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What is chareidi?
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Post Tue, Jul 29 2008, 11:35 am
Motek wrote:
mali wrote:
the terms chareidi and dati are political terms, not invented by any g-d fearing jews.

invented by whom?
and why are chareidim happy to use them if they didn't invent it? they see it as a compliment?

Yes, it's a compliment - we are chareidim lidvar Hashem (tremble at the word of G-d).

But why are you spoiling this ROFL thread with serious questions? Tongue Out

Last edited by shalhevet on Wed, Jul 30 2008, 12:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Tue, Jul 29 2008, 12:35 pm
If your description of your husband's looks (white shirt, black pants, beard, peyos) describes just about every man in town, you just might be chareidi.
If you routinely get knocks on the door friday afternoon asking for a tentzer, you just might be a chareidi.
If you think capes are more than just a fashion statement, you just might be chareidi.
If you see a full garbage bin and think "Wow, that'll make a great bonfire", you just might be chareidi.
If you're more worried about the genders not intermingling than a chance to do chesed, you just might be chareidi.
If you think internet, cellphones, and busses are all bad, but bidieved need a kashrus hechsher, you just might be chareidi.

If you don't even own a pair of closed shoes, you just might be dati leumi.
If you have a yarmulka the size of a baseball cap, you just might be dati leumi.

ok, most of those probably werent original, but oh well...
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Post Tue, Jul 29 2008, 12:38 pm
LOL LOL LOL Nervous Rolling Laughter
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Post Tue, Jul 29 2008, 12:51 pm
Thanks for the compliments guys Very Happy embarrassed . And thanks to all who've joined in. Seraph I love yours, especially the one about the dumpster.
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Post Tue, Jul 29 2008, 1:51 pm
ora_43 wrote:
Thanks for the compliments guys Very Happy embarrassed . And thanks to all who've joined in. Seraph I love yours, especially the one about the dumpster.

Thanks... and here I was thinking "lame"...

If you've been clothing shopping, but returned an item to the rack for fear that your unborn child's shidduch prospects might be ruined because the color of the shirt is a drop too "loud", you just might be chareidi.
If a typical question for a shidduch involves colors of tablecloth, you just might be chareidi.
If your husband is typically asked "So where do you learn?" by complete strangers, you just might be chareidi.
If you prefer supporting arabs to relying on heterim, you just might be chareidi.
If your 4 year old knows and uses the word apikores regularly, you just might be chareidi.
If your child has no clue about the birds and the bees, nor about the birds and the birds variation (or bees and bees), yet knows that it is a to'eva that must be demonstrated against, you just might be chareidi.

If you think its a mitzva to shoot an arab, you just might be a mitnachel.
If you love jews, love eretz yisrael, love medinas yisrael, but think the government is a bunch of #$@#, you just might be dati leumi.
If you think Rav Kook Haya hoveh viyihiye, you just might be dati leumi.
If the one rabbi picture you own has a name resembling bake, you just might be dati leumi.
If you think appropriate wedding attire for a chosson includes khakis and a white untucked button down shirt, you just might be dati leumi.
If you know what a chakalaka is, you just might be dati leumi.
If a criminal record is veiwed as a plus, not a minus on a shidduch, you just might be dati leumi.
If the first and last time you wore a suit was on your wedding day, you just might be dati leumi.
If your idea of a fun vacation involves camping out with your babies and guitars, singing kumbaya on a random hilltop and spending the night in jail, you just might be dati leumi.
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Post Tue, Jul 29 2008, 2:11 pm
if all your clothing is what would be considered suitable attire for a wedding, you might be chareidi.
If you usually wear robes (because you wouldn't want to mess up above clothes) you might be chareidi.
If all your childrens names are yiddish, you are probably chareidi.
If your parents have grandchildren in all 5 continents, you are probably chabad.
If your kids have the same name as half their classes, you are probably chabad.
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Post Tue, Jul 29 2008, 3:09 pm
The dati leumi ones made me think of this, from another website. My mother jokes that I aspire to be this woman (maybe she's not so far off...)

Top Ten ways you know you are a Female Settler

10. Your skirt cleans the floor for you as you walk, and your head scarf does the furniture

9.Your car is held together by “Arutz 7” and “ha’am im hagolan” stickers

8. All your sons have names of three syllables or more

7. You thank the good L-rd on the few days you have water, electricity and a phone all at the same time

6. You’re friendly with all the Arab neighbors, yet will never let them near your house

5. The number of kids you have equals the number of times you have been to mikve

4. Your caravan leaks 3 months of the year

3. On one day in town you have to get the whole family’s teeth done, buy them all shoes and pants, get the car repaired and the bullet holes filled in, do that final exam for your teacher’s certificate and be back by dark

2. None of your relatives want to visit you

1. You shoot better than your husband
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Post Tue, Jul 29 2008, 3:19 pm
Seraph, Raisin, and MorahS Rolling Laughter

I couldn't think of any more one-liners, so instead I decided to make a quiz to help our undecided readers decide which group they fall into.

1.During the next annual Gay Pride parade, you plan to:

a)Protest by trashing your own neighborhood.
b)Take advantage of the security forces’ distraction to take over three new buildings in Hevron.
c)Put on a pink shirt and see if you can sneak in with your Mitzvah van.

2.What’s your deepest, darkest secret?

a)You once wore red nail polish.
b)You just can’t bring yourself to deeply care that Bedouins outnumber Jews in the Negev.
c)Pintele yid or no pintele yid, you can’t help thinking that some Jews are just jerks.

3.Fun activity for teenagers on Shabbat:

a)Stoning passing cars.
b)Evading the border police.
c)Looking for drunks passed out in the street to invite for lunch.

4.In the next elections, you plan to vote for:

a)Whoever your rabbi tells you to vote for.
b)Baruch Marzel, again, because this will totally be his year.
c)A write-in for Mashiach, shlita.

5.When Mashiach comes:

a) Everyone will finally see that you were right all along.
b) Everyone will finally see that you were right all along.
c) Everyone will finally see that you were right all along.

6.Eretz Yisrael should rightfully be the size of:

a) New Jersey.
b) Texas.
c) The entire face of the Earth.
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Post Tue, Jul 29 2008, 3:25 pm
Ora, you are amazing. I can't take any credit for my post, but everyone is right on here. I love it!
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Apple pie


Post Tue, Jul 29 2008, 3:57 pm
Some more...

If how you dress influences your choice of school for your kid, you might be charedi
If how you vote influences your choice of chool for your kid, you might be dati-leumi
If the Chasidus curriculum influences your choice of school for your kid, you might be chabad

If your parents met your date before you, you might be charedi
If your friends met your date before you, you might be dati-leumi
If you traveled in order to meet your date, you might be chabad

To continue with Ora's excellent idea of quiz (they are so funny!)

What's you worst fear for your son in law?
1) He's not planning to learn in Kolel more than 2 years
2) He didn't go to the army
3) He's not interested in moving to Tumbuktu on shlichus

What's you worst fear for your daughter in law?
1) She plans to wear a long blond custom shaitel
2) She plans to wear a sheitel
3) She doesn't plan to wear a shaitel

Do you use Internet?
1) Only for my job (and please don't let the neighbors know!)
2) What's the question?
3) Of course, to spread yiddishkeit.

Your favourite skirt?
1) mid calf black skirt
2) long flowery skirt to the floor
3) jeans skirt
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Apple pie


Post Tue, Jul 29 2008, 4:05 pm
Raisin wrote:
If your kids have the same name as half their classes, you are probably chabad.

Great one!
If people meeting you with your newborn ask: "Is it a Menachem Mendel or a Chaya Mushka"?
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Apple pie


Post Tue, Jul 29 2008, 4:12 pm
(Oh, and can I please get some feedback too? It makes me want to post something on the overlooked posters thread... Wink )
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Post Tue, Jul 29 2008, 4:21 pm
These are great apple. Although I think some lub. poster is going to jump on you re the jean skirt thing. LOL There are some lubavitchers who won't go near them.

Anyone reading this thread would think there are only 3 types of frum Jews. Where are: M.O and just plain frum (which poster do you think of when you hear that?), chardal, shtark m.o. etcetera
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Post Tue, Jul 29 2008, 4:22 pm
It's because it's a cross section of Israeli society.
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Apple pie


Post Tue, Jul 29 2008, 4:28 pm
Raisin wrote:
These are great apple. Although I think some lub. poster is going to jump on you re the jean skirt thing. LOL There are some lubavitchers who won't go near them.

Anyone reading this thread would think there are only 3 types of frum Jews. Where are: M.O and just plain frum (which poster do you think of when you hear that?), chardal, shtark m.o. etcetera

thanks, Raisin! 8)

Of course, and don't forget the chassidish, who are "techinically" part of charedi but are a world in itself...

I bet some chassidish poster can write for us some good oneliners here...


If your shabbat menu is set in stone, you might be chasidish
If wearing white socks is a religious statement, you might be chasidish
If dancing with your choson in public is the holiest moment of the wedding, you might be chasidish
If you go to a kimpeturin home after birth...
If every second word you use is in yiddish... etc etc...

(I hope no one thinks I'm making fun...)

Please chasidishe posters, add on!
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Post Tue, Jul 29 2008, 5:30 pm
Raisin is correct. For instance I love mid-calf skirts and abhor jeans skirts completely! So, like, there!

Really though, they were hilarious, apple pie!
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Post Wed, Jul 30 2008, 6:46 am
Oh my gosh, you guys are all hilarious!
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Post Wed, Jul 30 2008, 7:07 am
Apple you are great!
Ora you are great!
Raisin you are great!
morahS you are great!
Seraph you are great!
Eveyone on this thread is great!

So as the local Shtark MO representative, here goes:

1) If you have a day when you can go into work an hour late erev pesach and you are torn between making up the perakim of tehilim from yesterday that you didn't have a chance to say before today's perakim or dusting the crevices of the big TV set in the living room for chometz you may be Shtark MO.

2) If you have ladies designer magazines in a rack near the sofa but the last time you work anything but minimum lipstic was at a big chasuneh, you may be shtark MO.

3) If your youngset daughter thinks that a chessed project is taking thermoses of hot tea down to the local "red light district" for the poor girls there to have something warm to drink in the winter during "worktime" (this one is for real, I really had to stop her!), you may be shtark MO (or nuts!).

4) If your first thought at being told you won the lottery is that you can give a lot of zedaka, your second is that you can pay off your mortgage and your third is that now you will have enough money to buy nicer fabrics to make more of your own homamade clothes for the family, you may be shtark MO.

I bet no one is laughing...only shtark MOs would get this and there are about 30 of us left in the world I think....

Last edited by freidasima on Wed, Jul 30 2008, 8:36 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Wed, Jul 30 2008, 8:05 am
Apple pie wrote:
Raisin wrote:
If your kids have the same name as half their classes, you are probably chabad.

Great one!
If people meeting you with your newborn ask: "Is it a Menachem Mendel or a Chaya Mushka"?

this could probably go for the chassidishe groups too. in sem I went to kiryat sanz for shabbos & every second kid was called yiddele.
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Post Wed, Jul 30 2008, 8:15 am
Freidasima those were great!! Your daughter sounds amazing...

I'm going to work on some for the American Shtark MO, if I can bring myself to make fun of YU... LOL
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