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It is not a chiyuv to go to shul for zachur
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Post Fri, Mar 22 2024, 12:11 pm
amother Currant wrote:
Very incorrect.
Do you think women all over make themselves crazy to get to shul on time if it’s not what Halacha requires?
. Two words: Pesach cleaning.
Learn the halacha and don't rely on what "women all over make themselves crazy" to do as a ra'aya.
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Post Fri, Mar 22 2024, 12:13 pm
Yes it’s something women took on themselves
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Post Fri, Mar 22 2024, 12:23 pm
It's not so simple. Like shofar, it's technically not necessary but was taken on as a communal minhag that women go. It's not something to take lightly. What is definitely NOT required is that it has to be this week. If you miss it tomorrow, you can be yotzei in the summer by hearing it in KiTeizei (the parsha where the psukim are found). But you have to hear it leaned from the Torah at some point in the year.
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Post Fri, Mar 22 2024, 12:27 pm
amother OP wrote:
Or if you're postpartum and don't have energy to leave the house, you may not need to go to shul.

Someone that’s not feeling well is in a different category than someone who has kids. If you’re talking about shlepping with kids- I find that disturbing. Women watch kids all the time so men can do their chiyuvim, its bizarre that men can’t watch kids once in a while so the women can do what they have to.
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Post Fri, Mar 22 2024, 12:28 pm

Brings all the reasons to go and not having to go
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Post Fri, Mar 22 2024, 12:29 pm
amother Coral wrote:
Yes it’s something women took on themselves

I hate it that just because some women however many hundreds of years ago decided to take something on it now obligates the rest of us. Punch
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Post Fri, Mar 22 2024, 12:34 pm
amother Coral wrote:
Yes it’s something women took on themselves

Right. Because back in the day, many women didn't know how to read or daven from a siddur.
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Post Fri, Mar 22 2024, 12:35 pm
zaq wrote:
. Two words: Pesach cleaning.
Learn the halacha and don't rely on what "women all over make themselves crazy" to do as a ra'aya.

In defense of crazy women, my house needs a deep cleaning once a year, dontcha think? And no, it doesn’t happen in July. Ask me how I know.
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Post Fri, Mar 22 2024, 12:39 pm
amother Peony wrote:
Op what’s in it for you? Why are you so passionate about it? If it’s too hard for someone to get to shul I’m sure they can figure out what to do.

Nothing is "in it" for me.
I just see several posts of newly postpartum women about how hard it's for them to go, so I just wanted to make women aware that they may not need to go. Not everyone is aware that they can ask a sheila about this.
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Post Fri, Mar 22 2024, 12:47 pm
Ema of 5 wrote:
There is ALWAYS an option to ask a shaila, Halacha or not.
Can you please post a source that a woman doesn’t need to hear it from a klaf? That it is minhag and not Halacha to do so?

I dont have a source aside from my father asking a rav about this after listening to a shiur many years ago. Since then the females in our family don't go to a ladies reading. If they make it to shul for the regular leining that's great otherwise not. After I was married (about 10 years ago) my husband asked his rav as well and was told the same. This year he happened to hear a q&a with a rav and this was one of the questions, the rav said it's not a chiyuv on ladies to go hear it.
All rabanim in Lakewood

I'm not saying dont go, but ask especially if it's hard for you to get out
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Post Fri, Mar 22 2024, 1:12 pm
I haven’t gone since my oldest BH and read it at home my Dh goes for the family
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Post Fri, Mar 22 2024, 2:25 pm
Genius wrote:
In defense of crazy women, my house needs a deep cleaning once a year, dontcha think? And no, it doesn’t happen in July. Ask me how I know.

That some people CHOOSE to combine or confuse spring cleaning with Pesach cleaning is their problem. There is no halachic requirement to wash windows, regrout bathtubs or organize linen closets. I clean my bookshelves--which are chometz-free year-round as we do not allow books at the table--in early winter, usually on an inclement day when it's nice to have an excuse to stay indoors. Some years I don't wash my windows till September. My linen closet, another chometz-free zone, gets done whenever the spirit moves me, usually when there is an unpalatable task waiting to be done and no other good excuse not to do it except being busy doing something else.

My house is never 100% pristine from top to bottom all at the same time, but neither is it ever a chazershtall with areas that haven't see the light of day in a decade. Everything gets its share of cleaning and airing at least once a year--but not necessarily in the four weeks or so before Pesach.
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Post Fri, Mar 22 2024, 2:47 pm
amother Gardenia wrote:
Detailed writeup here: https://www.deracheha.org/arba-parashiyot/

Scroll down to the Zachor part specifically.

This looks like a site that holds a specific hashkafah. It's not a beis din or recognized council like OU. Maybe it's correct but I feel uncomfortable that advice is being given to everyone based on this alone.
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Post Fri, Mar 22 2024, 2:59 pm
amother DarkPurple wrote:
I hate it that just because some women however many hundreds of years ago decided to take something on it now obligates the rest of us. Punch

I know!! And shiva nikiim???? Life altering extra to take upon for all future women!
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Ema of 5


Post Fri, Mar 22 2024, 3:03 pm
amother Snowdrop wrote:
But many say you don't.

Op was saying, similar to fasting minor fasts, there are different opinions on this & it's possible you really don't have to push yourself. We hold like this. So ask if you need to.

That’s what she meant to say, but it’s not actually what she said. What she said was that you don’t need to hear from a klaf.
I understand what she was trying to say, but it wasn’t worded correctly, which is why she’s receiving flak for it.
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Post Fri, Mar 22 2024, 3:04 pm
amother Currant wrote:
That is not true. Please don’t tell people things that are against what Halacha states.
Everyone- including women are required to hear this pesukim read from a kosher sefer Torah. It is preferable if there is a minyan but not required. The pesukim should be lained using the correct trope.

There are Gedolim who don’t hold this way. What she said IS true according to some poskim.
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Post Sat, Mar 23 2024, 11:36 am
amother Bellflower wrote:
You could go early for Megillah and hear it in shul on purim

The leining Purim morning is not Parshat Zachor.

I have heard that you can be yotze the mitzvah of zechirat Amalek by hearing Parshat Zachor read as part of the regular leining in Ki Tetzei, but you have to remember to go to shul in the summer to hear it, and that you are doing so to fulfill the mitzvah of zechirat Amalek.
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Post Sat, Mar 23 2024, 1:23 pm
amother OP wrote:
If you have a newborn, a bunch of little kids, or in general find it hard to go to shul for zachur, please know that it is not a requirement to go to shul. You can say it yourself from a chumash.
If you have a hard time going, please discuss with your Rav if you should be going or not.
Gut shabbos

Just realize that this is not the way many hold and have learned.
So this is how YOUR rav holds. But not rabbanim overall.
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Post Sat, Mar 23 2024, 1:26 pm
Light1234 wrote:
This looks like a site that holds a specific hashkafah. It's not a beis din or recognized council like OU. Maybe it's correct but I feel uncomfortable that advice is being given to everyone based on this alone.

What hashkafa pray tell?
Its giving over halachik sources. 🤔
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Post Sat, Mar 23 2024, 1:38 pm
shabbatiscoming wrote:
What hashkafa pray tell?
Its giving over halachik sources. 🤔

A hashkafa that is happy with women learning halachic sources?
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