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Ur HONEST answer to ‘how was yuntif’
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Do you love Pesach?
 63%  [ 141 ]
 36%  [ 82 ]
Total Votes : 223



Post Wed, May 01 2024, 9:28 pm
OP, your basic premise holds true for just about anything anyone asks anyone in a social setting. We all tell polite social falsehoods (I.e. lie through our teeth) because if we didn't, society would descend into chaos. Complete and utter chaos, as opposed to the moderately- controlled chaos that currently exists.
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Post Wed, May 01 2024, 9:30 pm
Honestly? I thought I was going to have breakdown.
Going to sleep crazy late, waking up with my baby during the night and then getting up with the baby and the toddler early. Take care of them all day in a strangers house, watching them all day on zero sleep without literally 1 minute to myself was not enjoyable at all! I’m also nursing and get hungry often and there wasn’t enough food. I’m embarrassed to say but I’m thrilled it’s over.
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Post Wed, May 01 2024, 9:32 pm
My honest answer:
It was terrible through Shabbos due to some guests. After all that hard work and these guests made it miserable.

It was much better the 2nd days.
No one complaining
I read a ton
Slept a lot.
I wish the rest of Pesach had ben like those 2 days.
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Post Wed, May 01 2024, 9:43 pm
I love all yt. Neither me or dh work on chol hamoed so we have a whole week to focus only on family time. I made the whole yom tov but I was invited out for some meals. Yes I got frustrated with my preteens attitude more than once and yes there were times I would've loved some adult company but still love yt! Yes I'm happy for a few hours of quiet tomorrow when the kids go to school and I'm lucky I work part time and arranged to only start on Monday so I get a few extra days before I go back. Today was the hardest day to keep my cool. Kids were anxious by bedtime about going back to school and I was desperate for them to fall asleep because the busses will be here bright and early tom morn. But I enlisted dh to help so I managed to stay calm and I'm proud of myself.
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Post Wed, May 01 2024, 9:47 pm
amother Crocus wrote:
Honestly? I thought I was going to have breakdown.
Going to sleep crazy late, waking up with my baby during the night and then getting up with the baby and the toddler early. Take care of them all day in a strangers house, watching them all day on zero sleep without literally 1 minute to myself was not enjoyable at all! I’m also nursing and get hungry often and there wasn’t enough food. I’m embarrassed to say but I’m thrilled it’s over.

This is what I felt one year and told dh that's the end of moving into others for yt. It's hard to prep at home and some meals become monotonous when you're not between people but I want to be on my own schedule, doing my own thing, in my own place. The most we go away for now is a shabbos. One night/day I can manage without sleeping. It's a stage that will pass and maybe when I don't have newborns or toddlers I'll want to be a guest again, if anyone will want us lol. But now my kids need their own beds and own space.
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Post Wed, May 01 2024, 10:08 pm
Also OP, your title question doesn't match your poll question. One can like Pesach yet have had a perfectly awful time this year, or be less than fond of Pesach in general but have had a great time this year. One can love Pesach at home but hate spending YT at someone else's house, or vice versa. Or love or hate everything except the food. Or the seder in general. Which question were you really asking?
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Post Wed, May 01 2024, 10:45 pm
It was great!

My mil worked so hard and prepared the most amazing meals, and didn't ask me to do a thing even though I offered!

I am in early pregnancy and while the first days were okay in terms of how I was feeling, the 2nd days I started feeling not so good and I just couldn't wait to get out of there and into my own bed and shower.

Also, my husband is doing some healing work, and he didn't do so well without his familiar routine.

Otherwise, such a nice Chag.
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Post Wed, May 01 2024, 10:56 pm
I love Pesach! Had an amazing chag. I can't believe it's over. It went by in a blink of an eye. My guests are leaving today 😢
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Post Wed, May 01 2024, 10:58 pm
amother Crocus wrote:
Honestly? I thought I was going to have breakdown.
Going to sleep crazy late, waking up with my baby during the night and then getting up with the baby and the toddler early. Take care of them all day in a strangers house, watching them all day on zero sleep without literally 1 minute to myself was not enjoyable at all! I’m also nursing and get hungry often and there wasn’t enough food. I’m embarrassed to say but I’m thrilled it’s over.

Where was your husband in all this?
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Post Wed, May 01 2024, 11:24 pm
Exhausting. An endless cycle of hosting-cooking-serving-cleaning-dishes. Like another poster said, crazy late nights and really early wakeups with an overtired baby.

Also, BH baby had 24/7 attention from visiting family, and yesterday was really hard coming off of that. We're trying to get back on schedule.
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Post Thu, May 02 2024, 1:21 am
Hard schedule this year. Not easy with kids who need action and structure. First days were nice but by Sunday it was getting to all of us.
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Post Thu, May 02 2024, 1:32 am
Truly horrible. I love pesach but the circumstances this year were extremely challenging. I was doing so well mentally beforehand, better than I had been in so long. This sent me way way down to a dark place. I'm ready to give up.
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Post Thu, May 02 2024, 1:37 am
It’s a LOT of work exp if u don’t have big girls to help. I kept on thinking there is no Malthus without a waiters/slaves and I was the slave. Had a lot great guest who helped a lot got a ton of cleaning help but I just don’t have the stamina. I was frying a lot on Yomtov (hubbys request) made tons of fresh salad. It was none stop work and serving I hardly got to sit at the tables. Bh it was nice seeing family get along mostly. I am on a hight it’s over. Every year I feel like that. I dread it for 1/2 year. Can’t wait for the minute everyone is gone and Hosue will be quiet and maybe stay clean. When I was working full time I enjoyed the break more now it’s easier being home with nothing I HAVE to do
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Post Thu, May 02 2024, 5:39 am
amother DarkGray wrote:
It’s a LOT of work exp if u don’t have big girls to help. I kept on thinking there is no Malthus without a waiters/slaves and I was the slave. Had a lot great guest who helped a lot got a ton of cleaning help but I just don’t have the stamina. I was frying a lot on Yomtov (hubbys request) made tons of fresh salad. It was none stop work and serving I hardly got to sit at the tables. Bh it was nice seeing family get along mostly. I am on a hight it’s over. Every year I feel like that. I dread it for 1/2 year. Can’t wait for the minute everyone is gone and Hosue will be quiet and maybe stay clean. When I was working full time I enjoyed the break more now it’s easier being home with nothing I HAVE to do

Big boys can help too you know! Train them to be helpful and your daughters in law will like you a lot more.
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Post Thu, May 02 2024, 6:43 am
We stayed home for Pesach for the first time and it was great!!

Much easier than I thought. Cleaning was pretty easy but cooking was a little more stressful because we used an oven from a Gemach and it was slow and a different stove which was messy. Small counter surface.

But I loved that our children were in their own beds and comfortable. We had a few guests and ate out for the seder and two other meals so we didn't end up with too much cooking anyway.

Would totally do it again.
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Post Thu, May 02 2024, 6:51 am
It was so special BH
That’s not to say it wasn’t a huge amount of hard work and balancing a lot of people’s needs and exhausting .
With all that it was still beautiful. I’m grateful I had the opportunity to host and work so hard. Not everyone has the opportunity to do so (I’m thinking of my friend , a mom of a large family with marrieds like me, who’s husband was just diagnosed and that has taken over her life ).
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Post Thu, May 02 2024, 6:54 am
It was so so beautiful! I can't believe after all that anticipation and work it's over and regular life has resumed!

We hosted lots of guests for the whole YT and enjoyed every minute of it! BH I had great cleaning help.
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Post Thu, May 02 2024, 6:54 am
BH I survived. I hosted.
My DC 1 with special Ed needs drove us up the wall.
DC 2 with less severe needs antagonized DC1.
I was sick.
By SB is awful.
I loved having and hosting family. But that was the only bright part of the whole YT.
I am exhausted and have to put in a 9.5 hour day today to make up work. And because boss is a pain.
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Post Thu, May 02 2024, 6:55 am
Pleeeease. Not yuntif.
It's yom tov.
Can't Believe It
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Post Thu, May 02 2024, 7:52 am
Dandelion, in Hebrew it's Yom Tov. In Yiddish it's spelled the same way but pronounced Yontif, just as חתונה is chatuNAH in ivrit but KHASeneh in Yiddish. Different languages.

And what's funnier is that in many cases where a Yiddish word derived from Hebrew returns to modern Hebrew, the spelling changes to reflect the Yiddish pronunciation. Example: Yiddish Tachlis, תכלית, from Hebrew Tachlit, came back to modern colloquial Hebrew as תכלס or תכליס when used in the Yiddish sense of "bottom line" "brass tacks" or "to make a long story short."
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