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"You're offered a three-month total exemption from Torah...
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2017, 11:28 am
tichellady wrote:
Interesting that people equate not being commanded in Mitzot to leaving Gd.

If I'm not commanded then it's not a betrayal of Gd or a lack of relationship. Just like women are commanded in less mitzvot and I don't hear people say that's because they are less connected to Gd

I would definitely take a trip and not worry about kosher or shabbos or covering my hair. I normally love shabbos but when wanting to travel it would definitely be easier

Agree, tichel lady, as I noted above.
In this scenario, exemption is without consequences. I am with G-d, He gave me permission to not do the commandments.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2017, 12:05 pm
My list had a certain amount in common with SixofWands. I wonder whether many BT's, who may have experienced Hashem in some form of closeness BEFORE becoming shomer mitzvot, would see things differently from FFB's, for whom the two concepts might be irrevocably connected.

My "vacation" would not include changes to observance of Shabbos or YT, with regard to work, play, or travel.

But I'd go with my non frum mom to the restaurant(s) of her choice.

Sing in public, and in a mixed choir.

Be a ba'alat tefila again.

Dance in a mixed group, for the fun of exercise and movement, because there aren't always single gender groups.

Dress in less layers on hot days.

Eat a few foods.

Skip a few fast days.

Greet my friends on Tisha b'Av.

I'm curious where the author of the book took this
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2017, 12:17 pm
I'd skip washing and challah at all these Shabbat and YT meals!!! Just protein and veggies, like I usually eat, so I don't gain a pound a day throughout Tishrei!
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2017, 12:23 pm
I would shoot people who ask me hypothetical questions that have no possibility of becoming practical ones.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2017, 12:31 pm
I had the same reaction when I saw that ad! It made me think would I let it all go? and my gut feeling was like yeah. I would. I would love to stop covering my hair. I would love to wear pants.

But I am truly and completely blown away by how many posters cited their relationship with g-d as something that came up in their thoughts about this hypothetical question. I am in awe of your relationships with G-d. I wish I felt like that. I am so so I don't know.. touched.. proud.. amazed.. that's really special.

Then I remembered this thing I read over Rosh Hashana. Can't remember where but I think the author quoted the Bnei Yisaschar who said that the angels on Rosh Hashana tell hashem to look at all the bad and consider the punishments needed. And g-d says back I tell them to blow the shofar which is a chok and they do it without a reason. I will forgive them without a reason. So that made me feel a bit better. That sometimes I really don't know why I do some mitzvos and to be honest, if I didn't have to I probably wouldn't. But I do. So hopefully that counts as something.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2017, 12:33 pm
Imastov, Is that how much this bothers you?
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2017, 12:38 pm
Yes I would. I'm drifting away anyway so this would either quicken my departure from Orthodoxy or the complete opposite, make me realize I want to remain frum.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2017, 12:59 pm
I'm a BT and I wouldn't be interested in a 3-month break. But I understand the draw for those who haven't lived that life.

P.S. Chicken parmigiana is amazing. On second thought, maybe I'd eat that for 3 months straight.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2017, 1:16 pm
I wouldn't even have to think about it. Too set in my ways. Having lived a few decades and never had a ham and cheese, wouldnt know what to do with one if I met it. Though using an elevator on Shabbos, that would be tempting.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2017, 1:24 pm
I would definitely use the three months to take off from work and do road trip with my husband (maybe my kids too, gotta think about that...). Eat wherever we land, dress according to our comfort level. I'd let my hair loose and uncovered and wear boho style clothes without socks. I'd drink martinis at the swim-up bar in some southern hotel near the beach wearing a bikini, and then make out with dh in public.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2017, 1:25 pm
I heard a story (probably an urban legend, but still a cute story) about a kollel guy who found out his maternal grandmother hadn't actually been Jewish. So he spent a few days eating all sorts of treif foods and didn't keep Shabbos that week etc and then after those few days, ended the experiment and went straight to the beis din to start the process of properly converting.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2017, 1:28 pm
why 3 months? I think it would make it harder to keep everything again afterwards.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2017, 1:35 pm
The are just two things that I find really hard, and they are both rabbanons. Not touching during nidah and 3 day y"t (excluding r"h--or should I say, 3 sets of 3 day y"t!! I'm finding it very hard to get in the mood this year)

Pesach would be easier if we could have kitniyos, but that's also rabbanon.

I can't think of anything that's d'oraysa that feels especially burdensome or difficult.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2017, 1:39 pm
causemommysaid wrote:
I agree with all this but if I took 3 months I would have a hard time going back.

I'd rather just pick one or two things to "splurge" on.

I agree- I think I'd want to plan it as a three-month trip to countries I probably wouldn't visit again so it wouldn't feel as difficult picking things up again back home. Three months travel without needing to find a kosher restaurant, or worry about an eruv or mikva. Probably in between Shavuot and Elul, since I really would miss celebrating any of the (happy) holidays in Israel.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2017, 1:39 pm
zaq wrote:
I wouldn't even have to think about it. Too set in my ways. Having lived a few decades and never had a ham and cheese, wouldnt know what to do with one if I met it. Though using an elevator on Shabbos, that would be tempting.

Forget ham and cheese. I'll take you on a cheese steak tour of Philly.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2017, 1:44 pm
nicole81 wrote:
I'm a BT and I wouldn't be interested in a 3-month break. But I understand the draw for those who haven't lived that life.

P.S. Chicken parmigiana is amazing. On second thought, maybe I'd eat that for 3 months straight.

Would you mind explaining why not? It would be inspiring for me to hear.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2017, 1:49 pm
amother wrote:
I would definitely use the three months to take off from work and do road trip with my husband (maybe my kids too, gotta think about that...). Eat wherever we land, dress according to our comfort level. I'd let my hair loose and uncovered and wear boho style clothes without socks. I'd drink martinis at the swim-up bar in some southern hotel near the beach wearing a bikini, and then make out with dh in public.

The thing about wearing boho style definitely speaks to me. I love dressing in that style although I probably don't more because of pressures of conforming to how 'everyone' looks more then tznius. Because there's plenty such styles that can be tznius.

So while we are in fairy tale land...imagine a world where everyone accepts and respects each other and doesn't create divides based on minor insignificant differences.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2017, 1:51 pm
Id try some non kosher restaurants. Maybe kfc subway McDonalds...etc and not keep everything about niddah but nothing major. Lol truth is if I liked them after 3 months I wouldnt go back so I dont think I would accept the 3 months to begin with.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2017, 1:56 pm
InnerMe wrote:
The thing about wearing boho style definitely speaks to me. I love dressing in that style although I probably don't more because of pressures of conforming to how 'everyone' looks more then tznius. Because there's plenty such styles that can be tznius.

So while we are in fairy tale land...imagine a world where everyone accepts and respects each other and doesn't create divides based on minor insignificant differences.

I was thinking that while I typed it, and I agree with you that it's also about social pressures of conforming, but y'know what, I dont wanna wear a shell under an off-the-shoulder dress. And I want to wear short skirts or jeans or really anything that's comfortably chic.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2017, 2:02 pm
jewwoman wrote:
Id try some non kosher restaurants. Maybe kfc subway McDonalds...etc and not keep everything about niddah but nothing major. Lol truth is if I liked them after 3 months I wouldnt go back so I dont think I would accept the 3 months to begin with.

Oh, please, don't waste your free pass on junk that no o e should eat at all. At least go to the fancy places where for the price of a kosher burger you can get steak.
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