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If You Are Pro Vaccinations...
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Post Tue, Mar 25 2014, 7:44 am
FranticFrummie wrote:
Hep B is not just an STD. Anyone who comes in contact with blood, fecal matter, or other body waste is at risk. If your older child who is a carrier does not wash his hands after using the bathroom, and then touches the baby's paci or teether, then the baby will get Hep B. No zex involved.

Ask any plumber, they'll all tell you that they have to get Hep B shots due to working with untreated sewage. I'm pretty sure they're not having zex with your pipes!

of course, FF, that's why I said IF no family members/caregivers are carriers. read my post again.
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Post Tue, Mar 25 2014, 7:47 am
FranticFrummie wrote:
Hep B is not just an STD. Anyone who comes in contact with blood, fecal matter, or other body waste is at risk. If your older child who is a carrier does not wash his hands after using the bathroom, and then touches the baby's paci or teether, then the baby will get Hep B. No zex involved.

Ask any plumber, they'll all tell you that they have to get Hep B shots due to working with untreated sewage. I'm pretty sure they're not having zex with your pipes!

The point is.. What's the likelihood that a family member is infected with hep b? You would know of they were.
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Post Tue, Mar 25 2014, 7:59 am
STD means through transfer of bodily fluids. Most likely if your baby gets a blood transfusion. With contaminated blood.
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Post Tue, Mar 25 2014, 8:04 am
MaBelleVie wrote:
The point is.. What's the likelihood that a family member is infected with hep b? You would know of they were.

Are you saying that the chance of coming in contact with Hep b is not worth the risk of vaccine?
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Post Tue, Mar 25 2014, 8:26 am
Iymnok wrote:
STD means through transfer of bodily fluids. Most likely if your baby gets a blood transfusion. With contaminated blood.

No, it doesn't. What do you think the S stands for in STD? S.exually Transmitted Disease.

People can also be carriers before they show symptoms - but hey, take your chances. It's your life.
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Post Tue, Mar 25 2014, 8:35 am
chaiz wrote:
Are you saying that the chance of coming in contact with Hep b is not worth the risk of vaccine?

Not sure what you're saying. The reason ppl delay hep b is because no family members have the disease, so how would the baby catch it? It's not the kind of thing that kids bring home from Gan...
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Post Tue, Mar 25 2014, 8:40 am
MaBelleVie wrote:
Not sure what you're saying. The reason ppl delay hep b is because no family members have the disease, so how would the baby catch it? It's not the kind of thing that kids bring home from Gan...

What I said is that coming in contact with the disease is very low that it is not worth the risk of the vaccine. Just because immediate family members may not be carriers does that mean there is no reasonable chance of coming into contact with the disease? That is what I am asking.
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Post Tue, Mar 25 2014, 8:55 am
sequoia wrote:
Amen bubbeia!

People from the former ussr only a few years older than me have the scar from the smallpox vaccine. I don't. It was eradicated.

The best way not to have to vaccinate is to eradicate the disease. The only way to do that is to vaccinate. Do it for your children and your children's children.

I guess I'm a few years older Very Happy
I have a scar.
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Post Tue, Mar 25 2014, 9:00 am
chaiz wrote:
What I said is that coming in contact with the disease is very low that it is not worth the risk of the vaccine. Just because immediate family members may not be carriers does that mean there is no reasonable chance of coming into contact with the disease? That is what I am asking.

If family members and caregivers are not carriers, there is no reasonable chance of catching it. The vaccine was put in place in the hospital following birth due to the mothers with hep b (who have poor prentatal care and are not tested) not reporting their status, thus the need to protect their babies.
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Post Tue, Mar 25 2014, 9:01 am
I'm pro vaccines. The minute a new one comes out even before it's part of the schedule I buy it & vax all the kids .
Meningococcal vaccines cost me $120 each when they were released.
My kids & us get all the boosters. If there's an outbreak we get a booster .
We take flu shots & give to the kids too.
Remember the mumps outbreak? My DS was in yeshiva in EY & caught it. It was mild but I was so mad because lots of bochurim had it badly & a huge percentage wasn't immunized.
I won't consider a shidduch with anyone who doesn't vax.
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Post Tue, Mar 25 2014, 9:49 am
Hashem_Yaazor wrote:
There is something for RSV, mainly used in preemies.

Really, the drug they give as a prophylaxis to prevent RSV is very different than your regular vaccine. It needs to be given monthly from November-March and is insanely expensive. Hence the struggle to actually get approved for it, even if you fall into the high risk category, like micro preemies or individuals with chronic lung disease. One of my kids missed most of one year's season due to our fight with the insurance company.

The year after my twins were no longer approved for it, they were both struck with RSV in the beginning of the season. :-(

And regarding development of vaccines for the common cold, hmmm, let's see... There are soooo many different strains of viruses that cause what we call the common cold. Rhino, entero, adeno, heck- even RSV- manifest itself as common cold for the most of us.
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chocolate chips


Post Tue, Mar 25 2014, 9:55 am
I am also very pro vaccine. Herd protection. Eradication by vaccination. etc.

I get very angry and upset when I hear of people who refuse to vaccinate and put the rest of the community, neighbors and friends at risk. Like the lady I know who refused to vaccinate and had a miscarriage whilst hallucinating with 3 of her kids in hospital from measles!! Not to mention the risk she put all her pregnant neighbors 2 of whom had to be hospitalized!

I do all the vaccinations my dr recommends. The only one I wasn't sure about was the chicken pox since I had it as a kid and don't see it as a dangerous disease but I gave it to ds anyway, because if they are trying to die it out like with small pox then I will do my part. Flu shots are a must in my house and I am extremely happy since I heard this week that 2 people died from pneumonia as a result of flu.

I would love to see a vaccination for food poisoning LOL it is a fear I have every time I eat out!

The only vaccination I don't think I would give would be the HPV because in our community I don't see that as being a risk at all but that being said if my child were to become irreligious or have a spouse who cheats on them I would want them to be protected. And sadly both of these are possible.
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Post Tue, Mar 25 2014, 10:08 am
chocolate chips wrote:
The only one I wasn't sure about was the chicken pox since I had it as a kid and don't see it as a dangerous disease but I gave it to ds anyway, because if they are trying to die it out like with small pox then I will do my part.

I also thought what's the big deal - I remember my summer vacation bout with the chicken pox at age 5, and the neighbors down the block coming to play - those who had had it already, and those who didn't.....

But there's a small percentage of cases of chicken pox that are dangerous....the reason for the vax is to prevent this danger (not to spare us mothers week following week of our kids having the pox Smile ). My sister told me that when she was a resident at a NY hospital, a child there died of complications from the chicken pox.
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Post Tue, Mar 25 2014, 10:50 am
Dovi'smom wrote:
Really, the drug they give as a prophylaxis to prevent RSV is very different than your regular vaccine. .

That's why I wrote "something" and not "vaccine" Smile
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Post Tue, Mar 25 2014, 10:53 am
[The chicken pox vaccine was actually brought here for economic reasons -- yes, so mothers wouldn't have to take off a week from work, and for public schools to get more money for more attendance -- not because of the small risk of serious complications. Just saying Smile ]
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Post Tue, Mar 25 2014, 11:07 am
Hashem_Yaazor wrote:
[The chicken pox vaccine was actually brought here for economic reasons -- yes, so mothers wouldn't have to take off a week from work, and for public schools to get more money for more attendance -- not because of the small risk of serious complications. Just saying Smile ]

My DD had the chicken pox at age 11 months - exactly two weeks after an emergency room visit with another child with a broken arm. We guess she caught it there, and was unvaccinated (the vaccine is given at age 1). She actually had a pretty mild case. I don't think the vaccine is given so the whole country's kids stay home for about 7 spots.

But I remember when my little sister got the pox - the day after my parents went to England for my cousin's Bar Mitzva. She was 2, and she was covered from head to toe, and burning with fever too. Was like that for 3 days, with yours truely, age 17, taking care of her, up all night with her tossing and turning and crying.

B"H it was not dangerous, though it WAS scary (for me anyway). When my kids get the vaccine, it's not for economic reasons - but for risks of serious complications. I've seen it bad, and I know it could be worse.
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Post Tue, Mar 25 2014, 11:08 am
I'm pretty sure that if you don't get chicken pox because you've been vaccinated, you also don't get shingles either when you're older- and that can have plenty of complications!
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Post Tue, Mar 25 2014, 11:09 am
Culturedpearls wrote:
I guess I'm a few years older Very Happy
I have a scar.

I'm 45, I have a scar.

my brother recently caught cocksackie from his daughter, if there has been a vaccine he wouldn't have had to a: suffer terribly, and b: be concerned he'd get meningitis.

if gardisil had been around when I was a teen, my mom would have gotten it for us in a heartbeat. somesome said they wanted to wait till their children were closer to marriage: you never know what will happen to your child. ask frantic frannie (I hope it's ok to use your name FF) or any of the other women here (myself included) who've been the victims of abuse.

HPV will eradicate cervical cancer. eradicating it with colposcopies can weaken your cervix, making pregnancy complicated. also, HPV? penile cancer. you want to put your son at risk for penile cancer?

life is not as simple as we would like to believe in regard to s*x. bad things happen to us and our children. let's keep them safe.
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Post Tue, Mar 25 2014, 11:11 am
I give all vaccines except chicken pox. Mostly, because it doesn't seem to work, and the risks of chicken pox seem far lower than giving my child a vaccine that will wear off when they are adults and need it, and they won't even know they are not immune.
I am especially nervous with my daughters and pregnancy.
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Post Tue, Mar 25 2014, 11:12 am
Hashem_Yaazor wrote:
[The chicken pox vaccine was actually brought here for economic reasons -- yes, so mothers wouldn't have to take off a week from work, and for public schools to get more money for more attendance -- not because of the small risk of serious complications. Just saying Smile ]

and without chicken pox I would not have the giant line of scars across my forehead--now, I couldn't care less about them. as a kid? let's just say that children are mean
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