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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 10:13 pm
Stars wrote:
Anyone else rather have hiccups?

Try my previously mentioned peanut butter. Tastes much better.
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 10:15 pm
Baking soda with water to clean my stovetop.
Soap with water instead of windex for a friendlier cleaning solution.
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 10:19 pm
If you have a pot or pan that's tough to clean, let it soak with water and a little baking soda for a few hours (or overnight). Everything comes right off with minimal scrubbing.
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 10:22 pm
amother [ Black ] wrote:
Try my previously mentioned peanut butter. Tastes much better.

Or drink a cup of water while holding your nose. Really works!
You can also hold your nose and swallow 3 times.
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 10:23 pm
Sugar under the tongue cures hiccups. Also breathing into a pair bag works.
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 10:34 pm
The easiest way for me to trim my natural hair:

Wash and while wet ( not dripping but saturated) brush into a high ponytail like a unicorn horn.

Lift the tail strait and cut off the desired amount from the end of the tail.

Open up the ponytail and hair will be layered.

Comb hair straight and trim remaining long ends to desired length to help blend with the shorter layers.

Best layered haircut ever!
Be sure to invest in hair cutting scissors.
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 10:38 pm
Gray I'm due for a trim and usually do it differently but may just try that!
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 10:43 pm
ra_mom wrote:
Gray I'm due for a trim and usually do it differently but may just try that!

When you trim the end of your “unicorn tail” take a little off at first,like 1/4 inch. Just to be sure you are happy with your length. ( you can always cut more as you adjust)
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 10:45 pm
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 10:49 pm
I use egg cartons to freeze things individually. For example, I'll mix meatballs and form into balls, and insert them in empty egg containers and freeze till I'm ready to cook them. I do this with matzah balls, and cookie dough, etc. Once frozen you can put them in a Ziploc bag if you like. I also use this to make my own seasoning cubes (like garlic, sauteed onions, fresh lemon juice, etc) so I have it easily on hand (at a fraction of the pre-packaged price).
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 11:03 pm
tf wrote:
Never heard of this one. Which oils smell good?
I’ll guess lavender, which I love the smell. Vanilla is one I guess people would use. Any others?

Lavendar mixed with a few drops of eucalyptus.
Sometimes I'll do like a grapefruit and orange (in my kitchen usually).
I found cool mixes on pinterest!
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 11:15 pm
amother [ Gray ] wrote:
The easiest way for me to trim my natural hair:

Wash and while wet ( not dripping but saturated) brush into a high ponytail like a unicorn horn.

Lift the tail strait and cut off the desired amount from the end of the tail.

Open up the ponytail and hair will be layered.

Comb hair straight and trim remaining long ends to desired length to help blend with the shorter layers.

Best layered haircut ever!
Be sure to invest in hair cutting scissors.

That's funny. My mother told me that that was the way she cut her hair in seminary. She was penniless and couldn't afford getting a professional haircut. This is over 40 yes ago. I never thought of trying it myself but I should!
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 11:18 pm
amother [ Jetblack ] wrote:
I use egg cartons to freeze things individually. For example, I'll mix meatballs and form into balls, and insert them in empty egg containers and freeze till I'm ready to cook them. I do this with matzah balls, and cookie dough, etc. Once frozen you can put them in a Ziploc bag if you like. I also use this to make my own seasoning cubes (like garlic, sauteed onions, fresh lemon juice, etc) so I have it easily on hand (at a fraction of the pre-packaged price).

I use egg cartons (wrapped in plastic wrap to seal gaps) for transporting /storing mini muffins, especially if they've been decorated.

I also use the cartons for sending little mousse cups to a kiddush, etc.
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 11:25 pm
gingertop wrote:
I'll start with an embarrassing one:

I use hair conditioner as shaving cream. I started many years ago when I moved to Israel and brought along shaving razors but hadn't gotten around to buying shaving cream. I remembered reading that conditioner could be used and have been using that ever since embarrassed

OMG!!!! And you’re not ashamed to admit that in public??? What might you be thinking????? Can't Believe It
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 11:32 pm
happy chick wrote:
toothbrush and toothpaste to clean your diamond ring

I was told by a jeweler never to do that! The toothpaste can loosed the diamond!
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 11:59 pm
amother [ Gray ] wrote:
The easiest way for me to trim my natural hair:

Wash and while wet ( not dripping but saturated) brush into a high ponytail like a unicorn horn.

Lift the tail strait and cut off the desired amount from the end of the tail.

Open up the ponytail and hair will be layered.

Comb hair straight and trim remaining long ends to desired length to help blend with the shorter layers.

Best layered haircut ever!
Be sure to invest in hair cutting scissors.

The closer to your hairline the pony is, the shorter the layers will be. For longer layers make the pony further back. If you like a "v" as opposed to straight line in the back, make the cut slightly slanted.
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 12:21 am
amother [ Gray ] wrote:
The easiest way for me to trim my natural hair:

Wash and while wet ( not dripping but saturated) brush into a high ponytail like a unicorn horn.

Lift the tail strait and cut off the desired amount from the end of the tail.

Open up the ponytail and hair will be layered.

Comb hair straight and trim remaining long ends to desired length to help blend with the shorter layers.

Best layered haircut ever!
Be sure to invest in hair cutting scissors.

I just tried this and it worked really well! Thank you!!!
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 12:26 am
amother [ Goldenrod ] wrote:
I was told by a jeweler never to do that! The toothpaste can loosed the diamond!

That happened to me. I wish someone would have taught that to me instead of me having to learn that on my own.
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 3:05 am
If your burn your tongue on a hot drink or food, coat the burn in sugar right away. It will take it mostly away and is usually gone the next day. Always works.
(Easiest way to coat your tongue is to put some sugar on the palm on your hand and kind of smash your tongue into the sugar 😊)
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 4:59 am
Hashemlovesme1 wrote:
Another toothpaste hack. It’s great for cleaning glass! Glass drinking cups, and those little glass cups I use on top of shabbos candlesticks to hold the candles. Makes them so clear!

How do you do that? Smush it on? Let it dry?

I find that laundry detergent works well for glass.

Dina2018 wrote:
Theres is a vacuum cleaner just like this that also clean the floor with water after vacuuming, no whizz around afterwords necessary

I also have the ILIFE V5s pro. Best. Buy. Ever:
For me.
It's perfect for me, I did tons of research of different robots before I bought it. If you have different needs than me....
The mopping feature isn't great, using a shmatta will clean better..
But you can pm me if you want more info.

amother [ Gray ] wrote:
Wash and while wet ( not dripping but saturated) brush into a high ponytail like a unicorn horn.

I love your descriptions 🦄
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