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Forum -> Yom Tov / Holidays -> Purim
Not participating in MM contest
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Post Sun, Feb 25 2018, 11:41 pm
I always did fancy mm with custom sized boxes to fit perfectly over mm. I used to run around for over a month to find the perfect ribbon. This year I was thinking about it and decided to do a simple box and sweets I bought from one visit to the grocery. No ribbons or matched to themes whatsoever. My kids helped fill up those boxes. Boy don't I regret.
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Post Mon, Feb 26 2018, 2:27 am
I do a simple fruit basket with a few chocolates. I get a little container from the dollar store and put in mandarin oranges and bananas, chocolates, wrap it with Saran wrap and put a sticker on it with our name. Very simple. People know they are thought of, can pack the fruit into kids lunches the next day. And I don’t contribute to the Purim insanity by raising the bar.
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Post Mon, Feb 26 2018, 2:41 am
Every year until today I have done themes.
I am a creative person. These things are a breaze for me.
This year I have PPD and couldn't care less. So its gonna be prepackaged from a store.
I do miss the hype somewhere deep in me. I just can't find that part of me right now.
So believe it or not, I pray that next year be themed again because that will mean that I am in a better place.
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Post Mon, Feb 26 2018, 3:39 am
Totally not into it. So glad that my neighborhood does a community thing where most of the money goes to tzedakah.

But if people enjoy making fancy things, it doesn't bother me.
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Bnei Berak 10


Post Mon, Feb 26 2018, 5:41 am
bsy wrote:
Nope, you're not the only one. I never do a theme or anything fancy. Vegetables and tuna and a dip in a simple container.

Such a relief to hear Smile
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Post Mon, Feb 26 2018, 5:55 am
Bnei Berak 10 wrote:
Am I the only one on this site who has ZERO patience/will/time/money to deal with themed MM? The kind of fancy stuff with exclusive silk bows, hand made packages from a fancy designer, everything color coordinated or home made gourmet items? Fancy gifts, Belgian handmade pralines and expensive liquor? Special Purim cards (preferably hand painted) with a personal Purim poem or the perfect. ?

I don't. I haven't even prepared any mm. I'll prob open my cupboard Thursday morning and pick out two items and give them to my neighbor.
That being said, I love seeing all the creative mm people prepare. It's a feast for my eyes.
I'm not the creative type, but I enjoy seeing creativity in others.
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Post Mon, Feb 26 2018, 9:38 am
I match our MM to our costumes but its never anything expensive. Why would it cost more to buy a blue bag than a different color if blue happens to match the police costumes? I give out fun food to match like (store bought) doughnuts and coffee. It doesn't cost more than other food and I am giving MM anyway.

I find it surprising that people feel its a competition and are so bitter about it. Purim is the one holiday a year that creative people have an easy outlet. Why are some of you deciding its a pressure and whining so much? Trust me- if you give out something wholesome like salad or crackers with dip everyone will be super thrilled to get real food and not even notice that it wasn't creative or whatever.
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Post Mon, Feb 26 2018, 9:52 am
I'm totally with you!
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Post Mon, Feb 26 2018, 9:56 am
I have to confess that themes have actually made MM easier for me.
Before imamother I would get sort of paralyzed re MM being that creativity is not my strongest suit. As a result the contents of my MM would be sort of random. Now, once I have a theme as an organizing principle (the internet is a great resource for ideas) I actually find it easier to put together my MM. I even feel that I can get away with less elaborate offerings now because the entire package has coherence that gives it an extra something .
My themes are always simple ones and I don't go crazy trying to match everything or to make it 'cute'. I don't like gimmicky or arbitrary themes but rather something food related like 'coffee + cake' or 'breakfast' or 'soup + salad' or something that is connected to the chag itself. This year for example I'm doing the 4 mitzvot of Purim: homemade challah rolls to represent the seuda, chocolate coins for matanot laevyonim, a 'megilla' that I will make by wrapping sour strips around sour sticks and some homemade hamantaschen and Purim cookies to represent MM. The packaging will be aesthetic but very simple. No poems and no matching costumes.
Truthfully I'd love to avoid the entire thing altogether and just buy prepackaged MM but they are so expensive.
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Post Mon, Feb 26 2018, 10:05 am
Some years I have the mental energy, time and money to really put together MM that are unique and impressive. Other years not. It's not about winning a contest. It's a creative outlet that some years hold appeal and other years, really not. This year for me, NOT. Too much other stuff going on in my life. I ordered pre-made MM from the local chocolate store. No theme. Simple and respectable. It costs more than if I made it myself and that's okay. I'll just give less. There is no mitzvah to give to every single person you know in the world.
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Post Mon, Feb 26 2018, 10:18 am
I’m not competing with anyone. I find that mothers/women spend the whole day rushing and no one gets to eat, so I send lunch. It’s not fancy or packaged nicely, but I get rave reviews.
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