in time Wink
Which reminds me of something a master mechanech taught us in seminary: It's ok to say I don't know. Even Rashi did. Just don't specialize in it.

Now back from the sublime to the ridiculous: I just started though may not have the time to finish a wonderfully titled book called Insane Clown President.
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Post Tue, Mar 07 2017, 8:37 am
Jeanette wrote:
It's not an example of DLKZ, just extreme self interest. If people voted for Trump they feel they have to defend that choice. Now if they're willing to extend the identical DLKZ to people they didn't vote for then kol hakavod.

Sorry there's no tongue in cheek emoticon. (Though I think there may be a kernel of truth in my post.) Please rest assured that I share everyone's pain and astonishment.
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Post Tue, Mar 07 2017, 9:13 am
Mevater wrote:
OP here. Not so, I dont have to say that something thats not normal, is. I voted for Trump mainly because I thought because of the people Trump surrounded himself with and was/is close to (son in law, David Friedman, Greenblatt), his close inner circle, hed be better for Israel. Not because I thought he was perfect. Far from. Fast forward, frankly I find this wiretapping claim way stranger than some of the other strange things he has said and done in the past. This wiretapping claim is another level of strange. Dunno.

I have no issue with that. It's the people who won't even entertain a question who concern me.
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Post Tue, Mar 07 2017, 9:44 am
Jeanette wrote:
I have no issue with that. It's the people who won't even entertain a question who concern me.

Are you sure?

A Rabbi, I know, summed it up. He is meshuganah, but he is what we need now.

I can't imagine even his closest supporters don't see something.

I still support many of his platforms.

According to a new poll conducted by Investor’s Business Daily and TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence, 51 percent of voters approve of the president’s decision to temporarily restrict citizens from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering the country, while 42 percent of Hispanics who were surveyed also approved.
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