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Is it ok to wait one more day?
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Post Thu, Apr 05 2018, 8:47 am
Baruch hashem! I hope he gets better very soon. And that you have an uneventful second days!
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Post Thu, Apr 05 2018, 10:22 am
Did all the tests come back and Lyme is the official diagnosis? If it is, you should really see major improvements and eventual complete cure with 3+ weeks of doxy (is he on something else because he's young?)
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Post Thu, Apr 05 2018, 10:26 am
What wonderful news! I hope he improves very quickly, now that he's on antibiotics and he'll be at home.

My son contracted Lyme Disease shortly before his Bar Mitzvah. No arthritis, but neurological issues, specifically terrible headaches and exhaustion. It can take a long time to resolve, even long after they're back in school. Just keep that in mind; this may be a marathon.
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Post Thu, Apr 05 2018, 10:41 am
amother wrote:
Did all the tests come back and Lyme is the official diagnosis? If it is, you should really see major improvements and eventual complete cure with 3+ weeks of doxy (is he on something else because he's young?)

Only the preliminary Lyme test came back so far and it's positive. The other Lyme tests results which they refer to as "confirmatory results" is not in yet and won't be in yet until either in the middle of Yom Tov or next week. He was started on IV antibiotics a few days ago and was switched to Amoxicillin orally for a month. He is also on anti inflammatory medication which I think is what's enabling him to move and walk. He still has pain of course and I know that this may take a while. I'm considering takin my other DS to a Lyme specialist to check and see if perhaps he also has it and that's why he had those symptoms of Rheumatic Fever in the summer. I will start researching etc and hope he heals with the antibiotics . I just found a photo today in my phone of my son with a tick I found in his head , when I was giving him a haircut last year. The date of the photo is April 9, 2017. It is very possible it took all this time for the symptoms to occur. I had checked him for a month afterward for the bulls eye rash etc and he didn't have any.
Arthritis especially in the knee and big joints is the common symptoms of undetected Lyme in children . So , I'm not that surprised. Believe it or not, that's why we purchased chickens last summer. Chickens love and eat ticks and it's a way of ridding them from the property . We have 3/4 of an acre of mostly grass , and have deer all throughout the year on our property. This has always been a concern for us. But I feel better knowing it's "something" than just guessing and wondering.
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Post Thu, Apr 05 2018, 10:46 am
Wow! What an ordeal. I'm glad you're on your way home. Hope you have a wonderful 'second days' and refuah shelaima to your DS.
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Post Thu, Apr 05 2018, 11:08 am
Wow it's amazing that you still have a record of the tick. Maybe you could tell the doctor there treating your son. This may be what she was looking for.

Dd also had a tick on her scalp but it was 3 years ago and I too was told to watch out for target symbol with low grade fever. None happened so I moved on.

I was also told that I should keep the tick and if I see her getting sick I should come with the tick to the doctor.

I also live in a tick infested neighborhood. I check my kids every night. Especially in the summer.
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Post Thu, Apr 05 2018, 11:20 am
Not all lyme manifests in a bull's eye so the fact that he didn't have one doesn't really mean anything (although if someone DOES have one it means they do have lyme). He's likely had it for a while if he has joint pain but blood tests results (and the presence of igg and igm antibodies) can give you an idea of how long he's had it (not that it's particularly important at this point).

I know you're hearing all these horror stories but from my personal experience (more than one immediate family member as well as several close friends/family diagnosed with lyme), the antibiotics really do the trick and he should iyH be back to himself soon with no lasting complications. The people I know who had persistent issues either took years (!) to be diagnosed or had coexisting conditions. My own children (2) who were diagnosed many months after contracting it were absolutely fine after the round of antibiotics bH. IyH you should have the same experience!
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Post Thu, Apr 05 2018, 11:21 am
Double post deleted
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Post Thu, Apr 05 2018, 1:55 pm
Chasdei Hashem! I just came on to check on your situation and am so glad to hear that your son was discharged. Hope he feels better and you are all able to enjoy YT.
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Post Thu, Apr 05 2018, 3:12 pm
Please contact Yesh Tikva after yom tov to help guide you through the Lyme disease to insure he has no lasting effects. They're run by heimishe women that have experience. Sorry I don't have the number.
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Post Sat, Apr 07 2018, 7:29 pm
So glad to hear you got to go home in time.
How was yom tov? Is your son feeling better?

Re lyme, if treated soon enough most ppl get rid of it with no lasting affects.

My sil had lyme. She had a low grade fever, was extremely nauseous, dizzy with terrible balance and heart rate and rythm was off. After a round of abx she was all patched up as good as new!
My sister had lyme for years util a specialist caught it.
She was told she's depressed. But really she was low energy terrible digestive issues, exhaustion. Random pains and brain fog. Low apatite and unexplained constant weight gain. Its been going on for a decade! Getting progressively worse every year.
She's still on some specialized treatment plan but is feeling sooo much better.
Lost some weight eats better and now has a physically demanding full time job. (She was mostly homebound) And loving every minute of it! She has more energy than she had in a decade!

I'm so glad they caught it right away!
May he have a complete rs!
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Post Sat, Apr 07 2018, 7:30 pm
How's the patient? How are the parents?
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Post Sat, Apr 07 2018, 9:22 pm
Hi, thunderstorm! I was following this thread but didn't get a chance to post...

So sorry that you went through this! Hoping you are now home and your son is better...

My son got Lyme disease a few years ago, with almost exactly the same story as you posted. He had a tick, the doctor removed it, there were no other symptoms and no bulls eye rash at all, until he started getting symptoms many months later. Antibiotics do help if it's caught in the early stages, but it's not a short, quick fix. Hopefully this will be resolved relatively quickly. The prognosis sounds good as it was caught early. Refuah Sheleima and hope you are settling back to real life!
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Post Sun, Apr 08 2018, 10:22 am
ra_mom wrote:
How's the patient? How are the parents?

He actually insisted on going to school today. I didn't even realize he had school. When we found out he said he wants to go and that we shouldn't worry. I think he wanted to tell everyone about his experience. He even retapped his hospital band onto his wrist so that the boys will believe him. Lol.
I wrote a note to his rebbe and told him that he will have to take it easy. He gets tired very quickly and that he can't help it .
My DH was not happy that I let him go to school. He thinks he should be home for as long as he can. I figured it was only a few hours today, so we can see how he does .
He did struggle going up the steps of the school bus. I didn't realize he would find it so difficult and I was not outside to help. I was watching him from the window.
Otherwise , I finally feel settled , back home in my own house. I actually did a lot of cleaning today and I'm trying to get back into a routine. This week I have lots of doctors appointments with him. So, between that and going back to work will be a challenge, but it will all be good.
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Post Sun, Apr 08 2018, 10:40 am
I am so happy that you got a diagnosis so soon, and that treatment is started right away. The sooner, the better, the faster the recovery. B'H it's not something more serious.

Taping the wrist band back on, so cute! LOL

I hope he milks it for all it's worth.
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Post Sun, Apr 08 2018, 10:49 am
Hatzlacha and continued Refuah! I'm sure you'll watch him to see if he needs more recuperation time.
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Post Mon, Apr 09 2018, 12:21 pm
Hope he gets the attention he deserves in school and hope you rest up. Refuah shelaima
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