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Found odd as a child but now....
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Post Wed, Aug 14 2019, 1:38 am
pause wrote:
Oh my gosh! This reminds me... Remember those days when we used to actually sew on labels on every article of clothing before leaving to camp, every sock, every towel, every shirt and skirt? Well, one thing I learned from my friend was never to sew labels into your panties. If you ever lose/drop a panty, that's NOT something you want the next person bending down to check its label and return to owner... Nor have it announced on the mike in the lunchroom at the hashavas aveida cleanup at the end of the summer...

This just brought back an awful memory from my first year in sleepaway camp, as a 12 year old.

Girls somehow found my underwear lying around camp grounds - I guess it may have fallen out of my laundry bag or something - and went around camp grounds waving it around and saying “Are you X? We have your underwear!” to everyone they came across.

They actually found me and I literally turned purple with mortification. To the extent that it broke through their childish lack of empathy and they looked somewhat guilty for having mortified me.

I feel so bad for little me. I wanted them to burn in hell for eternity at the time. Kinda still do even though I know they were just kids at the time.
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Post Wed, Aug 14 2019, 2:36 am
Jewishfoodie wrote:
Great thread, Carmen Luna!
As a child, I couldn't understand why the 9 on a rotary phone was farthest from where you had to actually dial it to. I mean, it's 911 and you're in a rush! Anyone remember those phones?

When I grew up I realized... Yup, still a stupid idea..

But now we have cooool phones. We can talk to it and the police will come. We can talk ON it and the police may be listening.. So.. Pro's and Con's..

Or we can have the 2 year old who can’t unlock the phone but can press where it says “emergency” on the code screen call 911 for you. (I found out because a minute later my phone rang and they were calling me back and had my exact location and wanted to know why I called. ) I thought if my phone was locked he couldn’t do any trouble with it.
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Post Wed, Aug 14 2019, 4:39 am
I never understood those tv commercials (against child molestation) where they said 'just say no, and go, and tell someone'. had no clue what that was talking about until recently.
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Post Wed, Aug 14 2019, 5:40 am
I always thought it's so odd a weird to have a law " don't drink and drive". I don't remember how old I was till I figured out what one shouldn't be drinking when driving!!
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Post Wed, Aug 14 2019, 5:54 am
When I was a kid I couldn't figure out how it's possible that non jews have kids, I thought you can only have kids once your hair is covered so that whoever is in charge of giving out babies in the hospital knows you're married!
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Post Wed, Aug 14 2019, 6:04 am
amother [ Coral ] wrote:
I always thought it's so odd a weird to have a law " don't drink and drive". I don't remember how old I was till I figured out what one shouldn't be drinking when driving!!

My father was pulled over one icy night when he was swerving all over the road. Officer asked "Sir, did you have something to drink?" I thought he meant did you have a coke/caffeinated drink to keep awake ... and I piped up from the back seat and said yes, he had a coke...just in case my father had forgotten 😏😆🙈
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Post Wed, Aug 14 2019, 6:08 am
amother [ Blonde ] wrote:
I think the notion that a rabbi would need to ask permission to use the panties is strange. Why in her right mind would any woman care, since it is anonymous of course?
I would be happy for men to study the laws of nidda - it is Hashem's Torah- and be able to use real life examples from real women including myself, anonymously. That is how to gain competence in any skill.

There is another explanation that is very likely, to explain the rabbi keeping the panties. I know this as a fact because rabbanim have asked me - do you want the garment back? and they saved it for the next time my husband comes. The envelope has a phone number on it to identify it by. Not weird at all. It is called respect for someone else's property. Plenty of women would say

"Eeeew throw it out of course"

and plenty would say "I'd like it back the next time I come"

point is, it doesn't belong to the rabbi, it is up to each woman to decide about her property.

I was taught to cut out the shaila part and give to the rav so he wouldn't have to hold the underwear. That way it's more like giving a bedika cloth. Teacher said, it's not like hes going to give it back. 🤷‍♀️
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Post Wed, Aug 14 2019, 6:33 am
No idea but apparently not.
amother [ Floralwhite ] wrote:
Doesn't everything dry the same color?
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Post Wed, Aug 14 2019, 6:49 am
When I was little (probably 4) I didn't know that babies didn't grow in eggs so when we didn't have eggs to cook, I asked my mom why she couldn't just lay a few eggs for dinner. She explained that that's not possible and I said: well you have 2 kids so you surely know how to lay eggs!
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Post Wed, Aug 14 2019, 6:51 am
For those who ask if it dries the same color, in a word NO.

Highly trained people can discern differences in dried blood - I.e. fresh or old and other details like that.
If it all dried the same, then wouldn't we have to RUSH to the rabbi immediately?

Instead the procedure is wait til it dries then bring.

Plus rabbi is supposed to wait until daylight ideally to pasken.

So no, it doesn't all dry the same color.

Regarding "supposed to cut out the underwear" that is the woman's comfort level. You certainly don't have to. And if the husband is there bringing it, then why wouldn't he bring back the underwear? I know a rav that saves the garments that are dropped off even. He has respect for people's property and I respect that
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Post Wed, Aug 14 2019, 6:56 am
I honestly cannot see the issue with the rag keeping underwear, I never fetch it anyway and why shouldn't it be used for teaching others?
I sometimes write my name on the envelope or bag that I put it into but I have definitely written my name on it direct and wouldn't care, I am sure that the training rav's wife also has such questions. We are all human.
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Post Wed, Aug 14 2019, 7:00 am
When I was young I was very naive and I remember reading about all inventions that were learned from nature-Hashem. I went up to my mum and told her that now I know where remote control was learnt from, from Hashem, it's amazing that 2 people get married and a baby comes out of the mum also looking like the dad!
I remember clearly the way my mum looked at me, do puzzled and I honestly couldn't understand what I said wrong....
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Post Wed, Aug 14 2019, 9:27 am
The Moshiach post reminded me:

In HS there was one class that had to meet on a higher floor due to overflow. They rotated that class each term. On the day we were due to switch classrooms, our principal came upstairs and dramatically announced, " Girls, your golus is finally OVER!"

...and for one breathless moment, we all believed that Moshiach had arrived.
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Post Wed, Aug 14 2019, 12:35 pm
amother [ Burgundy ] wrote:
That’s really weird that he saved them all in a bag. What for? He should have dumped them as soon as he gave the psak

He may keep them around if he teaches halacha lemaaseh. Those who will be answering shailas need to see examples of the real thing. They don’t go to a blood bank and ask for a couple of vials so they can make a sort of Pantytone book of colors.

Besides, some people might want their garments back.
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Post Wed, Aug 14 2019, 12:41 pm
My parents locking their bed room door some nights cuz they were "talking"
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Post Wed, Aug 14 2019, 12:51 pm
caza wrote:
We are all human.

I wouldn't want people seeing an anonymous, faceless nude photo of me either, even though we all have bodies.
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Post Wed, Aug 14 2019, 12:55 pm
zaq wrote:
He may keep them around if he teaches halacha lemaaseh. Those who will be answering shailas need to see examples of the real thing. They don’t go to a blood bank and ask for a couple of vials so they can make a sort of Pantytone book of colors.

Besides, some people might want their garments back.

Wow. You may want to license this.
I remember actually there was an ima on here who wanted to make exactly that, so be quick.
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Post Wed, Aug 14 2019, 12:56 pm
I was taught to fold back my underwear so that only the stain is showing. Then I put it into a plastic sandwich bag.
DH brings it to the Rav who looks at it through the plastic, paskens and hands it back to him.
There was only one time where the Rav said this is a hard one and he took it out of the bag to examine it more closely.

For the original thread - As a kid, I could not understand most of the words in the song Yerushalayim is Not for Sale by MBD. I was totally lost!

Yerushalayim is not for sale
Voices crying
Thundering throughout the cities
You better run for your life
Back to Utah overnight
Before the mountain tops open wide
And swallow you inside
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Post Wed, Aug 14 2019, 1:02 pm
Before I learned how people have babies I used to think that once you get married, and you daven for a baby, Hashem just makes you pregnant whenever He decides to and I didnt know men are involved in the process. So I was thinking that most Jews have 5+ kids and the non Jews have 1-2 kids so I was thinking why are the non Jews not upset that Jews have more kids. Like why Hashem chose Jews to have a lot of kids and non Jews not to.
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Post Wed, Aug 14 2019, 1:47 pm
a bit off topic, I guess different rabbonim do different things. The ones we have gone to always return it to me (I then throw it out because I have never managed to return it to perfect whiteness after a stain, and I don't want it to affect a future shayla).

When I was a kid I was convinced that there was magic. I've since redefined that to be a spiritual world.
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