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OH NO, family first!!!!!!
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Mama Bear


Post Fri, Mar 05 2010, 3:44 pm
tova you can filter out your updates so that not everyone can read it.

Mishpacha has part of theh article up:

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Post Sat, Mar 06 2010, 2:04 pm
I have to say I agree with much of the article. Facebook as social networking is one of the worst things to infiltrate frum society. So I say, so my Rav says, and so say most of the educators and people I respect.

However, the point of the article wasn't just to cry out about the dangers of Facebook. It spoke about how women who must use it professionally should be careful to keep their professional life separate from their personal life. If it's for work, don't put up pictures of your kids. And remember, that privacy settings are next to meaningless. The article mentions how the rules can be changed and you wouldn't even know. Suddenly the public may have access to your photos. It's very true. Finally, any photo you upload is out there forever, even if you think you have deleted it.

If you need to use it professionally that is understandable. But socially, it's a time-waster, and needlessly exposes your family, without their permission in many cases. To sum it up, as the article says, it's a tznius issue.
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Post Sat, Mar 06 2010, 2:09 pm
shosh wrote:
Cookies n Cream wrote:
This week, didn't read it too well though.
Seemed like a pretty silly article to me that had no point, but I was a bit surprised. I mean discussing Internet sites used to be pretty taboo, and now this...? I guess the times are changing....

Didn't read the article, but aren't you on the Internet right now? Scratching Head

Shosh, the article pretty much put Facebook in its own category. There is "the internet" and there is "Facebook"... As someone here mentioned, many people filter out sites, allow some medical sites, shopping sites... but Facebook most definitely should not be allowed in any frum home with kids. I don't think people realize how serious this is.

The article acknowledges that many women need this for business, but then keep it ONLY for business. And I wholeheartedly agree. Keep in touch with friends through email. If they can't be bothered to check, then shouldn't you find friends who actually want real relationships rather than simply exposing you to their banal updates along with the rest of the world?
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Post Sat, Mar 06 2010, 2:09 pm
I live 6,000 miles away from my family and friends. Facebook is the most convenient way for me to stay connected.

My husband is required to have Facebook for his work in Kiruv.

I thought the article was informative and objective. It listed pros, cons, and what to be careful with. Whoever wants it, get it. Whoever doesn't, don't. I don't understand the hoopla.
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Post Sat, Mar 06 2010, 2:55 pm
I also thought it was a fair, balanced and reasonably written article. It also included some of the reasons my husband was against my joining Facebook from the beginning.
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Post Sat, Mar 06 2010, 3:57 pm
For me facebook is great because my family and close friend are able to see pictures and get small updates every now and then and vice versa.
I thought their argument against being in touch with friends you'd normally not be in touch with was ridiculous as its one of the reasons I really like facebook. I would never sit down and write a letter to ppl I lost touch with after sem or other places for example, it takes time and a lot more effort but facebook is a simple way to keep in touch, its easy and and I love not having lost touch completely with people I care about but would not necessarily be in touch with otherwise.
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Post Sat, Mar 06 2010, 5:04 pm
I was on facebook but have since withdrawn. I felt it was a complete invasion of privacy! and also I couldnt stand some of the stuff others were putting on.

Also after listening to a shiur by Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein (who absolutely HATES facebook!!) pushed me to close my account and im so happy I did.
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Post Sat, Mar 06 2010, 8:34 pm
Well my Rabbi, and many of his children (both male and female) have FB for social reasons. As do many other Rabbis/Rebbetzens I know.
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Post Sat, Mar 06 2010, 8:48 pm
I also know Rabbis on Facebook
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Mama Bear


Post Sat, Mar 06 2010, 9:02 pm
BH the article was pretty tame and impartial. and so far no one has read me any riot acts Very Happy.
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Post Sat, Mar 06 2010, 11:55 pm
I'll have to get my hands on the article so I have a full picture. I am trying to re-think this from a tznius perspective and exposing my kids' pictures...

All four of us SIL from my husband's side will often have chats just between us. It's nice. It would never happen over the phone. Two of them live in Israel.

I LOVE being in touch with friends from high school. Seeing pictures of their families always gives me a warm feeling.

All these social networking sites are blocked at my office, and I only have internet at home because I work at home several hours a day. As such, I really try to evaluate all my uses of the internet at home outside of work purposes.

I'm on the fence about this one...
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Post Sun, Mar 07 2010, 1:20 am
I don't see why it is such a terrible thing at all. If you don't like what someone is posting, you can "hide" their posts- and they WON'T know. You can do it that only friends can see your pics/profile. Occasionally I see someone's profile and I can see their pictures but that is because when they uploaded them they did not specify who they want to see it!
I agree that it is a time waster- big time! but it's also a great way to stay in touch- especially with those who you might not ordinarily KIT with (Sem/HS girls you weren't that close to...) and then have something to talk about when you DO bump into them! That's happened to me many times already.
As with anything on the internet, be careful. But there are so many options for privacy on Facebook- just look into it rather than scream foul right away.
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Post Sun, Mar 07 2010, 2:06 am
mama bear- I was thinking of you as I was reading the article this shabbos- but you're a grown woman who can make her own decisions- why would your family hound you about this?? and if they do, why do you have to tell them that you're on facebook??
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Post Sun, Mar 07 2010, 7:59 am
Ima2NYM_LTR wrote:
Well my Rabbi, and many of his children (both male and female) have FB for social reasons. As do many other Rabbis/Rebbetzens I know.

I also know a few rabbis on facebook... but maybe they have reason to be on there. As I said, I used to be on facebook but have seen the bad side of it and felt that it wasnt what I really should be doing.

someone who is on facebook for certain reasons actually met me recently and said, are you so and so and I said yes and she said, "are you on facebook??!" so I said, "well I actually was but I have come off now." and she said, "I was gonna say! I didnt think such an aidel person like you would be on facebook!!"
now, I ddnt ask her to say that but that is the general opinion of a lot of pple about facebook.

I do miss it a bit cos it was a great way of being in touch with many pple all around the world but im sure ill find other ways of being in touch.
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Cookies n Cream


Post Sun, Mar 07 2010, 4:39 pm
tweety99 wrote:
I was on facebook but have since withdrawn. I felt it was a complete invasion of privacy! and also I couldnt stand some of the stuff others were putting on.

Also after listening to a shiur by Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein (who absolutely HATES facebook!!) pushed me to close my account and im so happy I did.

I never had FB, but after I listen to that shiur it took away any temptation I mighta had to sign up for it...
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Post Sun, Mar 07 2010, 4:51 pm
good for you! Very Happy
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Post Sun, Mar 07 2010, 7:55 pm
Can one hear the shiur online?
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Cookies n Cream


Post Sun, Mar 07 2010, 8:06 pm
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Post Sun, Mar 07 2010, 9:21 pm
The article made lots of sense to me. It pointed out all factors of fb-the good and the bad.
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