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Dead Sea for eczema?
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Post Wed, Jun 07 2017, 1:34 pm
Maybe my son has a different type of eczema but the dead sea did wonders for him. I bought tons of bags of the dead sea salt and poured it into his bathwater frequently and I saw results. He didn't have open wounds though. That's why it didn't hurt.
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Post Wed, Jun 07 2017, 2:59 pm
rovacat wrote:
Maybe my son has a different type of eczema but the dead sea did wonders for him. I bought tons of bags of the dead sea salt and poured it into his bathwater frequently and I saw results. He didn't have open wounds though. That's why it didn't hurt.

buying the salt in a bag is very different than going into the dead sea
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Post Thu, Jun 08 2017, 6:21 am
As said, no need to enter the water, the sun is the catch, and early morning is the best time.
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Post Thu, Jun 08 2017, 7:04 am
amother wrote:
What coral said.

My daughter is experiencing the redness all over her face neck legs and hands. Flaking like crazy- even her ears and eyelids. She looks more like a burn victim than a excema case, which is what she stArted out with. There are great Facebook groups as well.

Frantic Frumit, of course I took my daughter to an allergist. She came up slightly allergic to environmental dust and mold and soy. We removed from her diet, put in air purifiers.... giving her probiotics... nothing is helping.

Rss comes with flare ups and then calms down to the skin flaking stage... then flares up again angry red and burning. It looks very different from atopic dermatitis or excema.

Have you tried a total elimination diet? Your child may not be testing allergic to something but it could be causing the eczema anyway.
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Post Thu, Jun 08 2017, 7:33 am
Dead Sea was a miracle for my 10 month old (20 years ago!). He suffered eczema on every part of his body; the Dead Sea air (there was no sun out) was the turning point in his beginning to heal.
I also did not find allergy testing or creams to be helpful. I found different alternative allergy testing to be very effective.
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Post Thu, Jun 08 2017, 7:47 am
Recommending a total elimination diet for a child with TSW is absolutely detrimental.

TSW is not influenced by food; it is caused ONLY by wrongful use of steroids. Many doctors are unfortunately causing this condition, and because it is so prevalent, they have no idea how to distinguish it from true eczema which is historically non-severe and almost always outgrown in childhood.

Adults with eczema, children that look like burn victims, many "psoriasis" patients, and even people being treated for "fungus" with ongoing treatments are usually TSW patients.

And steroids occur in MANY forms, not always the easily recognizable ones.
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Post Thu, Jun 08 2017, 9:15 am
Do not go on an elimination diet!

Btw, take a look at new research on the correlation between eczema and food allergies. The understanding now is that eczema skin conditions contribute significantly to the development of food allergies (if someone is already predisposed). Yes, you read that right. Causal not correlational.

No time to locate more recent research but a quick google search brought this up:

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Post Thu, Jun 08 2017, 9:36 am
I'm really scratching my head at the "don't go on an elimination diet." OP has said that the child has allergies already. Not all allergies or in tolerances show up during testing. A TED is the easiest way to discover what foods may be harmful to the child. If nothing shows up, great, it's not a contributing factor.
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Post Thu, Jun 08 2017, 9:43 am
An individual already susceptible to allergies who chooses to remove a food entirely from their diet, increases the risk of developing a life-threatening allergy to the food over time. I'd take bad eczema over an anaphylactic food allergy any day. This is why dermatologists, pediatricians, and allergists are no longer recommending elimination diets as they used to. Yes, it may reduce the eczema, but at what cost?
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Post Thu, Jun 08 2017, 9:49 am
"I'm really scratching my head at the "don't go on an elimination diet." OP has said that the child has allergies already. Not all allergies or in tolerances show up during testing. A TED is the easiest way to discover what foods may be harmful to the child. If nothing shows up, great, it's not a contributing factor."

The reason you are not understanding this is because you have no working knowledge of the condition TSW, which the child has.

TSW was discovered by a UCLA professor and dermatologist. It is a condition in which the synthetic stress hormone cortisone breaks down skin cells causing atrophy, damages nerves, and confuses blood vessel functioning.

One of the other effects of TSW is a rising IgE level, with false postives revealed upon skin testing. Cortisone breaks down mast cells, releases IgE, and floods the body. Sensitive skin overly reacts to stimuli, an walla! Allergy declared. Almost every TSW patient has "allergies" that completely heal with cessation of steroids.

Clearer now?
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Post Thu, Jun 08 2017, 9:51 am
Do you do wet wrap therapy nightly?

Also, make sure she's not allergic to any moisturizers you use... she could even be allergic to the lanolin in aquaphor, for example.
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Post Thu, Jun 08 2017, 11:04 am
my dd showed up with eczema at 2- months of age. I elimintated all detergents with chemicals. used only dove white bar soap and no chemicals detergent. she cleared up within 2-3 weeks. every time I tried any shampoo or soap with chemicals it would all come back. now shes 3 yrs and is doing so much better. she has no eczema. eczema can be very tricky to figure out what the cause is. it can be food or envioronmental. but to say that eliminating the food makes it worse?! that I never heard of. I have not heard of a lot of things.

op refuah sheleima. it brings tears to my eyes the posts you write. I will daven for her and have her in mind. may she be healed quickly.
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Post Thu, Jun 08 2017, 11:24 am
The only moisturizer she can handle right now is pure coconut oil.
I'm not even washing her hair with shampoo- I use only baking soda.

I changed detergents, tried an elimination diet.... At this point it's very clear that it's tsw. Tsw has very specific cycles of flaking and then flaring itching red pain.

We'll just have to ride it out Sad
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Post Thu, Jun 08 2017, 11:39 am
amother wrote:
but to say that eliminating the food makes it worse?! that I never heard of. I have not heard of a lot of things.

Aside from the chances of true (mild) allergies worsening with less exposure, it is simply not fair to take away a child's food if the condition is clearly TSW.

True eczema, untouched by steroids. may respond to food changes. In that case, experimenting with food elimination may help. But with TSW, it doesn't help. It just adds another level of torture to the child's life.

I think OP is doing great. She knows what her child is going through and is educating herself in that specific condition. She realizes it is a different dragon from regular eczema.
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Post Wed, Feb 13 2019, 6:50 pm
Amother Lemon...

Are you still on here?

I've been thinking of you, hoping your daughter is at least somewhat better by now.
TSW takes a ridiculously long time. The amount of time needed to heal is so out of sync with the amount used!

I hope some of the burning redness has lifted?
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