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Shosh's Totally Silly Forum
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 1:42 am
mummy-bh wrote:
I think the clips are a good test to see if potential forum members are qualified to join.

anyway, this one's my favourite

Never laughed so hard!
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 6:02 am
Gosh, this forum is so unexclusive you don't even have to sign in to read it.
How silly is that?
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 6:03 am
I'm definitely going to join but my silliness depends on my tiredness. Oh well, I'm usually enough tired to be very silly so maybe I do qualify.

And just to clarify, British humour does not involve any silliness like riding shopping carts or embarressing your kids. It requires a clear quick mind, and a very very straight face. You are not allowed to find your own jokes funny. Rule no.1 of this forum.

The person I know who has the most developed of this sense of humour, and goodness his comments are so quick, and mind splitting, is my very American father-in-law. Never mind...
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 7:35 am
Hey, you're picking on me coz of Marmite?

How about some Baked Beans, with a Sunny side Up Egg?

As my mom used to make fun of the Jordi's: 'There's a loose Moose aroond the hoose'
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 7:35 am
If I would be any sillier I think I'd be a monkey.

I'm in if you let me, and oh I'm British.

If we can't mention the war can I mention that there is too much butter on those trays? ;-)
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 7:42 am
shosh wrote:
I'm sorry everybody, but I just couldn't resist it and had to jump on the bandwagon after the narcissists and fabulously wealthy out there.

How about a totally silly forum for pple like me who have a very silly sense of humour and can't take too much very seriously at all?????

Truth is, the only other person on this planet who has a sense of humour like mine has to be my Dad. I realised this fact during his recent visit for my dd's bas mitzvah when there were several occasions where he and I were totally cracking up over something really really silly - but no one else did.

But I am sure that there are some other anarchically silly pple out there who can't stand all the arguments and introspection and like to get a laugh out of them - oh and who don't get all offended when I make silly comments tongue in cheek bc I'm in a stooopid mood!

So come on ladies. Come and join me for some really silly anarchy on here.

Serious pple need not apply!!!!

(Ha, let's see if anyone will answer me on here now I've said that Twisted Evil )

I am the silliest out there!
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 10:20 am
Sequoia, I've seen something similar, I think from Ireland? But this one was great... I loved the "get home 1/2hr before going to bed" line.
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 10:32 am
I totally don't get British humor, but I do ride on the back of my shopping wagons. What does this mean for me? Can I join?
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 11:24 am
I know Shosh says she doesn't like clips..but how can we have a silly forum without posting a clipof the Ministry of Silly walks Monty Python sketch?

should I post it anyway? Will shosh rap my knuckles with a ruler if I do?
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 11:52 am
When I opened this forum, my intention was to have a good laugh. But it wasn't to become a repeats slot of the BBC. Maybe open a separate one for old TV progs ...
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 12:17 pm
aww, sorry shosh. it's just that monty python / john cleese is so ... british!Twisted Evil

hey, does anyone else know all the words to, and translation of, " Ilkla Moor Baht 'at". We used to sing it in primary school Music
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 1:35 pm
I remember that one! It was all about going on Ilkley Moor in Yorkshire without a hat and then you'd ch'v catch cold and die and then the worms would eat you. Charming!
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 1:44 pm
Do I qualify? I'm a Brit, even after 10 years as an Israeli, I can't start the morning without 2 cups of rosie (PG Tips), I do like Marmite, but I've never heard of a jam buttie, where I worked they all ate bacon butties (bleugh they smell).
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 4:31 pm

Last edited by 6543 on Thu, Jan 18 2018, 4:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 4:36 pm
Mummybh, in tribute to you, here goes (all Americans on here and anyone from south of the Watford Gap-apart from me as my Dad is from Liverpool-should fast forward here:)

Ilkley Moor Bar T'at

Where 'as tha bin since ah saw thee, ah saw thee
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at
Where ‘as tha bin sin ah saw thee
Where 'as tha bin sin ah saw thee (without thy trousers on)

On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at (owzat?)
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at

Thou's bin a courtin Mary Jane, Mary Jane
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at
Thou's bin a courtin Mary Jane
Thou’s bin a courtin Mary Jane (without thy trousers on)

On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at (owzat?)
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at
Tha’s gonna catch tha death of cold, death of cold
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at
Tha’s gonna catch tha death of cold
Tha’s gonna catch tha death of cold (without thy trousers on)

On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at (owzat?)
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at

Then we shall ‘ave to bury thee, bury thee
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at
Then we shall ‘ave to bury thee
Then we shall ‘ave to bury thee (without thy trousers on)

On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at (owzat?)
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at

Then t’worms’ll come and eat thee up, eat thee up
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at
Then t’worms’ll come and eat thee up
Then t’worms’ll come and eat thee up (without thy trousers on)

On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at (owzat?)
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at

Then ducks’ll come and eat up t’worms, eat up t’worms
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at
Then ducks’ll come and eat up t’worms
Then ducks’ll come and eat up t’worms (without thy trousers on)

On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at (owzat?)
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at

Then we shall come and eat up t’ducks, eat up t’ducks
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at
Then we shall come and eat up t’ducks
Then we shall come and eat up t’ducks (without thy trousers on)

On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at (owzat?)
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at

Then we shall all ‘ave etten thee, etten thee
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at
Then we shall all ‘ave etten thee
Then we shall all ‘ave etten thee (without thy trousers on)

On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at (owzat?)
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at
On Ilkley Moor b’ah t’at
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 4:39 pm
And here's a real classic one for any Geordies on here (that's residents of Newcastle to those of you who don't know):

The Blaydon Races
(Geordie Ridley)

I went to Blaydon Races
Twas on the ninth of June
Eighteen Hundred and Sixty Two
On a summer's afternoon
I took the bus from Balmbras
And she was heavy laden
Away we went along Collingwood Street
That's on the Road to Blaydon

Oh me lads, you should've seen us gannin
Passing the folks along the road
And all of them were starin'
All the lads and lasses there
They all had smilin' faces
Gannin along the Scotswood Road
To see the Blaydon Races

We flew past Armstrong's factory
And up by the Robin Adair
But gannin ower the Railway Bridge
The bus wheel flew off there
The lasses lost their crinolenes
And veils that hide their faces
I got two black eyes and a broken nose
In gannin to Blaydon Races

Oh me lads...

Now when we got the wheel back on
Away we went again
But them that had their noses broke
They went back ower hyem
Some went to the dispensary
And some to Doctor Gibbses
And some to the infirmary
To mend their broken ribses

Oh me lads...

We flew across the Tyne Bridge
And came to Blaydon Toon
The barman he was calling then
They called him Jackie Broon
I saw him talking to some chaps
And them he was persuadin'
To gan and see Geordie Ridley's show
At the Mechanics' Hall in Blaydon

Oh me lads...

Now when we got to Paradise
There were bonny games begun
There were four and twenty on the bus
And how we danced and sung
They called on me to sing a song
So I sang 'em 'Paddy Fagan'
I danced a jig and I swung me twig
The day I went to Blaydon

Oh me lads...

The rain it poured down all the day
And made the ground quite muddy
Coffee Johnny had a white hat on
Shouted 'Wee stole the cuddy?'
There were spice stalls and monkey shows
And old wives selling ciders
And the chap on the ha'penny roundabout
Saying 'Any more lads for riders?'

Oh me lads... (to fade)
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 4:42 pm
And to conclude, how about Strawberry Fair? I learned this at primary school many many years ago. Anyone remember this one:

As I was going to Strawberry Fair,
Singing, singing, buttercups and daisies,
I met a maiden taking her wares, fol-de-dee.
Her eyes were blue and golden her hair,
As she went on to Strawberry Fair.

Ri-fol, Ri-fol, Tol-de-riddle-li-do,
Ri-fol, Ri-fol, Tol-de-riddle-dee.

"Kind sir, pray pick of my basket," she said;
Singing, singing, buttercups and daisies
"My cherries ripe or my roses red, fol-de-dee.
My strawberries sweet I can of them spare,
As I go on to Strawberry Fair."

Ri-fol, Ri-fol, Tol-de-riddle-li-do,
Ri-fol, Ri-fol, Tol-de-riddle-dee.

"Your cherries soon will be wasted away;"
Singing, singing, buttercups and daisies
"Your roses wither'd and never stay, fol-de-dee.
'Tis not to seek such perishing ware,
That I am tramping to Strawberry Fair."

Ri-fol, Ri-fol, Tol-de-riddle-li-do,
Ri-fol, Ri-fol, Tol-de-riddle-dee.

"I want to purchase a generous heart;"
Singing, singing, buttercups and daisies
"A tongue that neither is nimble nor tart, fol-de-dee
An honest mind, but such trifles are rare.
I doubt if they're found at Strawberry Fair."

Ri-fol, Ri-fol, Tol-de-riddle-li-do,
Ri-fol, Ri-fol, Tol-de-riddle-dee.

"The price I offer, my sweet pretty maid;"
Singing, singing, buttercups and daisies
"A ring of gold on your finger displayed, fol-de-dee,
So come, make over to me your ware
In church today at Strawberry Fair."

Ri-fol, Ri-fol, Tol-de-riddle-li-do,
Ri-fol, Ri-fol, Tol-de-riddle-dee.
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 4:42 pm
The stuff we Brits learned to sing at school!!!

Oh well, back to writing about floor tiles now, I suppose!!!!!
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 5:18 pm
"John Brown's body lies a moulding in the grave......."!
"Three gypsies stood, at the castle gates...."
"He promised to but me a bunch of blue ribbons"

And some infants school ones:
"A ship sailed from China with a cargo of tea, all laden out nicely for you and for me.."
"You put yout right leg in, you put your left leg in..."

I may not (as in not allowed) laugh at my own jokes, but you may!
There is only one thing I remember! That is to forget......
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 5:18 pm
"John Brown's body lies a moulding in the grave......."!
"Three gypsies stood, at the castle gates...."
"He promised to but me a bunch of blue ribbons"

And some infants school ones:
"A ship sailed from China with a cargo of tea, all laden out nicely for you and for me.."
"You put yout right leg in, you put your left leg in..."

I may not (as in not allowed) laugh at my own jokes, but you may!
There is only one thing I remember! That is to forget......
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