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Girls school monsey
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Post Fri, Jan 19 2018, 12:45 pm
Blessing1 wrote:
I would think that the chassidish girls won't feel comfortable in litvish schools.

Do you know neutral Chassidish/and Heimishe people?
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Post Fri, Jan 19 2018, 12:48 pm
Blessing1 wrote:
I would think that the chassidish girls won't feel comfortable in litvish schools.

If they had your attitude they wouldn't . I grew up Chasidish and went to BY and was loved very much by my litvish classmates
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Post Fri, Jan 19 2018, 1:18 pm
amother wrote:
Ok tangerine, Suffice it to say if I had a school and you were a parent there, I’d throw you out too. I don’t know who you are, but just reading your posts makes me think this.

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Post Fri, Jan 19 2018, 1:23 pm
Sorry I didn't mean to sound negative or hurt anyone, I was just thinking aloud....
We need more schools in Monsey, that's for sure.
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Post Fri, Jan 19 2018, 1:33 pm
Blessing1 wrote:
Sorry I didn't mean to sound negative or hurt anyone, I was just thinking aloud....
We need more schools in Monsey, that's for sure.

I agree but don't think it's gonna happen.
Neutral Chassidish schools are very hard to open.

Bais Shifra Miriam fit that niche, but struggled for years. And now they moved to the right anyway.

Bnos Derech Yisroel opened to fill that niche and now moved to the right.

Vien opened a school and are totally to the right from the beginning.

These are no longer neutral schools, but really chassidish, they just don't last being neutral.
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Post Fri, Jan 19 2018, 1:46 pm
Blessing1 wrote:
Sorry I didn't mean to sound negative or hurt anyone, I was just thinking aloud....
We need more schools in Monsey, that's for sure.

We need better educated teachers for secular subjects and better educated administrators to start with. We need ones from real schools not Jewish schools. It is hard to teach what you don't know. There are so many advances in pedagogy that there is no reason why our classrooms are run like the classrooms were 50 years ago.
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Post Fri, Jan 19 2018, 2:44 pm
I think some schools had bad experiences in recent years with parents who were raised chasidish but decided they no longer want to be that type. So they stereotype and say no chasidim. 20 yeas ago the heimish / sort of chasidish sent to the litvish schools without a problem.
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Post Fri, Jan 19 2018, 2:54 pm
amother wrote:
I agree but don't think it's gonna happen.
Neutral Chassidish schools are very hard to open.

Bais Shifra Miriam fit that niche, but struggled for years. And now they moved to the right anyway.

Bnos Derech Yisroel opened to fill that niche and now moved to the right.

Vien opened a school and are totally to the right from the beginning.

These are no longer neutral schools, but really chassidish, they just don't last being neutral.

Wouldn't Bais Rochel be a good fit for neutral chassidish girls?
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Post Fri, Jan 19 2018, 3:07 pm
Squishy wrote:
We need better educated teachers for secular subjects and better educated administrators to start with. We need ones from real schools not Jewish schools. It is hard to teach what you don't know. There are so many advances in pedagogy that there is no reason why our classrooms are run like the classrooms were 50 years ago.

Great point.
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Post Fri, Jan 19 2018, 4:08 pm
amother wrote:
Ok tangerine, Suffice it to say if I had a school and you were a parent there, I’d throw you out too. I don’t know who you are, but just reading your posts makes me think this.

You are really mean. You don't know what horrors Tangerines family went through. I don't want to out myself so I am not sharing more personal things. As I said, no one ever asked us to leave.

My daughter witnessed her friends being harrased and yelled at daily. My daughter came home really upset most days. She cried about how her friends that needed remedial were being treated. About how girls were being told that they will go OTD because of minor things, like a messy pony.

DD was told she has terrible parents. This started when the school decided they want us to pay more than the contract. According to the school this is the only "bad" thing we did.

Until you and your kids get hurt this badly, you have no right to be so mean to a family that is obviously still suffering.
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Post Fri, Jan 19 2018, 4:14 pm
gold21 wrote:
Wouldn't Bais Rochel be a good fit for neutral chassidish girls?

They are not accepted into Bais Rochel for the most part. They are super picky and extreme with who they choose. Money and yichus helps .
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Post Fri, Jan 19 2018, 4:15 pm
The clientele in bais rochel changes every few years. 10 years ago the majority was litvish, these days they're chassidish. They're also impossible to please, and don't just take people in.

For those saying you'd throw people out of your hypothetical school - BYCC awaits you. They love an attitude like that.

My good friend read this entire post, and asked me to share her story. Her daughter R was very good friends with B. She got multiple phone calls from the teacher telling her that her daughter cannot be friends with B because she's so dumb she (the teacher) doesn't consider her a student in class. Feel free to tell me I'm a liar and making this up, but I'm not. My friends girls no longer attend chofetz chaim, and neither does B.

Amazing how my son's very litvish cheder was not only able to tolerate us but welcomed us with open arms, but it's impossible for the girls schools to have the same attitude.
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Post Sat, Jan 20 2018, 7:22 pm
Bizzydizzymommy wrote:
They are not accepted into Bais Rochel for the most part. They are super picky and extreme with who they choose. Money and yichus helps .

Oh. What does neutral chassidish mean? I thought that was the Bais Rochel crowd. Do neutral chassidish women drive? Do neutral chassidish boys speak a good English?
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Post Sat, Jan 20 2018, 7:29 pm
gold21 wrote:
Oh. What does neutral chassidish mean? I thought that was the Bais Rochel crowd. Do neutral chassidish women drive? Do neutral chassidish boys speak a good English?

Neutral Chassidish is a huge spectrum. Yes most women drive and most are English speaking homes so boys have a good English.
I'm also not sure what that poster meant as I think majority of the parent body are neutral Chassidish.
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Post Sat, Jan 20 2018, 7:36 pm
amother wrote:
Neutral Chassidish is a huge spectrum. Yes most women drive and most are English speaking homes so boys have a good English.
I'm also not sure what that poster meant as I think majority of the parent body are neutral Chassidish.
sometimes neutral chasidish is a euphemism for modern chasidish. As in modern + chasidish. Bais Rochel doesn’t cater to (Or accept) that crowd at all.
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Post Sat, Jan 20 2018, 7:40 pm
amother wrote:
Neutral Chassidish is a huge spectrum. Yes most women drive and most are English speaking homes so boys have a good English.
I'm also not sure what that poster meant as I think majority of the parent body are neutral Chassidish.

I'm neutral Chasidish . They wouldn't accept me. ( though I wouldn't even bother trying) . My family background is enough for them to say "find another place". My sheitel is also a drop longer than shoulder length and that is a big "no no" by them. I wear maxi skirts , since I'm tall, they would have an issue with that too. They are very judgmental and have a certain clientele in mind . They have lots of very yeshivish kolell families there too. I always thought I'd send my girls there as I went to a similar type elementary school , however they became pickier over the years of who they accept. I have a few friends who were alumni of the school and were given extremely difficult times with getting their own kids into the school even though they remain exactly the same in frumkeit as when they graduated. Their rules just changed as they consider themselves a very elite school and you need to qualify .
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Post Sat, Jan 20 2018, 7:45 pm
amother wrote:
sometimes neutral chasidish is a euphemism for modern chasidish. As in modern + chasidish. Bais Rochel doesn’t cater to (Or accept) that crowd at all.

Emphasis on "sometimes ". I am not modern Chasidish. To me means my DH wears a Chasidish levush, we speak English at home, we never belonged to a chasiddus and neither did our families when we were growing up. There is nothing modern about me. My kids don't have computer access , they don't watch any movies. They only read books written by frum authors etc.
My DH and I are more "open minded" as we grew up with BT parents etc but that doesn't make us bummy or modern etc.
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Post Sat, Jan 20 2018, 8:09 pm
I'm the mother that asked about Beis shifra Mirian a few pages ago.
Dh and I belonged to the same chassidus when we were growing up. One of his sisters was my classsmate. 20 years ago, our school was affiliated to our chassidus, but outsiders were welcome. Even girls from heimish houses. It was a very nice environment.
Today, they only take ppl that belong to our chassidish. The rules went all the way to the right. Since I'm alumni, and my father/father in law have some name in our chassidus, since they are really old timer from the old rebbe, I'm allowed a little bit more freedom than the wife that married into our chassidus.
Some people tell me to stay put. But I'm simply not happy there. It was not the healthy/normal environment from 20 years ago.
Do I have a chance at Beis shifra Mirian?
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Post Sat, Jan 20 2018, 8:15 pm
amother wrote:
sometimes neutral chasidish is a euphemism for modern chasidish. As in modern + chasidish. Bais Rochel doesn’t cater to (Or accept) that crowd at all.

Oh. Do you mean like that bummy-chassidish type? Hmmm. I think that a lot of schools probably don't accept that crowd, not just Bais Rochel... because a lot of schools don't want that type of "name". OK. Whatever. I dunno.
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Post Sat, Jan 20 2018, 8:18 pm
gold21 wrote:
Oh. Do you mean like that bummy-chassidish type? Hmmm. I think that a lot of schools probably don't accept that crowd, not just Bais Rochel... because a lot of schools don't want that type of "name". OK. Whatever. I dunno.

Ateres used to accept this type and now not even they do. Only Chabad accepts. I think Hashem has most Nachas from them.
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