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I took Ivermectin. AMA
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small bean


Post Thu, Jan 13 2022, 9:00 pm
amother [ Azure ] wrote:
That is if you take the exact same dose. If you stick to the dosage recommendations, then the safety is not much of a concern. But if you double, triple or quadruple benadryl dose, you'd be hospitalized very quickly.

That's the key everyone seems to be overlooking. You are taking the drugs and playing around with it - not taking according to recommendations of the safety studies. That makes it experimental.

Double dose of benadryl will do nothing. Overdose is about 4x the dose. Tylenol is the same, double dose and nothing will happen. First day of antibiotics you can double also and you will get better faster.

In other countries, ivermectin is given as a 5 day med at these doses.
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Post Thu, Jan 13 2022, 9:01 pm
amother [ Azure ] wrote:
I'm trying to understand this comparison. Very few have died from the vaccine, so what is there to compare?

That statement is exactly why you don't understand the comparison.
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Post Thu, Jan 13 2022, 9:04 pm
small bean wrote:
Double dose of benadryl will do nothing. Overdose is about 4x the dose. Tylenol is the same, double dose and nothing will happen. First day of antibiotics you can double also and you will get better faster.

In other countries, ivermectin is given as a 5 day med at these doses.

If you take a few overdoses of Tylenol in a row, you'll be hospitalized. It will destroy your liver.

In all countries, the vaccines are being administered by the thousands, not much safety issues in that regard either.

I'm not here to debate with you whether it is safe or not. I'm just pointing out to you that the current application use of ivermectin is just as experimental as the vaccine. By all means, make the choice you're comfortable with. Just don't pretend you're avoiding something because its experimental, then turn around and select another experimental thing.
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Post Thu, Jan 13 2022, 9:05 pm
amother [ Amaryllis ] wrote:
That statement is exactly why you don't understand the comparison.

Maybe you just have a lot of misinformation. 9.37 billion doses have been administered. Where are all the dead bodies.
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small bean


Post Thu, Jan 13 2022, 9:07 pm
But youre wrong, outside of the US it is given all the time the way I took it.

And no double dose of tylenol 4 to 5 times in 24 hours, will do nothing to you per my doctor.
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Post Thu, Jan 13 2022, 9:08 pm
amother [ Azure ] wrote:
Maybe you just have a lot of misinformation. 9.37 billion doses have been administered. Where are all the dead bodies.

Their deaths could have been written off as heart attacks or strokes. They could be listed as having died from covid due to being unvaccinated. There has also been an increase of unexplained deaths in 2021. There are many ways to cover it up. I personally know 2 otherwise healthy people who died "suddenly" within a week of having the pfizer vaccine. Could be a coincidence but I doubt it.
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Post Thu, Jan 13 2022, 9:08 pm
small bean wrote:
But youre wrong, outside of the US it is given all the time the way I took it.

And no double dose of tylenol 4 to 5 times in 24 hours, will do nothing to you per my doctor.

Depends on what your dosage is.

FTR, I should have disclosed earlier that I'm a health care professional.
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Post Thu, Jan 13 2022, 9:12 pm
amother [ Amaryllis ] wrote:
Their deaths could have been written off as heart attacks or strokes. They could be listed as having died from covid due to being unvaccinated. There has also been an increase of unexplained deaths in 2021. There are many ways to cover it up. I personally know 2 otherwise healthy people who died "suddenly" within a week of having the pfizer vaccine. Could be a coincidence but I doubt it.

Right. So we're back to this conspiracy. Before it was that everything was being marked as a covid death. Now we're saying that they're not marking anything as a covid vaccine death. Next we'll come up with a twisted combo of both?

For something that's global and the daily headline, we would have to have every single country in on this conspiracy. We would also have a vast majority of health care professionals purposely ignoring something that is staring them in the face, that so many people are dropping dead for various causes right after the vaccine - and all of them would be in cahoots to keep this under wraps.

Every single country - even Iran, Russia and China are working in conjunction with the US to keep this under wraps. It's not like China and Russia wouldn't jump at a chance to show up the US. This is such a worthy conspiracy to secretly kill out many people, that everyone is on board.

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small bean


Post Thu, Jan 13 2022, 9:13 pm
amother [ Azure ] wrote:
Depends on what your dosage is.

FTR, I should have disclosed earlier that I'm a health care professional.

The dosage that I took, is typical in India before covid. In the US we dont use it loek that but it is safe there.

Doesnt mean that we will agree with you or that medical professionals agree with you. Honestly, I dont have much respect for medical professionals who go by the books.

My sister is healthcare and says not to take 3rd shot. My doc says not to take any shot. And my doc also says ivermectin is fine to take every day if you want.
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Post Thu, Jan 13 2022, 9:14 pm
small bean wrote:
I guess I am now a horse or something.

My father was by me for a week while he had covid. I didnt have time or patience to feel sick, so as soon as I got a fever and slight cough, I took ivermectin. I was symptom free within 12 hours of the first pill. Took the full reccomendation.

Hi, was it recent? for omni?
who rescribed? your PCP?
Someone else?
Are you vaccinated?

Glad you are doing well!
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small bean


Post Thu, Jan 13 2022, 9:16 pm
amother [ DarkPurple ] wrote:
Hi, was it recent? for omni?
who rescribed? your PCP?
Someone else?
Are you vaccinated?

Glad you are doing well!

Yes very recent. No idea whar varient. I got it from a private person at no cost. No, im not vaxxed.
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Post Thu, Jan 13 2022, 9:16 pm
amother [ Azure ] wrote:
Right. So we're back to this conspiracy. Before it was that everything was being marked as a covid death. Now we're saying that they're not marking anything as a covid vaccine death. Next we'll come up with a twisted combo of both?

For something that's global and the daily headline, we would have to have every single country in on this conspiracy. We would also have a vast majority of health care professionals purposely ignoring something that is staring them in the face, that so many people are dropping dead for various causes right after the vaccine - and all of them would be in cahoots to keep this under wraps.

Every single country - even Iran, Russia and China are working in conjunction with the US to keep this under wraps. It's not like China and Russia wouldn't jump at a chance to show up the US. This is such a worthy conspiracy to secretly kill out many people, that everyone is on board.


Sad that you have not yet realized how many conspiracy theories have come true.

And I wouldn't basd anything off of information from Russia iran and China, who are notorious liars.
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Post Thu, Jan 13 2022, 9:19 pm
small bean wrote:
The dosage that I took, is typical in India before covid. In the US we dont use it loek that but it is safe there.

Doesnt mean that we will agree with you or that medical professionals agree with you. Honestly, I dont have much respect for medical professionals who go by the books.

My sister is healthcare and says not to take 3rd shot. My doc says not to take any shot. And my doc also says ivermectin is fine to take every day if you want.

Again - I'm not pushing the vaccine at all and I don't believe in the mandate. Every person should be able to make the decision that they're comfortable with.

I just take issue with the misinformation, conspiracies and hypocrisies. Be honest with yourself, and accept your decision as being your personal choice. If you need to rationalize your decision for your own comfort, that's more than ok too. Just don't spout misinformation and the conspiracies to others and affect their abilities to make their own true choices.

The propaganda and misinformation is totally out of control. Do people really feel no responsibility in affecting other people's medical decisions based on your own interpretations?
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Post Thu, Jan 13 2022, 9:19 pm
amother [ Amaryllis ] wrote:
Sad that you have not yet realized how many conspiracy theories have come true.

And I wouldn't basd anything off of information from Russia iran and China, who are notorious liars.

You totally missed my point.
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Post Thu, Jan 13 2022, 9:20 pm
amother [ Azure ] wrote:
Again - I'm not pushing the vaccine at all and I don't believe in the mandate. Every person should be able to make the decision that they're comfortable with.

I just take issue with the misinformation, conspiracies and hypocrisies. Be honest with yourself, and accept your decision as being your personal choice. If you need to rationalize your decision for your own comfort, that's more than ok too. Just don't spout misinformation and the conspiracies to others and affect their abilities to make their own true choices.

The propaganda and misinformation is totally out of control. Do people really feel no responsibility in affecting other people's medical decisions based on your own interpretations?

Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything based on what she said. The only thing people are being forced to do is vaccinate.
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small bean


Post Thu, Jan 13 2022, 9:23 pm
amother [ Azure ] wrote:
Again - I'm not pushing the vaccine at all and I don't believe in the mandate. Every person should be able to make the decision that they're comfortable with.

I just take issue with the misinformation, conspiracies and hypocrisies. Be honest with yourself, and accept your decision as being your personal choice. If you need to rationalize your decision for your own comfort, that's more than ok too. Just don't spout misinformation and the conspiracies to others and affect their abilities to make their own true choices.

The propaganda and misinformation is totally out of control. Do people really feel no responsibility in affecting other people's medical decisions based on your own interpretations?

I have been consistent since the begining and feel no need to defend what I did and do.

I dont think people should ever take new meds or vaccines. This is not the only med or vaccine I wont take or give my children.

But you are not correct in regards to HCQ or ivermectin and what would be overdose there. It is not a conspiracy theory to try these ans it is not dangerous at all.
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Post Thu, Jan 13 2022, 9:24 pm
amother [ Azure ] wrote:
Right. So we're back to this conspiracy. Before it was that everything was being marked as a covid death. Now we're saying that they're not marking anything as a covid vaccine death. Next we'll come up with a twisted combo of both?

For something that's global and the daily headline, we would have to have every single country in on this conspiracy. We would also have a vast majority of health care professionals purposely ignoring something that is staring them in the face, that so many people are dropping dead for various causes right after the vaccine - and all of them would be in cahoots to keep this under wraps.

Every single country - even Iran, Russia and China are working in conjunction with the US to keep this under wraps. It's not like China and Russia wouldn't jump at a chance to show up the US. This is such a worthy conspiracy to secretly kill out many people, that everyone is on board.


Russia and China and even Australia are NOT using the mrna vaccines so when you include 9.2 billion in your statistics and pretend its from the mrna then you are clearly gaslighting us. Seems like you are the one spreading misinformation, doctor. Is that the reason why you have trouble answering the question I asked upthread?

I'll quote my earlier comment again, perhaps this time you can answer the question without deflecting or gaslighting us, doctor.

"If there was an emergency situation then it would be used and approved for emergency purposes. That was not the case. The fda disregarded their own protocol to approve a drug without the required long term study proving that its safe. That is fraud and abuse of power. But somehow, its the healthcare workers and essential employees who are losing their jobs while those who approved a drug fraudulently get to keep their job. That is corruption at its finest and its sad to see frum Jews not having a problem with this corruption and abuse.

Further, you claim the mrna technology used in the covid vaccine has been studied for more than a decade and that its been used for other medical treatment so can you provide any evidence that its been used in humans before the covid vaccine came out and how long its been used for? And wouldnt you have the same problem that you have with ivermectin, that its was used for other medical reasons so it would now be considered "off label" for covid, just like ivermectin and hcq? Why is the mrna technology ok to use for purposes of covid but ivermectin and hcq is not?"
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Post Thu, Jan 13 2022, 9:28 pm
Thank you for the info smallbean
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Post Thu, Jan 13 2022, 9:28 pm
amother [ Amaryllis ] wrote:
Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything based on what she said. The only thing people are being forced to do is vaccinate.

This thread is not about the mandate and I don't want it to become one. And I didn't mention a word about being forced. When you relate propaganda and misinformation, you are automatically coloring her perspective in some way. That's true both ways - in support or against the vaccine. Your putting thoughts (and often wrong thoughts) in their heads that they will then consciously or subconsciously incorporate into their decision. Before encouraging others to follow suit, you need to really think about the validity of the information or how you came about to that interpretation.

When someone asks me what my recommendation for the vaccine is for them, I don't run my mouth and spout my opinions (believe me, I have plenty). I just tell them that I can't offer my recommendations without seeing their medical history. Medical decisions aren't to be taken lightly and people need to discuss it with their own doctors and loved ones as to what is best for them. They needn't have unnecessary fears, conspiracies or wrong assurances in their head to make those decisions.

Conspiracies and propaganda are dangerous tools.
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Post Thu, Jan 13 2022, 9:31 pm
small bean wrote:
The dosage that I took, is typical in India before covid. In the US we dont use it loek that but it is safe there.

According to medindia.net, ivermectin is administered in India as a single dose. Depending on what it is prescribed for, up to 200mcg/kg body weight. So for a 64 kg woman (140 pounds), 12,800mcg, call it 13 mg. No different from US.

Do you have a source saying otherwise?
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