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Forum -> Parenting our children -> Toddlers
The hitting stage?

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Post Mon, Mar 07 2005, 7:04 am
My 20 month old son hits kids for seemingly no reason. He is not being possesive of toys or anything-he just randomly goes over to other kids and pushes or smacks them. He goes to a playgroup and the Morah has started to complain a bit. I really dont want him to be asked to leave the playgroup!
He is generally a very sweet and gentle natured kid...We give him lots of love and attention, and are not sure exactly why he is acting up.prob a stage...but
any suggestions? Rolling Eyes Banging head
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Post Mon, Mar 07 2005, 7:22 am
first of all, let the records show that I am NOT an professional child educator, just a mom of 3 Smile

hitting etc at that age is so common! in stead of complaining, I would think that a morah of a playgroup has plenty experience and education in order to deal with it, or to recognise the need to discuss it with you as a parent, if it would be out of the ordinary...
as far as I know, almost every child at that age hits, bites or kicks. I assume that he doesn't talk? because usually the physical "violence" is a sign of frustration, cause the chid can't express itself in words yet. also, their "personal space" is very important to them. a toddler is the center of his/her universe - having other toddlers in that universe can be extremely confusing to them. at that age, they are not capable of making friends - he can play with moishe one day, and hit him the second day...
if you feel very uncomfortable about it, talk to the morah, who, in my opinion, should be unbiased. if he hits the same kid over and over again, then maybe there is a problem, maybe something happened? try and find out!
my second was bitten (!) in the cheak by a girl, until blood came out. fortunately, my child had all vaccinations, otherwise she would have had a tetanus injection, as the mouth of a child is dirtier than a dogs !!!, but she did need antibiotics!
my child, a few months later, bit a boy in the arm ( embarrassed ), no blood fortunately, but the morah did tell me, as she should, and we kept a close eye on her, but it never happened again, b'h.

good luck, princessmommy!
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Post Mon, Mar 07 2005, 8:44 am
thanks pnina- I think that "complaining" was the wrong choice of words on my part. She was "discussing" it with me and I think was unsure how to proceed, being that time out wasnt working.
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Post Mon, Mar 07 2005, 8:50 am
really like your picture there!

maybe you feel insecure about the whole thing? don't be, it's perfectly normal....I hope you can have a pleasant talk with the morah about it, she should be able to advise you on how to take it from here. time out never worked by us at that age.....at this point can't remember what did, if I'll remember I will let you know!
good luck!
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Post Wed, Mar 09 2005, 12:27 pm
I think he probably gets a kick out the reaction of the chld and the adult.

Assuming that your child is an average toddler, all he needs is:
- more positive attention (see hug therapy)
- positive praise for being good (not: u didn't hit anybody today! but Look how nicely u r playing w/ so&so, & so&so is so happy to play with such a nice boy like u)
- minimum attention at the time of the offence:
a. attend to the hurt person 1st
b. do not make a big deal
c. be serious & administer a time-out w/ out extra noise, attention
d. have his apologise/ make nice
e. re-inforce that hitting hurts, we make nice & demonstrate planty throughout the day, not only when punished

Good luck!
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Post Wed, Mar 09 2005, 2:26 pm
Gam Ze Yaavor!
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Post Thu, Mar 10 2005, 3:27 pm
my 2 1/2 yr old also pushes for no reason. it makes me crazy b/c its really for absolutely no reason, just walks over to a baby sitting nicely and knocks him over. he talks plenty. and is NOT a violent or aggressive kid.
what I do is remind him really often that he is not allowed to push. I warn him over and over, and if he ends up pushing he gets time out, it works for him. I dont know if a 20 mo. old would understand it though.

you should just know that you are not the only one with this problem.
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Post Thu, Mar 10 2005, 9:36 pm
Princess Mommy,

you need to show him who is boss! I think you should hit him back!

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Post Thu, Mar 10 2005, 10:12 pm
you need to show him who is boss! I think you should hit him back

Yeah so lets go, your turn Banging head his turn Banging head your turn Banging head his turn Banging head . Now truthfully what did we succeed What
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Post Thu, Mar 10 2005, 11:04 pm
I actually spit out half my scone laughing at that one freilich. haha :redface :redface
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Post Sun, Mar 13 2005, 7:10 pm
Ha ha, I also burst out laughin, it does look comical. But I would also advise no to the smacking because you aren't teaching anything.
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Post Wed, Mar 16 2005, 4:37 pm
lol!!!!! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
that was cute freilich!!!!
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Post Thu, Mar 17 2005, 1:51 pm
LOL frielich

but if u hit the kid back it can be confusing, coz why is mommy allowed to hit and I'm not?
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Post Thu, Mar 17 2005, 4:50 pm
Exactly 1st timer that was my point Exclamation
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Post Tue, Mar 22 2005, 4:04 am
My son also used to hit other children occasionally out of frustration because he could not commmunicate effectively and so he was frustrated. I used to try to help him get his message across, but every time he woult hit a child randomly, I would tell him, you must like the way that feels if you did it to someone else, try hitting yourself. He obviously did not like it, and got the point. I also used to give him suggestions as to "safe places" to vent his frustration, I.e. go hit the wall, or the trampoline, or your bed. If you must bite (a whole 'nother issue) bite the teething ring- or yourself (bh never did, but he definitely got the message).
Ask the teacher if she can notices a pattern as to when the hitting occurs- is it when the child is hungry or tired already, when the room gets overwhelming during free play, when he wants specific toys... that might clue you both in on part of the problem, bringing you that much closer to a solution.
Bottom line is, it's normal.
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