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Moshiach is coming!
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Post Sat, Oct 21 2023, 8:44 pm
amother Seashell wrote:
I do love every jew. every single one. even the ones that hurt me. I'd never want any harm or pain to come to them. I daven for all of klal yisrael and want only the best for them.
but it's not possible that every single jew will love every single jew. Crying

It is possible. We are almost there.

Remember that our action here can tip the scale up there.
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Post Sat, Oct 21 2023, 8:44 pm
amother Seashell wrote:
I do love every jew. every single one. even the ones that hurt me. I'd never want any harm or pain to come to them. I daven for all of klal yisrael and want only the best for them.
but it's not possible that every single jew will love every single jew. Crying

Unfortunately Hashem may have to make it possible (as he has started to do). Sadly. Please Hashem, I hope not!
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Post Sun, Oct 22 2023, 1:04 am
An excerpt from a book about Mashiach:

The Chafetz Chaim mentions that Hashem is willing to accept our teshuva and bring the Geulah, even if it may be difficult to do full teshuva for all our aveiros, we should at least choose one part of each area that needs correction and improve in that. Then try to correct the rest, little by little, and this will suffice...

Another point to bear in mind is taht the many tzaros we have undergone help minimize the level of teshuva necessary for one to be zoche to the geulah.
Accordingly, if we do a more wholesome teshuva now, we can minimize the need for more tzaros or Galus, r"l.
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Post Sun, Oct 22 2023, 1:20 am
The way I look at it is we don't know when Moshiach is coming.

What we do know is we each have our individual purpose to achieve. We each have a unique tachlis and the means to achieve our purpose.

Let us try to concentrate every day on doing what I can and must do whether it is hard or not because then we are doing what Hashem wants us to do and Hashem runs the world and will bring Moshiach IY"H at the right time.

AD Bias Hamoshiach Bimheiro Veyomeinu.
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Post Sun, Oct 22 2023, 5:31 am
Highstrung wrote:
No specific sign. But I felt a strong desire the last few days to bake a cake for when Moshiach comes . Just like I would prepare in advance for Yom Tov. Something very spiritual happened within in me because of this tzara. It almost feels unnatural for me . I feel like HaShem is really very close to us right now , yet feels so far at the same time . It’s an odd and strange feeling . But I’m so so hopeful and strongly believe that with the amount of Ahavas chinam there is suddenly , HaShem will finally bring us the geula very very soon, in our days.

Nesting urge?
I went through my closet last week and picked out a dress to greet Mashiach in.
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Post Sun, Oct 22 2023, 5:36 am
amother Orchid wrote:
Hey OP. I see that you are desperate for signs.
I want to point out that no signs are needed for moshiachs arrival. He will come unexpectedly.
Also, signs only discourage us.

Respectfully disagree. Speaking for myself, I find that the more signs I see that Mashiach is really about to knock on the door, the more motivated I am to do teshuva and keep working on myself. The more energy I have to hold myself back from getting angry. The more focus I have when I daven. The more self control I find within myself to keep from biting my lips on shabbos. Etc...
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Post Sun, Oct 22 2023, 5:39 am
He didn’t come after the Holocaust. What happened now is a tiny minuscule crumb of what happened in the holocaust. What happened in southern Israel to a few thousand people happened to six million of our people. And he still didn’t show. So let’s not get our hopes up. At this rate it may take all of us being exterminated for something to happen.
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Post Sun, Oct 22 2023, 5:44 am
amother Yellow wrote:
He didn’t come after the Holocaust. What happened now is a tiny minuscule crumb of what happened in the holocaust. What happened in southern Israel to a few thousand people happened to six million of our people. And he still didn’t show. So let’s not get our hopes up. At this rate it may take all of us being exterminated for something to happen.

Again, respectfully disagree. The Chofetz chaim predicted, BEFORE WWII, that milchemes gog umagog is a 3 stage war, and WWII would be the second stage...
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Post Sun, Oct 22 2023, 5:50 am
amother Cantaloupe wrote:
Is this different than the time of the Holocaust?
The Crusades?
The Spanish Inquisition?
Korban bayit 1&2

I believe in the coming of Mashiach but do we deserve it more now than other times? I hope and pray, but fear I am just settling myself up for disappointment. Maybe I just need some meds.

Hope that wasn’t to Apikores or depressing for me to write.

This is how I feel also whenever someone brings it up. I think it makes people feel better to say he is coming. But we don’t really know. No one knows. We can just hope. But all these “proofs” don’t mean much.
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Post Sun, Oct 22 2023, 6:19 am
amother Yellow wrote:
He didn’t come after the Holocaust. What happened now is a tiny minuscule crumb of what happened in the holocaust. What happened in southern Israel to a few thousand people happened to six million of our people. And he still didn’t show. So let’s not get our hopes up. At this rate it may take all of us being exterminated for something to happen.

I used to think this too. But heard something so simple that totally changed my way of thinking. Suffering is not what brings moshiach! Teshuva and changing ourselves is what brings him. The more we change and grow and inspire each other- the less suffering we will need. So instead of comparing the suffering of other generations, let’s just work on ourselves so that we don’t need to go through that this time around.
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Post Sun, Oct 22 2023, 6:34 am
amother Seashell wrote:
I do love every jew. every single one. even the ones that hurt me. I'd never want any harm or pain to come to them. I daven for all of klal yisrael and want only the best for them.
but it's not possible that every single jew will love every single jew. Crying

Do you mind if I test this? Do you love the jews that are marching with "free Palastine" signs? Do you love Norman Finkelstein? he's a Jewish activist with a large following who has written many books where he spreads hate against Israel? Do you love the neturei karta?
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Post Sun, Oct 22 2023, 6:37 am
amother Chocolate wrote:
Respectfully disagree. Speaking for myself, I find that the more signs I see that Mashiach is really about to knock on the door, the more motivated I am to do teshuva and keep working on myself. The more energy I have to hold myself back from getting angry. The more focus I have when I daven. The more self control I find within myself to keep from biting my lips on shabbos. Etc...

But can you see why some people (especially those a little older) who have been hearing this for many years are rolling their eyes? There have been tragedies throughout jewish history. Many in greater scale (like the holocaust) than what just happened. And Moshiach didn't come.
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Post Sun, Oct 22 2023, 6:38 am
amother Papayawhip wrote:
I used to think this too. But heard something so simple that totally changed my way of thinking. Suffering is not what brings moshiach! Teshuva and changing ourselves is what brings him. The more we change and grow and inspire each other- the less suffering we will need. So instead of comparing the suffering of other generations, let’s just work on ourselves so that we don’t need to go through that this time around.

Are you aware of the many sefarim written centuries ago that discuss the suffering that will happen during the times of moshiach?
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Post Sun, Oct 22 2023, 7:03 am
amother Cappuccino wrote:
But can you see why some people (especially those a little older) who have been hearing this for many years are rolling their eyes? There have been tragedies throughout jewish history. Many in greater scale (like the holocaust) than what just happened. And Moshiach didn't come.

I do hear where they're coming from - and at the same time, with every year that goes by the probability of Mashiach coming gets a little higher. For example if we were in the year 5000, every year is only 1/1000 chance that Mashiach will come. But at this point there is at minimum (not including those that say we have the wrong calculation of what year we are in) 1/226 chance that Mashiach will come this year... Which, as small as it is, is still a lot bigger than it was decades/centuries ago, and even if it was only a 1/6000 chance that Mashiach will come this year, that would still be enough for us to be alert to the possibility that Hashem might decide the time has come...
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Post Sun, Oct 22 2023, 7:08 am
amother Cappuccino wrote:
Are you aware of the many sefarim written centuries ago that discuss the suffering that will happen during the times of moshiach?

Yes of course I’m aware. But I’m also aware of the concept that the suffering can be lessened/shortened through teshuva. Instead of focusing on the negative (and I’m very aware that there is so much negative to focus on!), I’m choosing to (try to) have a positive mindset because I think it can serve us better during this time. Hopelessness doesn’t usually lead to anything positive..
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Post Sun, Oct 22 2023, 7:12 am
amother Papayawhip wrote:
Yes of course I’m aware. But I’m also aware of the concept that the suffering can be lessened/shortened through teshuva. Instead of focusing on the negative (and I’m very aware that there is so much negative to focus on!), I’m choosing to (try to) have a positive mindset because I think it can serve us better during this time. Hopelessness doesn’t usually lead to anything positive..

Why do I see so many parroting this? Other than one modern day person who wrote a Sefer what are you basing this on?
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Post Sun, Oct 22 2023, 7:13 am
amother Papayawhip wrote:
Yes of course I’m aware. But I’m also aware of the concept that the suffering can be lessened/shortened through teshuva. Instead of focusing on the negative (and I’m very aware that there is so much negative to focus on!), I’m choosing to (try to) have a positive mindset because I think it can serve us better during this time. Hopelessness doesn’t usually lead to anything positive..

I'm not focusing on the negative. I'm focusing on the reality.

I could be mistaken but I don't think those sefarim that made these prediction years ago also said that if we do certain things we can change the decree. I'd love to hear I'm wrong so I can be more positive. Do you have a source?

Even recently there was a thread here saying a big tzadik in eretz yisroel was saying that terrible these will be happening soon. He didn't add that if we do certain things it can be avoided.
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Post Sun, Oct 22 2023, 7:25 am
amother Chestnut wrote:
Why do I see so many parroting this? Other than one modern day person who wrote a Sefer what are you basing this on?

I will look for sources, but I’ve definitely read that it says in Gemara that we can lessen the birth pains of moshiach. I’ve seen it said that it can be done through Torah study and ahavat chinam- will look for more specific info when I have time.

But in my opinion- living in fear and dreading what is to come is only counterproductive and causes us to lose our emuna, which will probably lead to us not avoiding all the pain and suffering. It’s a vicious cycle. I’m making an active choice to think positively even though there is SO much pain and negativity in the world right now. Of course looking at history can make us fear and think “why would we be the ones?” But we can make an active choose to not think that way and to believe that it’s possible. Maybe in that zechus we’ll merit it? Maybe not. I don’t know. But it’s worth a try. He has to come at some point, right?
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Post Sun, Oct 22 2023, 7:35 am
amother Chestnut wrote:
Why do I see so many parroting this? Other than one modern day person who wrote a Sefer what are you basing this on?

“What is man to do to be spared the pangs of Mashiach? Let him engage in Torah and acts of loving-kindness!”

Sanhedrin 98b
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Post Sun, Oct 22 2023, 7:36 am
amother Papayawhip wrote:
“What is man to do to be spared the pangs of Mashiach? Let him engage in Torah and acts of loving-kindness!”

Sanhedrin 98b

That doesn’t mean it’s not happening at all. Just that specific people will be spared. But we know this already.
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