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What have you eaten with your bedroom door locked lately?
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Post Mon, Dec 04 2017, 4:10 am
Iymnok wrote:
I tried to tell Dh that this is normal. Doesn't every mom have a chocolate stash in her bedroom?
Does your DH know about it? As of about a month ago DH knows it happens, but not frequency and quantities.

Seriously, my husband is worse than I am.
EDIT: I don't think we have ever actually locked the door to nosh in our room, but we certainly eat things we don't want to share or we don't want the kids to know we have in the house (...) in our room with the door closed.
And I do hide chocolate in our room.

Last edited by chanchy123 on Mon, Dec 04 2017, 4:24 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Mon, Dec 04 2017, 4:17 am
Hide ice cream in brocolli bags in the freezer, works like a charm...as long as your family doesn't LOVE brocolli like mine.
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Post Mon, Dec 04 2017, 6:00 am
Lol. I once found a huge packet of jellies in DH closet under a pair of pants. We still laugh about it. We don't have kids yet. Very Happy
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Post Mon, Dec 04 2017, 6:26 am
Dairy chocolate covered vanilla ice cream pop
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Post Mon, Dec 04 2017, 6:27 am
You ladies are so funny. What happens if you tell your kids they can't eat something? Do they just disobey you? Do you think they figured out what you are doing?
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Post Mon, Dec 04 2017, 6:51 am
ohnuts! wrote:
A custard donut Very Happy

You are very early!! Zrizin makdimin, eh? Smile

Maybe I should rather get one this week while it's still fresh....
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Post Mon, Dec 04 2017, 6:58 am
eschaya wrote:
Rice Krispy treats.

Which brand still makes those?
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Post Mon, Dec 04 2017, 7:01 am
Iymnok wrote:
I tried to tell Dh that this is normal. Doesn't every mom have a chocolate stash in her bedroom?
Does your DH know about it? As of about a month ago DH knows it happens, but not frequency and quantities.

Not every mom has a stash. Only the ones that know how to hide it well enough. You chose to disclose to dh? Your stash is on shaky grounds now. Sorry. Smile Smile
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Post Mon, Dec 04 2017, 7:40 am
Nothing. No food is allowed upstairs in the bedrooms. I do drink water in my room.
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Post Mon, Dec 04 2017, 7:52 am
A Snapple. Last night.
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Post Mon, Dec 04 2017, 8:21 am
Nothing? At least nothing on purpose. I don't feel the need to share what I eatand kids can understand that this is X's bottle, Y's baby food, mom's snack.
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Post Mon, Dec 04 2017, 8:32 am
[quote="amother"]Which brand still makes those?[/quote

I make them!
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Post Mon, Dec 04 2017, 8:37 am
amother wrote:
Which brand still makes those?[/quote

I make them!

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Post Mon, Dec 04 2017, 8:42 am
Squishy wrote:
You ladies are so funny. What happens if you tell your kids they can't eat something? Do they just disobey you? Do you think they figured out what you are doing?

For me it's a matter of not wanting to share that particular treat at that particular time. Guilt-free.
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Post Mon, Dec 04 2017, 8:51 am
Iymnok wrote:
I tried to tell Dh that this is normal. Doesn't every mom have a chocolate stash in her bedroom?
Does your DH know about it? As of about a month ago DH knows it happens, but not frequency and quantities.

Absolutely normal!
I had a giant chocolate stash in my room, until I started to look giant. Then I sent it all to work with DH.
I have a fridge in my room, sometimes I buy ice cream and leave it in there.
Although I’ve been on a diet since sukkos (on and off) so this business has stopped Crying
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Post Mon, Dec 04 2017, 9:05 am
Eating in the bedroom? Ew. Unsanitary.
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Post Mon, Dec 04 2017, 9:07 am
Squishy wrote:
You ladies are so funny. What happens if you tell your kids they can't eat something? Do they just disobey you? Do you think they figured out what you are doing?

I hide the treats (chocolate, salt water taffy, and once a Snapple) from my son so he never sees them in the first place.
I just want to have something without having to share!
Of course I give him his own age appropriate treats occasionally. But sometimes I want something all to myself. (Sorry, dh!)
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Post Mon, Dec 04 2017, 9:31 am
whoever doesnt subscribe to this is defo missing out. it's fun to have a stash u can turn to in times of need. and more fun to eat it tucked up in bed with the door firmly closed!
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Post Mon, Dec 04 2017, 10:19 am
my morning coffee with a granola bar - From my first bus until my last bus is an hour and 45 minutes. That means, unless I'm willing to share my breakfast, I need to starve for a good 2.5 hours from when I wake up.

A few days ago, I also had a custard donut and saved the other one in my bedroom for DH for when he came home later.

I've also sometimes eaten supper in my room simply because I don't want to get up for anything for the few minutes of eating. If I'm there, the kids will pester. Even if I tell them, I'm in middle of eating, please wait till I finish, it gets super annoying to keep on doing that. So I tell them, I'm going into my room to eat supper; I will come out when I'm done. Please only knock on my door if there's a robber or a fire. And because they don't see me, they don't badger as much.
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Post Mon, Dec 04 2017, 11:02 am
pause wrote:

I've also sometimes eaten supper in my room simply because I don't want to get up for anything for the few minutes of eating. If I'm there, the kids will pester. Even if I tell them, I'm in middle of eating, please wait till I finish, it gets super annoying to keep on doing that. So I tell them, I'm going into my room to eat supper; I will come out when I'm done. Please only knock on my door if there's a robber or a fire. And because they don't see me, they don't badger as much.

This is a short-term solution. If the kids never see you sitting and eating, they won't learn to respect your mealtime. Also, you're demonstrating that it's ok to eat on the run, away from the table. That's probably not how they should think of meals.

Are you and dh eating with them? That's the best way for them to learn adult manners. If it's not possible, and for some years it wasn't, when the kids were young and dh worked late, try reading to them as they eat. Everyone at the table is focused on the same thing, and you aren't getting up, because you are busy reading.
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