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Anyones baby ever model?
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Post Tue, May 09 2023, 9:09 pm
amother Peony wrote:
No, I don't think it's ok to exploit our children for charity. We don't get to use our children in return for any benefits. A photoshoot is a service we pay for just like any other service. We don't use our children as a means to earn money or benefits when paying for a photoshoot.

Why is it different if you pose your baby for money or for your own benefit? At the end of the day, they're doing the exact the same thing.

I don't care if one is considered exploitation and one not - as I said, that's all just semantics, but doesn't answer why it's a problem.

(I personally wouldn't do it, but still, just answering "exploitation" as if that's the be all end all, doesn't actually answer anything.)
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Post Tue, May 09 2023, 9:10 pm
I've never had any of my adorable babies model. BUT I think to do it ONCE bec. you want amazing pics of your kid. and you may as well not pay for it if someone is asking - great. but to officially have your baby model - where you're regularly altering their schedule around photoshoots. I wouldn't.
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Post Tue, May 09 2023, 9:11 pm
amother Carnation wrote:
Why is it different if you pose your baby for money or for your own benefit? At the end of the day, they're doing the exact the same thing.

I don't care if one is considered exploitation and one not - as I said, that's all just semantics, but doesn't answer why it's a problem.

(I personally wouldn't do it, but still, just answering "exploitation" as if that's the be all end all, doesn't actually answer anything.)

This exactly.
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Post Tue, May 09 2023, 9:20 pm
I wonder if all the mothers who are screaming exploitation also don’t take photo shoots of their baby for their own pleasure.
The babies do not want those pictures and don’t tell me you’re only doing it because they’ll thank you when they’ll be 15.
You’re doing it for YOUR pleasure.
I really see no difference between photo shoots and modeling.
IMO both are torture for the baby as well as for the mom.
I’m breaking out in a sweat thinking of all the photo shoots I’ve taken. Boy was it exhausting!
I wish I’d at least get free clothing for it.
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Post Tue, May 09 2023, 9:29 pm
NechaMom wrote:
I wonder if all the mothers who are screaming exploitation also don’t take photo shoots of their baby for their own pleasure.
The babies do not want those pictures and don’t tell me you’re only doing it because they’ll thank you when they’ll be 15.
You’re doing it for YOUR pleasure.
I really see no difference between photo shoots and modeling.
IMO both are torture for the baby as well as for the mom.
I’m breaking out in a sweat thinking of all the photo shoots I’ve taken. Boy was it exhausting!
I wish I’d at least get free clothing for it.

I have never taken a photoshoot of my babies.....
But, a family shoot is a service we pay for vs using our children to make money.
If a photoshoot is torture for anyone, no one should be doing that.
And when you pay for a photoshoot, the photos are for private use vs. For business and advertisement use. I don't think it's ok to display our kids for advertisement without their consent.
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Post Tue, May 09 2023, 9:45 pm
NechaMom wrote:
I wonder if all the mothers who are screaming exploitation also don’t take photo shoots of their baby for their own pleasure.
The babies do not want those pictures and don’t tell me you’re only doing it because they’ll thank you when they’ll be 15.
You’re doing it for YOUR pleasure.
I really see no difference between photo shoots and modeling.
IMO both are torture for the baby as well as for the mom.
I’m breaking out in a sweat thinking of all the photo shoots I’ve taken. Boy was it exhausting!
I wish I’d at least get free clothing for it.

I don’t make my kids take pictures if they don’t want to- if they express any displeasure sadness discomfort etc. Our most recent photo shoot was in a park so they were happy to comply! I brought treats and we took a few family pics and a bunch of great shots of them playing and running around.
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Post Tue, May 09 2023, 9:46 pm
amother Peony wrote:
I have never taken a photoshoot of my babies.....
But, a family shoot is a service we pay for vs using our children to make money.
If a photoshoot is torture for anyone, no one should be doing that.
And when you pay for a photoshoot, the photos are for private use vs. For business and advertisement use. I don't think it's ok to display our kids for advertisement without their consent.

You’re not contradicting me.
I said both are either for our pleasure or money.
So my question is if all moms who are against modeling are also against regular photo shoots.
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Post Tue, May 09 2023, 9:48 pm
Bit off topic, but plenty of mothers ruin vacations and day trips and parties by insisting on taking a million pictures.
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Post Tue, May 09 2023, 9:49 pm
Exploiting is a little melodramatic! I once had my baby participate in a study that my pediatrician told us about in a major US hospital. I got paid $250 for having my baby join the study. All we had to do was go twice to an office where they played with him. I forgot what exactly they were researching but my doctor actually recommended we take part in the study because he said it was easy money and my baby would enjoy it. They basically played with him for an hour each time and I had to fill out paperwork about him like what age he did this and that. My pediatrician allowed my child to be exploited??? And the hospital was okay with this???? Obviously it's not considered exploitation to be paid for something your baby does.

I used to teach in an after school Hebrew program for non frum kids. I once had a 10 year old student who toured the US in Annie for 9 months and missed most of the year in school. She was also cast in other plays off broadway. She got paid really well! She's out of the industry now (this is many years ago) and works a regular job. I bump into her sometimes and she still tells me how fondly she looks back at those years. Although I wish she would have been frum rather than running around the US performing on shabbos and yt and so many other things I didn't agree with, I don't consider that exploitation. She worked hard but loved every minute! The money was put into a fund to pay for college.

What is wrong with basically taking your baby to a photo shoot that you get paid for instead of having to pay for it?
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Post Tue, May 09 2023, 9:49 pm
The difference is if someone is compensating you for taking the pics there is lots of pressure on you and the baby to perform, and it might not be in the babies best interest…
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Post Tue, May 09 2023, 10:14 pm
amother Peony wrote:
Because mom is using the kid to make money for herself. It doesn't have to do with pressure. Using our kids to make money or get benefits in return, is exploiting. In OP's case, she can't afford the clothing she wants, so she'll use her baby to model so she can maybe get clothing. Mom is supposed to clothe the baby without baby needing to work for it or earn it.

I think exploiting is only a problem if there's a negative consequence. Since there is none here I don't see an issue.
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Post Tue, May 09 2023, 10:17 pm
Anyone who wants to see the difference between a fun family photo shoot at the park or studio, and a commercial photo shoot with kid models, is welcome to join me in my studio. Well, not really because I won’t out myself here but I’ll try to explain it a little bit.

Family photo shoot- we make sure the kids are well fed before the shoot, and generally keep the shooting time under an hour. It’s also completely focused on the kids/family , and on keeping it calm, light and fun. Most kids who come for a family photo shoot beg to come again and again. They get to play with the fun props and pose themselves in whatever silly way they want! We take turns doing poses. I will also never shoot if a kid is cranky or tired or crying. I put the camera down if that happens and We give them as many breaks as they need, while still getting the good shots in between. As soon as the kids start showing signs of being done, we stop. I don’t push it for a single shot longer. Not even if mom is telling me “just one more”. I’m in the business long enough to know when a kid is done, and that when they’re done - they’re done. It’s not worth ruining the good memories over one more shot.

Versus a commercial photo shoot that takes hours on end, (never under 4-6 hours), isn’t focused on getting the kids to have a great time but rather heavily focused on getting good shots of whatever product we’re shooting. The kids are heavily directed and get almost no breaks, or any real food. There are usually snacks involved and sometimes lunch if the shoot goes for more than 8 hours but it’s not the same as specifically being well fed before the photo shoot, and leaving when the kid is showing signs of being done. They have to keep performing no matter if they want to or not. It’s exhausting. The room is generally chaotic, noisy and messy, many times feels like an actual pressure cooker, not because of the way I work but because that’s just the nature of a commercial photo shoot where multiple products need to be showcased in their best light.

There’s more to it but that’s the gist of it.
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Post Tue, May 09 2023, 10:18 pm
amother Peony wrote:
This is not ok. The money should go to them, and not where you choose for it to go to, or for gas to get to the destination. (Seriously?)
It costs money to get to and from the photo shoot but using some of the proceeds from the photo shoot to pay for that gas is exploitation? I think you’re confused
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the world's best mom


Post Tue, May 09 2023, 10:21 pm
I didn't read the whole thread, so I'm not sure if anyone said this already. I would not make my children into models because I don't think it's good chinuch. They should like themselves for who they are, and not think they're special because they were pretty enough to be models. Looks are not important, and we shouldn't be part of anything in which people are chosen because of how they look.
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Post Tue, May 09 2023, 10:35 pm
I’m not sure why everyone is bashing OP here. She wasn’t asking your opinions on whether or not her baby should model . It seems like her mind was made up and she just wanted help on how to go about it.
OP , reach out to Jewish companies and photographers on social media - They can help you.
If you’re asking for free clothes and not looking for payment - I’m sure they would love to shoot pics of your adorable baby !
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Post Tue, May 09 2023, 10:37 pm
NechaMom wrote:
I wonder if all the mothers who are screaming exploitation also don’t take photo shoots of their baby for their own pleasure.
The babies do not want those pictures and don’t tell me you’re only doing it because they’ll thank you when they’ll be 15.
You’re doing it for YOUR pleasure.
I really see no difference between photo shoots and modeling.
IMO both are torture for the baby as well as for the mom.
I’m breaking out in a sweat thinking of all the photo shoots I’ve taken. Boy was it exhausting!
I wish I’d at least get free clothing for it.

Bc I'm not selling my baby's face. I don't even allow photographers to use my images on their social media or website.
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Post Tue, May 09 2023, 10:39 pm
amother Brass wrote:
It costs money to get to and from the photo shoot but using some of the proceeds from the photo shoot to pay for that gas is exploitation? I think you’re confused

She's using her kids for money. She's using the money she's making by using her kids, to pay for gas. I'm not confused. This is exploiting kids.
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Post Tue, May 09 2023, 10:42 pm
amother Obsidian wrote:
Anyone who wants to see the difference between a fun family photo shoot at the park or studio, and a commercial photo shoot with kid models, is welcome to join me in my studio. Well, not really because I won’t out myself here but I’ll try to explain it a little bit.

Family photo shoot- we make sure the kids are well fed before the shoot, and generally keep the shooting time under an hour. It’s also completely focused on the kids/family , and on keeping it calm, light and fun. Most kids who come for a family photo shoot beg to come again and again. They get to play with the fun props and pose themselves in whatever silly way they want! We take turns doing poses. I will also never shoot if a kid is cranky or tired or crying. I put the camera down if that happens and We give them as many breaks as they need, while still getting the good shots in between. As soon as the kids start showing signs of being done, we stop. I don’t push it for a single shot longer. Not even if mom is telling me “just one more”. I’m in the business long enough to know when a kid is done, and that when they’re done - they’re done. It’s not worth ruining the good memories over one more shot.

Versus a commercial photo shoot that takes hours on end, (never under 4-6 hours), isn’t focused on getting the kids to have a great time but rather heavily focused on getting good shots of whatever product we’re shooting. The kids are heavily directed and get almost no breaks, or any real food. There are usually snacks involved and sometimes lunch if the shoot goes for more than 8 hours but it’s not the same as specifically being well fed before the photo shoot, and leaving when the kid is showing signs of being done. They have to keep performing no matter if they want to or not. It’s exhausting. The room is generally chaotic, noisy and messy, many times feels like an actual pressure cooker, not because of the way I work but because that’s just the nature of a commercial photo shoot where multiple products need to be showcased in their best light.

There’s more to it but that’s the gist of it.

This is very informative. And so sad. Feels like child abuse. We should bring in AI on this and leave the kids alone.
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Post Tue, May 09 2023, 10:50 pm
giftedmom wrote:
This is very informative. And so sad. Feels like child abuse. We should bring in AI on this and leave the kids alone.

Outside of the frum world there are actually a lot of laws that protect child models and child actors/actresses. Unfortunately there seems to be a disconnect in our society regarding this.
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Post Tue, May 09 2023, 10:59 pm
amother Obsidian wrote:
Outside of the frum world there are actually a lot of laws that protect child models and child actors/actresses. Unfortunately there seems to be a disconnect in our society regarding this.

I was just going to say this. There are actually laws regarding child models.
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