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Meningitis vaccines - do I push it off?
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Post Sun, Aug 13 2023, 12:36 am
I posted this on a different vaccine thread but I guess it should be it's own thread:

can someone post experience with the meningitis vaccines? on the fence here, with general vaccine skepticism. and kids with pandas. If my child won't be in a dorm/camp situation can I push it off till later? Where can I see studies that show how effective it is? Thanks.

(This is edited Bec my first post I mistakenly wrote hepatitis)
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 1:26 am
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 1:30 am
I don’t know the answer but meningitis is not a joke. It’s a really serious disease.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 1:43 am
Read turtles all the way down.
Start researching the risks vs the benefits of the vaccine.
Check out chossid mom whole thread.
Be careful.
If I were you, you said your kids have pandas - which is directly related to vaccine injury, I’d never give another shot again for the rest of my life. And if I can go back, I’d have trusted my gut instead of some doctor who gets paid for every shot they give and who couldn’t care less if you have to pick up the pieces of a vaccine injured child afterward.
I regret every shot I gave. I regret blindly trusting them. It’s all baloney.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 1:47 am
Ignore the poster above and give the vaccine. Kids have died from meningitis.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 2:02 am
amother SandyBrown wrote:
Ignore the poster above and give the vaccine. Kids have died from meningitis.

Oh, and kids haven’t died from the vaccine?? 🙄🤔🤔🤔
Wakey wakey
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 2:06 am
Sorry OP but you're acting foolishly.

You're asking random women on a random website about medical decisions for your children?!?!

And in response to Papayawhip: Chossidmom is NOT a doctor. Who are YOU to be advising a random woman about medical decisions?!?

I literally wish I could close this section of Imamother. Same story every time. Mothers looking for answers ask for advice in the vaccination section. 90% of responses are loony, conspiracy answers with no medical background and no knowledge but are women who feel very intelligent because they've "read up" on tons and tons of conspiracy websites and loony "doctors" who are not accepted by the medical community.
Sorry, but it's idiotic, and it's not intelligent or well-read or anything- it's eating up all the cr*p that those conspiracy loonies make up and feed to the naive frum mothers of the world.
Sorry, not sorry, I said it as it is.

For goodness sake OP, get off imamother, find out what sites have reputable, source-based information. Speak to medical professionals who you trust. Just don't ask here about whether to give vaccinations!

Go for it, conspiracy loonies- hug away LOL
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 2:12 am
BatZion wrote:
Sorry OP but you're acting foolishly.

You're asking random women on a random website about medical decisions for your children?!?!

And in response to Papayawhip: Chossidmom is NOT a doctor. Who are YOU to be advising a random woman about medical decisions?!?

I literally wish I could close this section of Imamother. Same story every time. Mothers looking for answers ask for advice in the vaccination section. 90% of responses are loony, conspiracy answers with no medical background and no knowledge but are women who feel very intelligent because they've "read up" on tons and tons of conspiracy websites and loony "doctors" who are not accepted by the medical community.
Sorry, but it's idiotic, and it's not intelligent or well-read or anything- it's eating up all the cr*p that those conspiracy loonies make up and feed to the naive frum mothers of the world.
Sorry, not sorry, I said it as it is.

For goodness sake OP, get off imamother, find out what sites have reputable, source-based information. Speak to medical professionals who you trust. Just don't ask here about whether to give vaccinations!

Go for it, conspiracy loonies- hug away LOL

I was like you a few years ago. Just not as ignorant.
Bury your head in the sand.

OP - educate yourself. That’s all. Properly. Not one sided. Know all sides before you make a decision.
Start with the ingredients. What are you putting into your child’s body?
Then follow with risks and benefits.
Then find out if the shot was tested.
Educate yourself.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 2:19 am
amother Papayawhip wrote:
I was like you a few years ago. Just not as ignorant.
Bury your head in the sand.

OP - educate yourself. That’s all. Properly. Not one sided. Know all sides before you make a decision.
Start with the ingredients. What are you putting into your child’s body?
Then follow with risks and benefits.
Then find out if the shot was tested.
Educate yourself.

Do you know what Papayawhip. Here's the funny thing - I was as ignorant as YOU a decade ago when I started having kids and also asked around and was nervous about vaccinations. Reading up on stupid blogs, reading what anonymous women have to say.
Thank Gd I was never stupid enough to not vaccinate. Thought spreading them out might help. All the same, regurgitated rubbish that ladies like you churn out.
And then I had a nurse who was super balanced, super knowledgeable, didn't gloss over information, didn't avoid the facts.
And it was thanks to that one balanced, sensible, supportive, truthful nurse that I came to my senses and stopped believing all the cr*p that frum mothers scare each other with.
So keep your rude comments to yourself.
I don't pretend that the world is black and white and that no one is ever harmed by a vaccination. I do trust the professionals who have gone to school for years and years and understand a LITTLE bit more than random women who have no understanding of medicine, statistics, or anything else that is related to the field.
Don't educate yourself on random internet sites OP, do me a favour.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 2:23 am
And here's how to identify classic anti-vaxxers , conspiracy-believers. Here's some of what they say:
Today I am enlightened. Once, I, too was a blind follower. Educate yourself (through random websites and struck-off doctors). Don't trust the establishment. It's all Pharma. It's all money. It's all a hoax. They want to control us. They're injecting us with poison.
You're absolutely NUTS. Refua Shleima.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 2:26 am
What did that nurse teach you?
They actually don't learn about vaccines, they're just given the schedule
Many mothers do educate themselves, if a Dr speaks out he risks his license
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 2:29 am
BatZion wrote:
Do you know what Papayawhip. Here's the funny thing - I was as ignorant as YOU a decade ago when I started having kids and also asked around and was nervous about vaccinations. Reading up on stupid blogs, reading what anonymous women have to say.
Thank Gd I was never stupid enough to not vaccinate. Thought spreading them out might help. All the same, regurgitated rubbish that ladies like you churn out.
And then I had a nurse who was super balanced, super knowledgeable, didn't gloss over information, didn't avoid the facts.
And it was thanks to that one balanced, sensible, supportive, truthful nurse that I came to my senses and stopped believing all the cr*p that frum mothers scare each other with.
So keep your rude comments to yourself.
I don't pretend that the world is black and white and that no one is ever harmed by a vaccination. I do trust the professionals who have gone to school for years and years and understand a LITTLE bit more than random women who have no understanding of medicine, statistics, or anything else that is related to the field.
Don't educate yourself on random internet sites OP, do me a favour.

Then you weren’t like me. You weren’t injured. You didn’t know anyone injured. You didn’t know children who were injured. You were skeptical and you didn’t have the right resources to educate yourself - so you researched in places with no information.
The world is very different than it was a decade ago. There’s an ENORMOUS amount of information available that were you to actually look into it nowadays you’d feel like a fool. But you stupidly trusted a medical “professional” lol.
Those are paid to convince you to take it and profit from it.
Have you ever heard of what happens with those amazing professionals if someone tries to find out what happened to their healthy child following vaccination?
Not my child. Not my problem. They don’t care.

I’m not trying to scare anyone. If anything your posts are way more terrifying - convincing a poor lady whose children are already suffering from pandas to go and just give her kids more toxic poison.

Good luck to you and your ignorance.
I hope it doesn’t slap you in the face at some point. Because that would be quite the rude awakening.
And I hope you’re up to date on your boosters! Because those same “medical professionals” highly recommend them too.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 2:31 am
The problem is I wish I could trust the CDC (and the drs , even my pediatrician who initially offered the covid vaccine to my kids, and I totally understand why they had to, they have to follow the recommendations) but when covid happened and even now when covid is not a big threat to kids, if the CDC is recommending kids to vaccinate how do I trust them on other matters, like other vaccines? And that's where the trust fades and then my reservations can't be suppressed by trust your Dr, trust the CDC. This isn't easy for me, I know meningitis is serious.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 2:34 am
amother Grape wrote:
What did that nurse teach you?
They actually don't learn about vaccines, they're just given the schedule
Many mothers do educate themselves, if a Dr speaks out he risks his license

This was a nurse who has been practicing for decades.
Why do you think nurses are so unintelligent?
All the nurse friends that I have (I know a bunch) are super well-educated and keep themselves up-to-date, reading up beyond what is expected from them. Many of them are far from the black-and-white thinking that people seem to associate with people in the medical establishment. I've had many interesting, frank conversations with friends who are nurses about the grey areas in vaccinations. With the conclusion still being that the pros outweigh the cons. Hugely.
It was a decade ago when I had this nurse. It wasn't mind-blowing stuff- just down-to-earth addressing each and every one of my worries from a serious, educated place. What's in there, why, what is does, why do they pair that with that, why yes or no to spacing, etc.
Many mothers do educate themselves. And many more think they're educating themselves by asking random people on the internet and lapping up all the conspiracy theories out there.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 2:35 am
Google Candace owens a shot in the dark.
She’s no conspiracy theorist, just a mother who did all the research you need.
Good luck.
You’re in a tough spot, but there is a lot of information out there. You’re headed in the right direction.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 2:38 am
amother Papayawhip wrote:
Then you weren’t like me. You weren’t injured. You didn’t know anyone injured. You didn’t know children who were injured. You were skeptical and you didn’t have the right resources to educate yourself - so you researched in places with no information.
The world is very different than it was a decade ago. There’s an ENORMOUS amount of information available that were you to actually look into it nowadays you’d feel like a fool. But you stupidly trusted a medical “professional” lol.
Those are paid to convince you to take it and profit from it.
Have you ever heard of what happens with those amazing professionals if someone tries to find out what happened to their healthy child following vaccination?
Not my child. Not my problem. They don’t care.

I’m not trying to scare anyone. If anything your posts are way more terrifying - convincing a poor lady whose children are already suffering from pandas to go and just give her kids more toxic poison.

Good luck to you and your ignorance.
I hope it doesn’t slap you in the face at some point. Because that would be quite the rude awakening.
And I hope you’re up to date on your boosters! Because those same “medical professionals” highly recommend them too.

Do you know me?
Do I personally know people who say their children were harmed by vaccinations?
Yes, I do.
Do I believe them? Yes I do.
Do I still vaccinate? Yes I do.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 2:39 am
amother OP wrote:
The problem is I wish I could trust the CDC (and the drs , even my pediatrician who initially offered the covid vaccine to my kids, and I totally understand why they had to, they have to follow the recommendations) but when covid happened and even now when covid is not a big threat to kids, if the CDC is recommending kids to vaccinate how do I trust them on other matters, like other vaccines? And that's where the trust fades and then my reservations can't be suppressed by trust your Dr, trust the CDC. This isn't easy for me, I know meningitis is serious.

Can you have a conversation with your doctor? Is s/he open to a frank conversation? You need a dco who you feel comfortable with and with whom you can have this conversation. Not with us.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 2:39 am
BatZion wrote:
Do you know me?
Do I personally know people who say their children were harmed by vaccinations?
Yes, I do.
Do I believe them? Yes I do.
Do I still vaccinate? Yes I do.

Why would you vaccinate then? Confused
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 2:40 am
BatZion wrote:
Can you have a conversation with your doctor? Is s/he open to a frank conversation? You need a dco who you feel comfortable with and with whom you can have this conversation. Not with us.
you also need an honest Dr who does the research...
Mine actually said he doesnt get paid if he doesn't give vaccines..
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 2:42 am
BatZion wrote:
Do you know me?
Do I personally know people who say their children were harmed by vaccinations?
Yes, I do.
Do I believe them? Yes I do.
Do I still vaccinate? Yes I do.

Keep burying your head in the sand.
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