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Another chillul hashem
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Post Thu, May 14 2015, 9:20 pm
Barbara wrote:
In that case, though, the landlord didn't care what race they were. The landlord wanted them out because of rent stabilization.

Here, the owner made clear that he didn't want any people of color living in his buildings, because his tenants (who probably were not Jewish, btw) didn't want blacks living in the buildings.

Here, the landlord doesn't want black tenants because his other tenants don't want black tenants and won't pay as much.

Not that I think any of this is right AT ALL.
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Post Thu, May 14 2015, 9:48 pm
aleph wrote:
The whole thing is suspect. This guy is willing to publicize his entire system? And give away all his "secrets?" In the newspaper. And by "whispering" the mean parts he is protecting his interests? I don't buy it. This guy sounds like he's never made an uncalculated move in his life. But he just poured it all out to this reporter.... because.... why? Something or someone is fishy here.

And I don't say that because I'm trying to exonerate all Jewish people. I know firsthand, as I'm sure many do, that there are bad people everywhere. But the whole big successful businessman putting it all out there for no reason at all is very odd and sort of unbelievable.

Either way, I don't see it as reflecting badly on all Jews. I see it as reflecting bad on him. I mean, we are supposed to eschew racial stereotypes, but the second the bad guy is a Jew we all start crying chillul Hashem. Why? Because only we Jews are enlightened enough not to stereotype others? Let's give other groups credit for being intelligent and civilized enough not to stereotype us.

You make a very good point.

What I think probably happened was a reporter found out about this horrible system going on (maybe by an undercover interview or by posing as a prospective investor) and created this fictional and very unlikable chossid to "expose" the story.

It's terrible that this stuff is going on but I doubt the chassidish landlord was openly flaunting his methods and racism.

This story makes me think Merchant of Venice.
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staten islander


Post Thu, May 14 2015, 10:46 pm
We own a building, a small one,in a predominantly black neighborhood that is slowly being gentrified. I am stating facts- we had a lot of problems wit our original black tents.Robberies by tenants,shootouts,non payments of rent ,etc. It was a very difficult experience that drained us financially.We had tenants cut copper piping, steal air conditioning units,etc.Now that the neighborhood has improved, the original tenants have moved out and we have white tenants.They tell us that they don't want black ppl in the building.
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Post Thu, May 14 2015, 11:26 pm
[removed for being distasteful ]
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Post Thu, May 14 2015, 11:33 pm
marina wrote:
yes, there is a lot of tension on both sides and African Americans can certainly be anti-Semitic. But here there is a power difference. If your landlord is a bigot, that's a bigger problem than if the tenant is. Like maybe an employee is a bigot, but if the boss is that's a bigger problem.

The landlord here affects whole neighborhoods of people. It's not one anti-Semite in a dingy apartment.

Have you never heard horror stories about tenants? I'll tell you one. Chassidish buys run down, neglected building with many violations and tries to fix It up. The tenants constantly are destroying the building and calling the city to report the violations. Within a few months he gets listed by the city as one of the top worst landlords without giving him a chance to fix the problems. An investor of his sees the list and backs out of a pending deal. His reputation is now ruined.
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Post Fri, May 15 2015, 1:04 am
I read the article.

What did "Efraim" stand to gain by explaining his business practices in detail?

Who says this really happened, as described?
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Post Fri, May 15 2015, 4:27 am
zaq wrote:
You are an elitist, assuming that people with more money have more "class". Why is a hard-working young professional better than a hard-working middle-aged cleaning lady or mechanic? Working class people also want and deserve a nice clean affordable and safe place to live. And you think hard-working young professionals don't do drugs, drink to excess, or have wild parties?

Don't be ridiculous. I am not the white tenant who is refusing to move in to a building if there are black tenants. I am just genuinely baffled that young people today think like this.

And wild parties and drug use (while annoying to the neighbours) are very different than this behaviour:

Robberies by tenants,shootouts,non payments of rent ,etc. It was a very difficult experience that drained us financially.We had tenants cut copper piping, steal air conditioning units,etc.

I can well understand not wanting tenants like that, whatever their colour. But not all black people are like that. Nor are all white people model tenants. Nor are all Jews slumlords.
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Post Fri, May 15 2015, 9:17 am
It does stretch credulity to that Ephraim spilled his illegal practice so publicly, especially as it shouldn't be that difficult to track him down. It might take some time but he mentioned places, so....

It is also hard to fathom that elites were calling him up and going "no blacks in our building". Maybe, but I it is rather suspect.

However, it isn't unbelievable that people do this, or think this way. Nor is it unbelievable that some of those who act in this manner are Ultra-Orthodox Jews. (Yes, they are violating torah principles, but that is the religion they are practicing).

That said, my feeling is, if this is true, that the tenants are racists, and the landlord is just a scum-bag who would sell his child for a buck. He might be a racist on top of that but his motivation is money.

He probably would pay fellow Jews to get out of a building if he felt it would bring him more money.

The man is lower than a toadstool.

If this is a true story and not some sort of weird compilation of people based on things the reporter heard but could not verify.
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Post Fri, May 15 2015, 9:31 am
HindaRochel wrote:
If this is a true story and not some sort of weird compilation of people based on things the reporter heard but could not verify.

YUP. If. With no names and no court decisions cited, this story hits me more like a New York Post kinda story than New York Magazine! Im surprised they didnt use some unrecognizable pic of any old Chassid off the street, just to make the story more exciting!

Not to say its not happening, but my guess is it is a "compilation of people based on things the reporter heard but could not verify."

Hey, who are we kidding, they ALL want to sell papers/mags and will do almost anything to do so. Juicy stories do just that.
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Post Fri, May 15 2015, 9:40 am
I'm going to reword my question, and I'm asking honestly:
What is the point of this thread?
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Post Fri, May 15 2015, 9:52 am
What is the point of any thread?

To discuss an issue.

There are frum Jews who are terrible people. They need to be shut down.
We need to be aware of their actions, and put a stop to them.

If this is a real man I hope he is sees the error of his ways and is held responsible for any violation of the law.
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staten islander


Post Fri, May 15 2015, 9:55 am
I will tell you this-after the tenants cut the copper pipes in our building and sold them ,there was obviously no water. We didn't have the cash to fix it the same week, were waiting for insurance.The tenants called the local news and my hubby was featured as the white Jewish slumlord ,denying water to his black tenants.So dan lekaf zchut
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Post Fri, May 15 2015, 9:59 am
staten islander wrote:
I will tell you this-after the tenants cut the copper pipes in our building and sold them ,there was obviously no water. We didn't have the cash to fix it the same week, were waiting for insurance.The tenants called the local news and my hubby was featured as the white Jewish slumlord ,denying water to his black tenants.So dan lekaf zchut

If you are going to be a landlord my suggestion is you take pictures of your property before buying and the day you purchase.

How do you know it was the tenants who cut the copper pipes? In any case, you were obligated to fix the pipes immediately as the tenants require water. Even if one of the tenants did cut the pipes the rest of those in the building weren't responsible.

The next issue is to have someone in the building itself as manager.

Did you involve the police? Because if someone cut the pipes that would be a crime and the police should have been called in immediately, and you should have arranged for people to receive water even if the pipes couldn't be fixed immediately.
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staten islander


Post Fri, May 15 2015, 10:02 am
Yes,police were called and we had cameras on the property,showing the tenants from two units walking out with the pipes.They were the ones who called the news.Its a 5 unit building and the other units were unoccupied at the time.
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Post Fri, May 15 2015, 10:06 am
I hope you charged those involved then. Were they arrested?

I also hope you called the media and gave them the truth.
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Post Fri, May 15 2015, 10:10 am
This is a story without facts.

Just thinking how a magazine like the New York Magazine which I thought had a more polished educated (and therefore more scrutinizing) audience, would have interest in a story with no names and no court cases cited.

Looks like NY Mag is appealing to what they feel is a new audience. IDIOTS.

(almost) Everyone is dumbing down. (almost) Everyone is loving cheap gossip.

There are shady people of all religions and no religions. So what else is new?

One vote here for calling the New York Mag, the New York Rag.

Last edited by Mevater on Fri, May 15 2015, 10:14 am; edited 1 time in total
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staten islander


Post Fri, May 15 2015, 10:12 am
HindaRochel,my blood pressure is rising as I am writing this.We did call the media,charge the tenants, etc.All these things are not easy to do as the tenants still had families living with them,etc.There is enough drama to this story to write a book.My point is, all is not as it seems.
And we are not bad people looking to take advantage of anyone.We both come from very poor backgrounds, scrimped and saved to buy this building and are using the proceeds to pay tuition for our kids. We have a property manager now who is great, and I hope things improve for us.
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Post Fri, May 15 2015, 10:32 am
HindaRochel wrote:
What is the point of any thread?

To discuss an issue.

There are frum Jews who are terrible people. They need to be shut down.
We need to be aware of their actions, and put a stop to them.

If this is a real man I hope he is sees the error of his ways and is held responsible for any violation of the law.

Hey, maybe someone will recognize themselves or a loved one in that article, whether or not is what a factual. Possibly something good will come of it. But you say they need to be shut down. Fine. Are you proposing specific action?
All I'm asking is that if someone is going to participate in what might be a lashon hara/rechila fest, please spell out the toeles.
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Post Fri, May 15 2015, 10:33 am
HindaRochel wrote:
What is the point of any thread?

To discuss an issue.

There are frum Jews who are terrible people. They need to be shut down.
We need to be aware of their actions, and put a stop to them.

If this is a real man I hope he is sees the error of his ways and is held responsible for any violation of the law.

Hey, maybe someone will recognize themselves or a loved one in that article, whether or not it's factual. Possibly something good will come of it. But you say they need to be shut down. Fine. Are you proposing specific action?
All I'm asking is that if someone is going to participate in what might be a lashon hara/rechilus fest, please spell out the toeles.

Last edited by PinkFridge on Fri, May 15 2015, 10:33 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Fri, May 15 2015, 10:33 am
Having an onsite manager is probably the best bet.

You didn't give all that information first, sorry if you were angry, but you can't tell me half the story and expet me to know the rest.

The case is still unresolved then? When did this happen?
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