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BDE Kayla Rus A"H bas Bunim Tuvia
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Post Wed, Nov 28 2012, 4:08 pm
Thanks so much for the update. My husband always has her in mind at the beginning of 1st Seder
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Post Wed, Nov 28 2012, 4:57 pm
I will help make that happen for you. Thanks for the link and my thoughts and prayers are with you.
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Post Wed, Nov 28 2012, 5:02 pm
Wow, who is like the Jewish people? I am floored... I was very hesitant to put up the link, this is not an easy thing for me to do. It is one thing to ask for prayers, but this is quite a different thing, and way out of my comfort zone. So thank you all for your support, your generosity, and your good wishes and prayers. Happy Chanuka to all of you.
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Post Sun, Dec 02 2012, 1:31 pm
Just FYI Chai Lifeline is having their annual chanuka party in Brooklyn this afternoon. My husband is bringing my daughter, I am not up to going. Once again (since it is on the previous page of this thread and some might not have seen it), the link for donations if you are moved to do so is http://www.chailifeline.org/ev.....unds/ and specify our family in the part about suggested use for the funds. Or send checks made out to "The Special Fund" to Chai Lifeline (attn: Stacy) at 151 West 30th Street
New York, NY 10001 and put family of Kayla Rus Eisenberg in the memo.

Thanks again and happy chanuka to everyone. May we all have a blessed year with Moshiach coming to put an end to all our sorrows.
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Post Sun, Dec 02 2012, 7:11 pm
Did kayla have a good time ?Get any good presents at the party??
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Post Mon, Dec 03 2012, 8:11 am
Thanks for asking, Kayla Rus enjoyed seeing her friends, but the younger kids really enjoyed the activities... the gift box seemed to have some cute things for the younger ones. They were told that the Soda Stream is on it's way.
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Post Wed, Dec 12 2012, 10:48 am
Next round of chemo starting Monday plus important PET scan on Monday, pray for the outcome. We don't know how many more rounds there will be. See link above for last chance for 2012 tax deductible donations. Thanks so much, happy chanuka!
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Post Wed, Dec 12 2012, 10:52 am
I will keep davening for her. Hope she has a big refuah!!!
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Post Wed, Dec 12 2012, 1:59 pm
Thank you for hte update. I daven for Kayla Rus every time I daven. I also was fortunate to be able to daven for her at the Kosel last week. IYH with Hashm's help, all the treatment will be successful and she wil not have to suffer treatments anymore soon.
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Post Wed, Feb 13 2013, 6:22 pm
Just letting you know that I think of you and daven for Kalya Rus every day. Hope things are doing well.
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Post Wed, Feb 20 2013, 10:50 am
Hi, all, I just wanted to give you an update, and make a plea for your help. Sometimes prayers are just not enough, and concrete assistance is required. Kayla Rus is Baruch Hashem doing very well, is on her 21st round of chemo this week and is hanging in there. This was to be her last round of chemo, but they have decided to keep up this regimen since it is doing well for her, at least for a few more months so that we can stall a little more time before the next step.

We were looking into an experimental stem cell transplant for her, for which we tested 5 of her 6 siblings to be a match. Unfortunately, we just found out yesterday that none of them is a match. I do have one other son who is studying in yeshiva in Israel, in Beit Shemesh, who may be a match. Mother's intuition and Murphy's Law tells me that he WOULD be the one to end up matching, if we are lucky. Sigh. We are going to try to arrange to have him tested in Israel, but honestly, I miss him and it would be so much easier if we could afford to bring him home for Pesach and have him tested here. My other 2 oldest sons, when they studied in Israel, always came home for Pesach and then went back to finish their year. For the first time, we are just too poor to afford to bring him back. And this is the one son who makes his mother laugh the most, and I really need that right now.

Since Kayla Rus was diagnosed, I was forced to stop working, and now we are in so much severe credit card debt that my husband can't justify laying out the money and charging up the credit cards to bring him home when there are so many outstanding bills and we must pay for Pesach food in the first place. He is too proud to ask for help. I am a mother, and am NOT too proud, I have been reduced to becoming a shnorrer, and I hate it, but I am asking. Does anyone have any tickets from Israel to New York or Newark that they can afford to donate? Or frequent flyer miles? Or leads on ridiculously cheap tickets? Or an organization that can help? Or know anyone independently wealthy who can contribute towards our struggles?

A few months ago I put up a Chai Lifeline donation link (you can scroll up and find it above), and that is still active, but there have not been many contributions. Thank you so much to those of you who did help, I so very much appreciate it. But it doesn’t even put a dent in our expenses, especially now. I also have a personal Paypal account, if anyone can help, please PM me and I can give you the email address off-list. I hate having to ask, but I am running out of strength and bitachon (after so long the stress just wears you down) and desperate times call for desperate measures. It certainly would be a boost for my entire family to have our son home for Pesach, and if he turns out to be a perfect stem cell match for Kayla Rus, well then that would be the perfect miracle from Hashem. I have been davening so hard for help, but perhaps all He wanted was for me to reach out to my Jewish brothers and sisters so that they could share in the mitzvah of alleviating at least a small portion of our tsuris.

Thank you so much for all your continued tefillos, whether you can help beyond that or not. I wish you all a Freilichen Purim.
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Post Wed, Feb 20 2013, 3:14 pm
What if I sent u shop rite gift cards - can you use those to help make pesach? Also tomchei Shabbos can help. Did u apply for federal aid like food stamps?
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Post Wed, Feb 20 2013, 3:37 pm
Why don't you ask Yael if you can put up a paypal donate button here in this thread?

Refuah Shlaimah and Hatzlachah rabbah!
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Post Wed, Feb 20 2013, 4:06 pm
Thank you, to smiledr I answered you in a PM.

To TranquilityandPeace, I am not sure how to do a paypal donate button, I think they may charge you for that, when I first looked into it, whereas if you just send money to someone's paypal address there wouldn't be a charge. You also may have to be an official non-profit in order to do that. Which is why I have the Chai Lifeline link https://www.chailifeline.org/e.....unds/ because this is tax deductable, but you can specify our family in section 3 where it asks you for preferred use of funds. If anyone really wants to help but doesn't want to PM me, I guess there is no harm in publicizing my paypal email address, it is obsesseddancer@aol.com . Thanks again to everyone.
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Post Mon, Feb 25 2013, 9:20 pm
bumped by a friend, so more people can see this.
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Post Mon, Feb 25 2013, 9:33 pm
I don't have alot to donate but the pain in your post comes through loud and clear. In the Zchus of the bh healthy children I have I will bli neder donate later today. I also have a child in Israel who is not coming home for Peasch who I miss terribly, so I hope the funds do come through and you can enjoy your son. Bsuros Tovos!
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Post Mon, Feb 25 2013, 10:10 pm
I always have your daughter in mind. I donated through chai lifeline. Hashem should help and you should see great yeshuos b'karov.
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Post Tue, Feb 26 2013, 2:32 am
Thank you so much, I will keep you all posted. So far only a few people were able to donate. I realize it is tough all over, and that is why I hated to ask. I wish I could just win a lottery and pay you all back for both your generosity and your tefillos, but Hashem has not yet answered me in that way. Perhaps He simply wants to give people the opportunity to share in the mitzvah. That is the only thing taking the sting out of having to ask for help.

Kol tuv,
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Post Tue, Feb 26 2013, 5:42 am
I will bli neder donate today through PayPal.
I was thinking that perhaps you could appeal to ELAL to bring your son home?
Does anyone have any connections there?
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Post Tue, Feb 26 2013, 1:25 pm
I don't know anyone with connections to El Al, but they are still a business, I doubt it would help. If anyone out there knows differently, please let us know! Smile
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