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Abuse organization
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 10:53 am
Turquoise amother wrote:
I am not necessarily looking to be on the front page. There are no secrets today and I have to watch over my kids safety hence the man decides to take revenge.

You don't have to appear in the article at all.
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 10:58 am
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 11:10 am
Turquoise amother wrote:
What will be the bottom line result of this article? So let's say the school will be subject to an FBI Raid. And then? What will they find?
There has to be an insider wanting to work along; installing videos in his classroom without him being aware, orelse what's the gain?
In order for him to be arrested/removed, he has to be caught red handed.

Parents of other victims could come forward after the publicity generated by the article. While perhaps nothing short of being caught red-handed would be enough for him to be removed by the enablers in the school, that isn't necessary to have him jailed, so long as someone else is willing to press charges.
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 11:18 am
Turquoise amother I live in BP and boy would I want to know if the Cheder I send to has a Rebbe that's abusing kids! You need to post his name!
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 11:21 am
amother wrote:
What will be the bottom line result of this article? So let's say the school will be subject to an FBI Raid. And then? What will they find?
There has to be an insider wanting to work along; installing videos in his classroom without him being aware, orelse what's the gain?
In order for him to be arrested/removed, he has to be caught red handed.

Bottom line result would be that parents would know, and that some parents may save their sons from being molested.

Please, please expose his name.

I have brothers who are in cheder in BP. And nephews. Please let me know which school this is. I won't be able to sleep at night knowing there may be a rebbe at their cheders who is abusing children.
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 11:22 am
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 11:24 am
Even if the guy is not in jail at least he'll be known as a creep and parents can warn their children and take precautions accordingly.
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 11:25 am
amother wrote:
How can I be sure he's abusing boys? His staple is to 'tickle' children.

Have you ever approached the hanalah? Have they turned a blind eye or told you it's nothing?
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 11:26 am
amother wrote:
How can I be sure he's abusing boys? His staple is to 'tickle' children.

You are trying to get out of this, by changing your story. You originally said:

amother turquoise wrote:
I guess it's the pain of knowing so much and not being successfull to see anyone behind bars or at least out of the school system and becoming crushed from
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 11:26 am
amother wrote:
How can I be sure he's abusing boys? His staple is to 'tickle' children.
I was a girl though.

Is tickeling a code word for something?
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 11:28 am
amother wrote:
How can I be sure he's abusing boys? His staple is to 'tickle' children.
I was a girl though.

To clarify.
You were abused and your molestor is currently a Kindergarten teacher?
(I originally understood it as your Kindergarten son is being abused.)
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 11:28 am
martina wrote:
Is tickeling a code word for something?

I'm assuming tickle means tickle.
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 11:29 am
I know that in Israel there is a law about any touch from adults to children. Don't know the details. Check up what the laws are there, because if there is a law against an adult touching a child in a school setting, then even tickling would be illegal and punishable.
I think getting the job as night janitor and installing hidden cameras is a great idea. There are people in the community who want these creeps out, but how to find them and how to gain trust in both directions is the real question.
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 11:34 am
amother wrote:
What will be the bottom line result of this article? So let's say the school will be subject to an FBI Raid. And then? What will they find?
There has to be an insider wanting to work along; installing videos in his classroom without him being aware, orelse what's the gain?
In order for him to be arrested/removed, he has to be caught red handed.

Just btw, he absolutely doesn't need to be caught red handed.
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 11:39 am
Start or contribute to a blog, sharing the information you know. The written word is extremely powerful, did you not know?
How many stories about people on blogs got them buried alive and weren't even true...
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 12:16 pm
[quote="cnc"]To clarify.
You were abused and
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 12:20 pm
amother wrote:
is this satmar cheder in BP?
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 12:21 pm
amother wrote:

Please share the information, I'm begging of you.

I know how difficult it is. I've been abused too and it was terrifying to name my abuser who also had a position of power.

But please, for the sake of innocent children who are at risk of being molested by this evil creature - please name him or the school he teaches in.
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 12:22 pm
amother wrote:

Where did he tickle you? What was the situation/s? I'm sorry you were violated
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Post Sun, May 07 2017, 12:26 pm
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