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Relative in jail
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Post Sun, Dec 24 2017, 4:02 am
hesha wrote:
I have no idea who the op or her relative is, but it sounds like he might have been helping agunos and got into trouble with the law doing that

Sounds like that to me too. And in my book, you do what you have to do to make agunot free and if you are willing to pay the legal price - kol hakavod to you.
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Post Sun, Dec 24 2017, 4:37 am
amother wrote:
It says Pidyon Shviim the biggest Tzedaka for any reason

Pidyon shviim if the person is innocent.
Please don't twist things around.
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Post Sun, Dec 24 2017, 4:56 am
amother wrote:
Pidyon shviim if the person is innocent.
Please don't twist things around.

I believe pidyon shvuyim is a mitzva whether or not the person is innocent, the exception is when they are a danger I.e. Mollesters or murderers, but in general the mitzva applies even of the person cheated on taxes or twisted the law, etc
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Post Sun, Dec 24 2017, 5:09 am
amother wrote:
I believe pidyon shvuyim is a mitzva whether or not the person is innocent, the exception is when they are a danger I.e. Mollesters or murderers, but in general the mitzva applies even of the person cheated on taxes or twisted the law, etc

The question is, do they deserve to do time? Were they given a disproportionate sentence? Are they in immediate danger in jail?
I will still say Tehillim, for the family's menuchas hanefesh and that everyone see obvious good every in every step from this moment onward.
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Post Sun, Dec 24 2017, 6:52 am
amother wrote:
I believe pidyon shvuyim is a mitzva whether or not the person is innocent, the exception is when they are a danger I.e. Mollesters or murderers, but in general the mitzva applies even of the person cheated on taxes or twisted the law, etc

In the 'olden days' and probably nowadays in certain countries when a Jew was thrown in jail they could be tortured and probably never seen from again. So it made sense to free even guilty people since the punishment didn't fit the crime.
The question is whether today's American low security jails which allow davening, kosher food etc. are included in the chiyuv if there's no physical danger.
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Post Sun, Dec 24 2017, 8:34 am
amother wrote:
I believe pidyon shvuyim is a mitzva whether or not the person is innocent, the exception is when they are a danger I.e. Mollesters or murderers, but in general the mitzva applies even of the person cheated on taxes or twisted the law, etc

Even if that is a correct statement of halacha according to all opinions, or even according to rulings that are followed by some, OP has yet to tell us what her relative was imprisoned for.
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Post Sun, Dec 24 2017, 8:43 am
Also, because of personal bias, certain crimes may be unforgivable. Like child abusers.
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Post Sun, Dec 24 2017, 8:46 am
imasoftov wrote:
Even if that is a correct statement of halacha according to all opinions, or even according to rulings that are followed by some, OP has yet to tell us what her relative was imprisoned for.

She hasn't even responded to the entirely reasonable question if her relative has two identical names.
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Water Stones


Post Sun, Dec 24 2017, 11:12 am
OP I will say tehillim because you ask, you must be distressed. No prayer is wasted and Hashem will know what to do with the prayers and use them for the best way He believes.
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Post Sun, Dec 24 2017, 11:38 am
It doesn't matter what he did or didn't do on this post in order for you to daven for him. Op is related and asking us to daven for a relatives yeshuah. It's not our business to know what happened. A yid asks for your prayers, you pray for them.
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Post Sun, Dec 24 2017, 11:42 am
I think it's 'very rude and chutzpa' to say "No, I'm not going to pray for him cause I don't know the reason and he might not deserve it". You need more ahavas yisroel! Regardless of who he is!
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Post Sun, Dec 24 2017, 11:43 am
imasoftov wrote:
She hasn't even responded to the entirely reasonable question if her relative has two identical names.

You have been really hostile to her. I found several of your answers just mean on this thread. This is her relative she LOVES not some theoretical person.

I feel bad for OP and her relative. I will doven without her having to answer any questions because she is a Yid and she asked.
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Post Sun, Dec 24 2017, 11:52 am
Some of the responses here are grossly insensitive. A close relative committed financial fraud when he was young and stupid. He later signed a deal and sat in prison for several years. His young wife and little kids suffered greatly. He was in our tefillos all the time.
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Post Sun, Dec 24 2017, 12:11 pm
amother wrote:
I believe pidyon shvuyim is a mitzva whether or not the person is innocent, the exception is when they are a danger I.e. Mollesters or murderers, but in general the mitzva applies even of the person cheated on taxes or twisted the law, etc

You can believe whatever you'd like, but the halacha disagrees with you on this one.

Pidyon shvuyim applies to people who are jailed in a prison system that does not allow them to observe mitzvos.
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Post Sun, Dec 24 2017, 12:16 pm
It doesn't matter what he did or didn't do on this post in order for you to daven for him. Op is related and asking us to daven for a relatives yeshuah. It's not our business to know what happened. A yid asks for your prayers, you pray for them.

Did she say this was a white collar crime? For all you know, you could be davening for a molester.
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Post Sun, Dec 24 2017, 12:54 pm
marina wrote:
It doesn't matter what he did or didn't do on this post in order for you to daven for him. Op is related and asking us to daven for a relatives yeshuah. It's not our business to know what happened. A yid asks for your prayers, you pray for them.

Did she say this was a white collar crime? For all you know, you could be davening for a molester.

You can daven that he will attain insight, a conscience, and spend the rest of his life atoning for his crimes.

(I once read a science fiction story about this. That the judge could impose a sentence of a brain surgery which would make the person suddenly develop empathy, and living with that knowledge was the punishment. )

No tefillah is ever wasted. If he doesn't deserve a yeshua, maybe he'll get insight. If he does, then great.
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Post Sun, Dec 24 2017, 3:45 pm
For those of you who are reluctant to daven until you know all the facts, look at it this way: When you daven you can address Hashem's attribute of Justice. That way, if he's guilty he'll do teshuvah, and if he's innocent he'll be released.

If you're feeling generous, you can appeal to Hashem's attribute of Mercy as well.
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Post Sun, Dec 24 2017, 4:17 pm
FranticFrummie wrote:
For those of you who are reluctant to daven until you know all the facts, look at it this way: When you daven you can address Hashem's attribute of Justice. That way, if he's guilty he'll do teshuvah, and if he's innocent he'll be released.

If you're feeling generous, you can appeal to Hashem's attribute of Mercy as well.


And if not for the inmate, then for their family, for the amother who is looking for support, not the third degree from the members here.
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Post Sun, Dec 24 2017, 4:27 pm
hesha wrote:
I have no idea who the op or her relative is, but it sounds like he might have been helping agunos and got into trouble with the law doing that

You got it! (And I finally corrected the name. My mistake)
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Post Sun, Dec 24 2017, 5:22 pm
amother wrote:
You got it! (And I finally corrected the name. My mistake)

Sorry, but while I feel bad for YOUR pain at having a close relative in jail, I cannot daven for his release. After what he subjected my DH to (I can elaborate if necessary), I cannot feel any compassion for your relative.
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