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Republican National Convention
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Post Thu, Jul 21 2016, 4:44 pm
PinkFridge wrote:
Ann Coultergeist, who's clearly gone off the deep end

The result of too much hair dye, I think, or a low-fat diet that's starved her synaptic connections.
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Post Thu, Jul 21 2016, 4:47 pm
amother wrote:
I am..... I personally thought the convention was nice never watched it before the only problem is they don't talk about actuall stuff they will do once donal trump gets into office lets hope he will talk about that tonight......
besides the point I like the republican values much better!

Firstly, he won't talk about actual stuff because he doesn't have any actual plans or strategies. Are you not aware of this?

Second, what republican values? The ones that Trump does NOT stand for? His values alternate between crazy and liberal. Nobody is even discussing him being a conservative, even the party leaders know he doesn't stand for their values.

Seems you're new to politics. Maybe educate yourself a little more so you can "vote with your conscience," as Ted Cruz has advised us.
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Post Thu, Jul 21 2016, 4:53 pm
Maya wrote:
Firstly, he won't talk about actual stuff because he doesn't have any actual plans or strategies. Are you not aware of this?

Second, what republican values? The ones that Trump does NOT stand for? His values alternate between crazy and liberal. Nobody is even discussing him being a conservative, even the party leaders know he doesn't stand for their values.

Seems you're new to politics. Maybe educate yourself a little more so you can "vote with your conscience," as Ted Cruz has advised us.

I am aware that's why I brought it up that's the problem of his campaign although he appeals to the resentment of the voters he does not have a set plan maybe that will be good but doesn't look it and secondly

I didn't say I like republican values that I think Donald trump stands for I think anyone in the republican party is better then a democrat even if hes not totally republican......
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Post Thu, Jul 21 2016, 4:54 pm
amother wrote:

besides the point I like the republican values much better!

There's just one problem. Real republicans are tearing their hair out, because Trump makes Hillary look downright conservative in comparison.

Trump has been a Democrat until he decided to run on the Republican ticket.

He supported gay marriage when Hillary did not.

He doesn't think the transgender bathroom controversy is a big deal and supports unisex bathrooms, something which most Republicans are very against.

Trump is way more liberal in areas many frum Jews hold sacred than Hillary will ever be.

So if you're voting for Trump because of Republican values - get ready for some big disappointments.
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Post Thu, Jul 21 2016, 4:56 pm
theres just one problem reall republicans don't listen to the voters........I don't know what trump will do in the end but he definetly talks to the hearts of many voters
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Post Thu, Jul 21 2016, 4:56 pm
amother wrote:

I didn't say I like republican values that I think Donald trump stands for I think anyone in the republican party is better then a democrat even if hes not totally republican......

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
Even if they make no sense.
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Post Thu, Jul 21 2016, 4:58 pm
amother wrote:
I am aware that's why I brought it up that's the problem of his campaign although he appeals to the resentment of the voters he does not have a set plan maybe that will be good but doesn't look it and secondly

I didn't say I like republican values that I think Donald trump stands for I think anyone in the republican party is better then a democrat even if hes not totally republican......

What if he's a lunatic, a bully, a narcissist who has access to nuclear weapons and might set off an attack at the slightest insult to his ego? What if he is "too brilliant" to listen to any of his advisers, or to even let them get a word in (like he's acting with pence in their interviews)? What if he thinks everyone else is stupid stupid stupid because they are poor/handicapped/you disagree with him on his policies?
I'm not voting. I don't like Hillary- I would hate to vote for someone who lied numerous times about significant issues and thinks she can get away with it without any apologies- but I think voting for trump is suicidal, a sin, and just plain stupid.
The guy who co-wrote his book "the art of a deal" said he regrets ever doing it, and said he feels like he "put lipstick on a pig (trump)". This is a guy who was close to trump, and this is what he thinks!
The rest of them are all too scared to speak out against trump for fear of getting sued. What does that tell you about this candidate?
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Post Thu, Jul 21 2016, 5:00 pm
allthingsblue wrote:
What if he's a lunatic, a bully, a narcissist who has access to nuclear weapons and might set off an attack at the slightest insult to his ego? What if he is "too brilliant" to listen to any of his advisers, or to even let them get a word in (like he's acting with pence in their interviews)? What if he thinks everyone else is stupid stupid stupid because they are poor/handicapped/you disagree with him on his policies?
I'm not voting. I don't like Hillary- I would hate to vote for someone who lied numerous times about significant issues and thinks she can get away with it without any apologies- but I think voting for trump is suicidal, a sin, and just plain stupid.
The guy who co-wrote his book "the art of a deal" said he regrets ever doing it, and said he feels like he "put lipstick on a pig (trump)". This is a guy who was close to trump, and this is what he thinks!
The rest of them are all too scared to speak out against trump for fear of getting sued. What does that tell you about this candidate?

its tells me that you sound verrrrrryyyyyyyy angry about something that I don't know about!
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Post Thu, Jul 21 2016, 5:01 pm
amother wrote:

I didn't say I like republican values that I think Donald trump stands for I think anyone in the republican party is better then a democrat even if hes not totally republican......

Well, Donald Trump is a Democrat. The only reason he calls himself a Republican is because he's an opportunist.

In fact, he donated generously to the Democrat party until 2008 when he started contemplating running on the Republican ticket.

And, for anyone disgusted by Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump was a close friend with the Clintons. You may think of her as a sleazeball, but just take a look at Trump's business and exploitation tactics to see what the word sleazy really means.

He is embroiled in a court case regarding large scale fraud with his bogus university, as well as being accused of raping a 13 year old girl.

Ftr, before I get dissed as a liberal and thus promptly have my views invalidated Wink, I am not a Hillary gal, I will probably be sitting out this election.
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Post Thu, Jul 21 2016, 5:02 pm
Watching it and enjoying it immensely. Plagiarized speech, Cruz driving everybody batty (especially the Trump kids -- the shots of them at the time made me laugh out loud). It's great tv. Outside of the scary stuff that shakes me to my core.
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Post Thu, Jul 21 2016, 5:04 pm
Clarissa wrote:
It's great tv.

As long as it stays reality TV and doesn't actually become reality. Wink
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Post Thu, Jul 21 2016, 5:04 pm
amother wrote:
its tells me that you sound verrrrrryyyyyyyy angry about something that I don't know about!

At least she has thought about the issues, instead of blindly driving into a wall with the attitude of "any republican is better than a democrat."
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Post Thu, Jul 21 2016, 5:06 pm
amother wrote:
its tells me that you sound verrrrrryyyyyyyy angry about something that I don't know about!

That is an ad hominem attack. Curious what you think about the points she addressed?
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Post Thu, Jul 21 2016, 5:46 pm
amother wrote:
I am..... I personally thought the convention was nice never watched it before the only problem is they don't talk about actuall stuff they will do once donal trump gets into office lets hope he will talk about that tonight......
besides the point I like the republican values much better!

What republican values do you mean? Because when I listened to the speeches or at least the ones I heard , I didn't hear a lot of republican values, at least not ones people would admit to liking.
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Post Thu, Jul 21 2016, 6:34 pm
As a rabid Trump hater, I was surprised by how much I was enjoying the convention. I disagree with the posters who were saying that there was too much Clinton bashing going on. For me, that's what I need to hear; that no matter how unpalatable The Donald is, at least he's not Liar, Liar Pants on Fire Hillary.

And then Trump had to go and turn Cruz into the enemy??? Hello, you dumb, dumb buffoon. You had one job to do. Convince people like me that you are better than Clinton. My Gosh. At this point I'm tempted to just write in Cruz
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Post Thu, Jul 21 2016, 6:46 pm
sushilover wrote:
As a rabid Trump hater, I was surprised by how much I was enjoying the convention. I disagree with the posters who were saying that there was too much Clinton bashing going on. For me, that's what I need to hear; that no matter how unpalatable The Donald is, at least he's not Liar, Liar Pants on Fire Hillary.

And then Trump had to go and turn Cruz into the enemy??? Hello, you dumb, dumb buffoon. You had one job to do. Convince people like me that you are better than Clinton. My Gosh. At this point I'm tempted to just write in Cruz

How did he make Cruz into the enemy? Cruz made himself into the enemy!
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Post Thu, Jul 21 2016, 6:50 pm
sushilover wrote:
As a rabid Trump hater, I was surprised by how much I was enjoying the convention. I disagree with the posters who were saying that there was too much Clinton bashing going on. For me, that's what I need to hear; that no matter how unpalatable The Donald is, at least he's not Liar, Liar Pants on Fire Hillary.

Oh, he's not? LOL. We must be living in different universes.

Trump lies about EVERYTHING. Everything he says is solely about self-aggrandizement and it makes no difference whether true or false, and is mostly false.

The fact that people trust him to be more truthful as a president than Hillary would be funny if it weren't so outrageously ridiculous and enraging.
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Post Thu, Jul 21 2016, 6:52 pm
sushilover wrote:
As a rabid Trump hater, I was surprised by how much I was enjoying the convention. I disagree with the posters who were saying that there was too much Clinton bashing going on. For me, that's what I need to hear; that no matter how unpalatable The Donald is, at least he's not Liar, Liar Pants on Fire Hillary.

You're right, he's not Liar Pants on Fire; Trump has lied so many times, his pants have burnt off years ago.

The only reason Trump doesn't have a shocking number of political scandals is because he has never been involved with politics before.

Yet we do have a clue of what he plans to do if he wins the presidency: He said he will run America like he runs his businesses.

How does he run his businesses?

Let's take a look.

If there is one word that sums up Trump's modus operandi when it comes to business, it's exploitation.

He has destroyed many businesses that he contracted and never paid for. Hardworking small business owners have been financially ruined thanks to Trump.

He is currently in court for having stolen money from thousands of students who thought they were getting a real education in his bogus college which was illegally called a university.

He destroyed the economy in Atlantic City, where thanks to his shoddy business practices, his casinos went under while others were flourishing and he emerged nearly scot free, leaving many others to take the slack.

If his entire way of running businesses is intrinsically, fundamentally dishonest, and he plans on running America the way he runs his businesses... get ready for a president whose pants have long been turned to ashes.
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Post Thu, Jul 21 2016, 6:55 pm
Maya wrote:
There were calls for executing Hillary, to literally kill her. So there's that.

Seriously? I heard the "Lock Her Up" chant. Never heard anyone at the RNC say anything about execution.
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Post Thu, Jul 21 2016, 6:58 pm
sushilover wrote:
Seriously? I heard the "Lock Her Up" chant. Never heard anyone at the RNC say anything about execution.

Quote from The Hill:

The Secret Service told Politico Wednesday it is investigating Trump adviser and New Hampshire delegate Al Baldasaro's call to put Hillary Clinton "in the firing line" and shoot her "for treason.”
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