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Forum -> Children's Health
Weakness in kid physically and emotionally

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Post Sun, May 12 2024, 2:57 am
My dc is sort of weak in his whole being. Physically low muscle tone and weaker than the average, sensory, sensitive, and weak emotionally too. Nothing severe bh and don't think it will get in his way in life! Just wondering
What causes this? Anything to take while pregnant? Can it be from not taking prenatal s religiously ?
Also I'm taking him for ot and his physical strength is improving . But I'm assuming he will claws be somewhat weaker than the average child. Am I wrong? Can therapy bring him to be strong physically like anyone else?
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Post Sun, May 12 2024, 7:14 am
How old is this dc?

Toddlers/preschoolers who are much weaker than their peers and physically unstable (easily knocked over) can present as very anxious and clingy. Wouldnt you be if your reality was falling over all the time?

My dc who was low tone was extremely like this up to 3/4 years old. He had very low tone and fell down with no one pushing him, forget being in a group or crowd. He stayed away from others and was scared of his own shadow.

He had intensive therapy PT, OT, Speech (had oral weakness too!) and emerged phusically stable (but still weak), but emotionally was even keeled and confident throughout childhood (provbably among my best LOL).
Until 12/13 he was physically clingy (not emotionally clingy at all though) like he sat on my lap long past fitting normally and would snuggle against me on the couch, for example, as intensely as a 6 year old might. I think that was sensory.

Until his late teens was tiny and scrawny. But is now physically normal and you cant tell! In his early 20s now.
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Post Sun, May 12 2024, 7:22 am
You asked what causes, many are random.

However, sometimes you can point.
This child was a twin, and that was probably the reason. Not ideal uterine environment (another baby, itregular shape, fibroids, etc) can cause problems.

Really bad nutrotion can cause problems.

I dont think lack of mutivitamins are causing the problem. Those ptevent spina bifida.
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Post Sun, May 12 2024, 7:45 am
Could be mitochondrial

Emotionally weak is adrenals usually
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Post Sun, May 12 2024, 10:53 am
amother Cyclamen wrote:
How old is this dc?

Toddlers/preschoolers who are much weaker than their peers and physically unstable (easily knocked over) can present as very anxious and clingy. Wouldnt you be if your reality was falling over all the time?

My dc who was low tone was extremely like this up to 3/4 years old. He had very low tone and fell down with no one pushing him, forget being in a group or crowd. He stayed away from others and was scared of his own shadow.

He had intensive therapy PT, OT, Speech (had oral weakness too!) and emerged phusically stable (but still weak), but emotionally was even keeled and confident throughout childhood (provbably among my best LOL).
Until 12/13 he was physically clingy (not emotionally clingy at all though) like he sat on my lap long past fitting normally and would snuggle against me on the couch, for example, as intensely as a 6 year old might. I think that was sensory.

Until his late teens was tiny and scrawny. But is now physically normal and you cant tell! In his early 20s now.
what did the ot work on and what did pt do? Asking cuz I only take my dc for ot but he's working on strengthening his hands feet and core. Wondering if it's enough or pt can build his strength even more. Why I'm hesitating to stick only to ot is cuz Took dc very long to go happily and adapt. He's reserved and only the setting and excitement what an ot session looks like was what made him cooperate eventually.I m assuming pt is non exciting and ihe won't ever agree. He's three. My question is basically can a good ot take the place of pt too?
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