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Segula against intermarriage
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Post Sun, Sep 06 2020, 1:49 pm
Hii all. Years ago I heard a shiur from Rebbetzin Heller/ Gottlieb that there is a verified segula to prevent someone from intermarrying.

The process goes something along the lines of this:
Take a brick and bake it in the oven with challah.
Leave the brick in the oven for a week and don’t use the oven during that week.
A week later bake challah again in the same oven with the brick still in there.
After baking the second batch of challah,
take the brick out and write in paint or marker
כשם שבערה לבנה זו, כן יבער לבו/לבה של פלוני(ת) בן/בת פלינית לאביו/אביה שבשמים.
Take the brick the kever of a tzaddik and put it where people light candles or leave stones.
Say Tehillim and give tzedaka.

I tried reaching out to Rebbetzin Heller/ Gottlieb to confirm if I missing anything or if I got anything in the process incorrect, and also to ask if when you bake challah you need to do it with 5 pounds so you can make a bracha, or not. Reached out a couple of times to the Rebbetzin but have not heard back. Wondering if any of you know or are familiar with this segula and/or know if you have to take challah with a bracha both times when doing it. TYSMIA. Tizku l’mitzvos!
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Post Sun, Sep 06 2020, 1:53 pm
Sorry I don’t know, but didn’t want to pass by without sending you a hug, and wishing you hatzlocha.
He can and does everything and anything.
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Post Sun, Sep 06 2020, 2:21 pm
Can I ask how they could verify this segula?
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Post Sun, Sep 06 2020, 2:24 pm
shabbatiscoming wrote:
Can I ask how they could verify this segula?

Whom needs to verify? If you could do anything to keep your children true to Torah, no matter how far fetched, wouldn't you do it?

Rebbetzin Heller is a learned woman with a brilliant mind. If the OP heard her say this, then I have no doubt that it is sourced somewhere.
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Post Sun, Sep 06 2020, 2:28 pm
I have heard of this segula before, but not from Rebbtzin Heller. I'm going to try to see if I can find the exact instructions.

UPDATE: I found where it was posted, and emailed a person who will hopefully email me full instructions soon. It is the segulah of Dayan Fisher, and it was given over to Rebbetzin Heller. There is a specific brick that must be used, and there is a gemach for obtaining it. When I get the instructions, I will post that I have them. I'm not sure I'll be willing to post here, I might ask that you pm me.

Last edited by Success10 on Sun, Sep 06 2020, 2:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Sun, Sep 06 2020, 2:30 pm
Rappel wrote:
Whom needs to verify? If you could do anything to keep your children true to Torah, no matter how far fetched, wouldn't you do it?

Rebbetzin Heller is a learned woman with a brilliant mind. If the OP heard her say this, then I have no doubt that it is sourced somewhere.


I did not expect you would recommend this type of segulah...

I had you down for someone who would recommend having the children grow up in Israel or something like that...
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Post Sun, Sep 06 2020, 2:35 pm
Rappel wrote:
Whom needs to verify? If you could do anything to keep your children true to Torah, no matter how far fetched, wouldn't you do it?

Rebbetzin Heller is a learned woman with a brilliant mind. If the OP heard her say this, then I have no doubt that it is sourced somewhere.
Nobody NEEDS to verify anything. The OP said that the rebbetzins could verify the segulas. I was wondering how they could actually verify that this specific regimen worked.
And no, I would not do something, that to me, seems more like some kind of witch craft, to keep my child from intermarrying.
And again, I was not doubting anyone, just asking how anyone could actually verify that this is what did the trick.
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Post Sun, Sep 06 2020, 2:35 pm
Thank you all!

Amother tan, thank you for the hug Hug

Success10, thank you so much. I really appreciate your looking into this for me. I had no idea it has to be a specific brick, what does one do if they live far away from wherever the brick gemach is?
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Post Sun, Sep 06 2020, 2:37 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
Thank you all!

Amother tan, thank you for the hug Hug

Success10, thank you so much. I really appreciate your looking into this for me. I had no idea it has to be a specific brick, what does one do if they live far away from wherever the brick gemach is?

It might be I misunderstood that part. It might be she just meant she had a brick available for those who did not have one. Let me wait for her to email me the instructions and we'll take it from there.
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Post Sun, Sep 06 2020, 2:39 pm
shabbatiscoming wrote:
Nobody NEEDS to verify anything. The OP said that the rebbetzins could verify the segulas. I was wondering how they could actually verify that this specific regimen worked.
And no, I would not do something, that to me, seems more like some kind of witch craft, to keep my child from intermarrying.
And again, I was not doubting anyone, just asking how anyone could actually verify that this is what did the trick.

shabbatiscoming, thank you for your valuable input. I get the witchcrafty thing and TBH I kind of wonder about that with a lot of things. I have no idea how this particular segula is verified but I remember that when Rebbetzin Heller spoke about this segula in her shiur, she said that most segulas are made up and not real, but that this one is בדוק ומנוסה.
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Post Sun, Sep 06 2020, 2:40 pm
Success10 wrote:
It might be I misunderstood that part. It might be she just meant she had a brick available for those who did not have one. Let me wait for her to email me the instructions and we'll take it from there.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
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Post Sun, Sep 06 2020, 2:40 pm
Is it common for people to believe in segulos like this? I'm shocked.

The way to combat intermarriage is through Jewish education.
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Post Sun, Sep 06 2020, 2:46 pm
She has sent me instructions. Please pm me.
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Post Sun, Sep 06 2020, 2:49 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
shabbatiscoming, thank you for your valuable input. I get the witchcrafty thing and TBH I kind of wonder about that with a lot of things. I have no idea how this particular segula is verified but I remember that when Rebbetzin Heller spoke about this segula in her shiur, she said that most segulas are made up and not real, but that this one is בדוק ומנוסה.
Thank you for answering. I didnt mean anything bad about the question. I genuinely was curious how a segula could be verified.
If you do find out, I would love to know.
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Post Sun, Sep 06 2020, 2:52 pm
And for everyone saying that Jewish education and living in Israel are the ways to prevent intermarriage, well, yes of course we raise our kids to be proud Jews and marry only Jews, but the sad reality is that doesn't always do the trick. This is obviously a last resort sort of thing. In general I don't "do" segulahs, but Rebbetzin Heller is very normal, and very special, and if she is advocating for this, I believe it to have some sort of koach, even if there's no way to verify it in the long run.
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Just One


Post Sun, Sep 06 2020, 2:55 pm
Reality wrote:
Is it common for people to believe in segulos like this? I'm shocked.

The way to combat intermarriage is through Jewish education.

Personally I tend to agree with you however if this was happening to someone I love I would be trying everything so I'm trying not to be skeptical
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Post Sun, Sep 06 2020, 3:04 pm
ChanieMommy wrote:

I did not expect you would recommend this type of segulah...

You're perfectly correct.

I'm generally the world's worst skeptic when it comes to segulot. Segulot for marriage, segulot for banim...I generally laugh at them all, because they seem meaningless. Judaism centers on the self-distillation of the individual, and segulahs are just fancy feathers attached to a process which does not need them.

My own emotional response to this OP surprised me. I guess I'm so hyperfocused on building up my children, that I would be willing to do almost anything to help them become healthy individuals. If they achieve what I earnestly pray for them to achieve, then everything I have done in life will have been worth it. If, however, they fall into unhealthy unhappiness, or self-harm, then I am certain that I will despair that I made a mistake, or did not do enough for them.

I'm not saying this is a good outlook. But it is what it is. I will do anything for my children.

Last edited by Rappel on Sun, Sep 06 2020, 3:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Sun, Sep 06 2020, 3:04 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
shabbatiscoming, thank you for your valuable input. I get the witchcrafty thing and TBH I kind of wonder about that with a lot of things. I have no idea how this particular segula is verified but I remember that when Rebbetzin Heller spoke about this segula in her shiur, she said that most segulas are made up and not real, but that this one is בדוק ומנוסה.

Tell me a single segulah in history that can be proven? Literally a single one? When the rebbetzin said *most* segulahs are made up, I'd have asked her which ones aren't? I mean don't get me wrong, most segulas are nice things. Baking challah, visiting a kever, saying certain tehilim, but which segulas can be proven to work? As far as I can tell, none. If I'm wrong, please tell me which segulas work?
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Post Sun, Sep 06 2020, 3:07 pm
My immediate reaction to the thread title was education. (Raise your hands if you too. Yup, I thought so.)
If despite everything, we were facing that, I'd turn to tefllah, and good guidance. But yeah, if I heard of a segulah like this you can be sure I'd try it.
If this was a case of intermarriage without a strong background, if I had someone of stature recommending this and guiding me through it(and I'd want someone guiding me in the first circumstances I've described too), sure I'd try it. But for all of you who are hearing of this for te first time and thinking, if only I'd heard of this in time, stop! Don't go there. Just don't.
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Post Sun, Sep 06 2020, 3:10 pm
Rappel wrote:
You're perfectly correct.

I'm generally the world's worst skeptic when it comes to segulot. Segulot for marriage, segulot for banim...I generally laugh at them all, because they seem meaningless. Judaism centers on the self-distillation of the individual, and segulahs are just fancy feathers attached to a process which does not need them.

My own emotional response to this OP surprised me. I guess I'm so hyperfocused on building up my children, that I would be willing to do almost anything to help them become healthy individuals. If they achieve what I earnestly pray for them to achieve, then everything I have done in life will have been worth it. If, however, they fall into unhealthy unhappiness, or self-harm, then I am certain that I will despair that I made a mistake, or did not do enough for them.

I'm not saying this is a good outlook. But it is what it is. I will do anything for my children.

You see, I on the other hand, like the segula of going to Amuka to find a shidduch...
...because I can see how all those singles meeting in Amuka can lead to shidduchim...
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